VIVA: Physiology - The Heart Flashcards
Describe the conducting system of the heart
SA node is located at the junction of the SVC and RA
AV node is in the right posterior interatrial septum
Three bundles of atrial fibres connect the SA node to the AV node
AV node is continuous with the bundle of His, which gives off a left bundle branch at the top of the interventricular septum and continues as the right bundle branch
Left bundle branch divides into an anterior fascicle and a posterior fascicle
Branches and fascicles run subendocardially down either side of the septum and come into contact with the Purkinje system
Purkinje fibres spread to all parts of the ventricular myocardium (left side of interventricular septum first, then down septum to apex, up atrioventricular grooves, with spread from endocardial to epicardial surfaces)
Last parts to be depolarised are posterobasal portion of LV, pulmonary conus, and uppermost septum
*SA, SV, RBB and LBB to be at standard
Describe the phases of the cardiac cycle that produce the waves and segments in a normal ECG
3 to be standard:
- p wave: atrial depolarisation
- PR segment: AV conduction
- QRS: ventricular depolarisation
- ST segment: plateau portion of ventricular depolarisation
- QT: ventricular action potential
- T wave: ventricular repolarisation
- Note atrial repolarisation buried in QRS complex
How do membrane changes in infarcted myocytes cause ST segment elevation?
1 to pass:
- Abnormally rapid repolarisation due to accelerated opening of K+ channels (seconds to few minutes)
- Decreased resting membrane potential due to loss of intracellular K+
- Slow depolarisation of the affected cells compared to surrounding normal cells
Please draw or describe the Frank Starling law as it relates to cardiac muscle
Frank Starling law states that the energy of contraction is proportional to initial length of cardiac muscle fibre
EDV acts as a surrogate measure of degree of cardiac muscle stretch
Curve of SV against ventricular EDV
What factors influence the Frank Starling curve?
Positive, shifting curve up and to the left:
- Circulating catecholamines
- Inotropes (e.g. caffeine, theophylline, digoxin)
- Sympathetic input
Negative, shifting curve down and to right:
- Acidosis
- Hypercarbia
- Hypoxia
- Vagal/parasympathetic stimulation
- Pharmacological depressants (e.g. quinidine, procainamide, barbiturates)
- Intrinsic depression (with heart failure)
NB The causes of this depression are not fully understood but may reflect down-regulation of B-adrenergic receptors and associated signalling pathways and impaired calcium liberation from the sarcoplasmic reticulum)
*need two positive and two negative factors with correct influence to pass
What two factors determine cardiac output?
CO = HR x SV*
SV is related to preload and afterload of the heart and the intrinsic contractility of the myocardial cells
HR is determined by sympathetic vs parasympathetic stimulation
*needed to pass
Draw and describe the action potential of a cardiac pacemaker cell
- Prepotential initially due to decreased K+ efflux* and increased Na+ influx via “funny channels” (open in response to hyperpolarisation), then completed by Ca2+ influx through Ca2+ T channels
- Action potential occurs due to influx of Ca2+ via Ca2+ L channels
- Repolarisation is due to K+ efflux (there is no plateau)
Please draw and describe a normal ECG complex
p wave: atrial depolarisation
PR interval: AV conduction delay (120-200ms)
QRS: ventricular depolarisation (70-100ms)
ST segment: plateau portion of ventricular depolarisation (~320ms)
QT: duration of ventricular action potential (QTc >440ms in men, >460ms in women, should not be <350ms)
T wave: ventricular repolarisation
What are the common mechanisms that cause abnormalities of cardiac conduction?
4 to pass:
- Abnormal pacemakers (e.g. ectopic beats, atrial/ventricular fibrillation)
- Re-entry circuits (e.g. tachyarrhythmias)
- Accessory pathways (e.g. WPW)
- Conduction deficits (e.g. heart block, bundle branch blocks)
- Prolonged repolarisation (e.g. long QTc)
- Electrolyte disturbance (e.g. hypo/hyperK)
What is the effect of sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulation on the pre-potential?
- Noradrenaline binds to B1 receptors and increases cAMP -> opening of L-type channels and Ca2+ influx
- Results in increased slope of prepotential* and increased firing rate
- Acetylcholine binds to M2 receptors and decreases cAMP -> slowing of Ca2+ channel opening and opening of special K+ channels (to counter the decay of K+ efflux)
- Results in greater fall in prepotential, decreased slope of prepotential* and decreased firing rate
*needed to pass
By what mechanisms can tachyarrhythmias be generated?
- Increased automaticity* (e.g. AT, VT)
- Accessory pathways (e.g. WPW)
- Re-entry loops (e.g. VT)
- Early afterdepolarisation (e.g. TdP)
- Delayed afterdepolarisation (e.g. digoxin toxicity)
*needed to pass + one other
What conditions may predispose to increased automaticity?
1 to pass:
- Previous repair of congenital heart disease (scar tissue)
- Structural heart disease
- Channelopathies (congenital or acquired)
- Electrolyte imbalances (K+, Mg2+, Ca2+)
- Sympathomimetic agents
- Infiltrative cardiac diseases
The patient is hypotensive and this ECG is performed. What rhythm does it show?
Broad complex regular tachycardia consistent with VT
Rate approx 180bpm
What are the abnormalities on the ECG? What is the likely diagnosis?
Widespread peaked T waves*
Mild tachycardia
Some inverted T waves
ST elevation
Suggestive of hyperkalaemia*
What are the ECG changes in hyperkalaemia?
3/6 to pass:
- Peaked T waves (repolarisation abnormality)
- QRS widening / bizarre QRS (conduction abnormality)
- P wave flattening and loss of P waves (progressive atrial paralysis)
- Sinusoidal ECG
- Ventricular arrhythmias
- Asystole