VNS L1 Flashcards
Tell me one of the main function of the body ?
Is the mentanance of homeosatsis
What is the regulation mean ?
Is the changeing the course of any function or process with purpose if achieving a particular result
Example of regultory reaction ?
Functioning of certain selected cells , human social behavior
Classifaction ( or the general charitrasic ) of ogranism regulatory mechanisms
- nervous
Levels : - central = by central neveous system
-Phriphral = by metasympathtic nervous system - humoral
General : hormonal
Preiphral : paracrine
What is the humoral regulation ? And example
Its implemnted though releasing regltory substance into body fluid
Ex- blood
What is the nervous ( or reflix ) reglatory
It is implemented through the nervous system , using redlixes
What is the general humral regulation ?
Its carried out by Endocrine glands = like hypothalmus , the thyroid gland , sexual gland , though releasing hormons into blood , which are spread by ut thoughout have general effect and also can called ( endocrine regulation )
What is the phriephral humoral regulation
Its carried out by APUD-System ,
APUD-system - its group of sepratly deffusely located secretory cells , which are persent in larg numbers in practically all organs , and they are secret their secretes into inter cellular fulid of the given organ, and therefore can affect only the activtes of this organ , and thats method of regulation called paracrine regulation
What is the hormons
Hormons is a substance secreted by glands if internal secetion into the blood stream , and its regulate the actevites of various ograns ans systems of whole body
What is the central nervous regulation ?
Its level which is able to modfiy the activtiy of all organs and body system is implmented by CNS
What is the local level of nervous regulation ?
Its linked into the implemntaion of prephral reflexes and functioning of peripheal nervous system , local reflexis carreid out by Metsympathic nervous system
What is the classfication of CNS anatomaclly
Spinal cord , brain , mudulla oblongata mid brain
What us the parts of the CNS function physiologcally ?
- Somatic nervous system (SoNS)- main
- vegtative nervous system (VNS) Mian
- meta sympathatic nervous system (MNS) saidly
What is the Somatic system ?
Its system which regulate the actevity of Skelatel Muscles, and its volnteerly
What is the Vegtative nervous system ?
Its system regulate the internal organs of the body
- Inclouding 2 parts
1- Sympataic nervous system
2- parasympathtic nervous system