VIVA: Physiology - Circulation and circulating body fluids Flashcards
What is autoregulation of tissue blood flow?
Capacity of tissues to regulate their own blood flow, which remains relatively constant* despite moderate changes in perfusion pressure*
This is achieved by altering vascular resistance*
*needed to pass
What are the proposed mechanisms involved in autoregulation?
3 to pass with explanation:
1. Myogenic:
- Intrinsic contractile response of smooth muscle to stretch
- As pressure increases, vascular smooth muscle surrounding the vessels contracts to maintain wall tension (La Place law, T = P x r)
2. Metabolic:
- Production of vasodilator metabolites by active tissues -> vessel vasodilation -> increased flow
3. Endothelial products:
- Vasoconstrictors (e.g. endothelin, TxA2)
- Vasodilators (e.g. nitric oxide, prostacyclin)
4. Circulating neurohumoral substances:
- Vasoconstrictors (e.g. adrenaline, noradrenaline, vasopressin, AT II)
- Vasodilators (e.g. kinins, VIP, ANP)
5. Neural:
- Sympathetic (vasoconstriction with a-adrenergic response, vasodilation with B-adrenergic response)
- Parasympathetic (vasodilation with muscarinic response)
What are some local factors that lead to vasodilation?
4 to pass:
- Hypoxia
- Hypercarbia
- Hyperkalaemia
- Acidosis
- Increased lactate
- Increased local temperature
- Adenosine
- Prostaglandins
- Histamine
What are baroreceptors and where are they located?
Stretch receptors
Located in the carotid sinus and aortic arch, within the vascular adventitia
Also present in both atria, at the entrance of the SVC and IVC, and within the pulmonary circulation
Describe the mechanism of action of baroreceptors
- Sensitive to changes in pulse pressure, with maximal firing at 150mmHg at the carotid sinus
- Stimulated by distension of structures in which they are located (neuronal discharge increases when pressure in this structures rise)*
- Increase in baroreceptor discharge inhibits discharge of sympathetic nerves and excites the vagal (parasympathetic) innervation of the heart*
- Results in vasodilation, venodilation, fall in BP, bradycardia and decreased CO
- Allows rapid adjustments in BP in response to abrupt changes in posture, blood volume, CO or peripheral resistance
*needed to pass
Describe the response of baroreceptors in a hypotensive child
The arterial baroreceptors are less stimulated as they are less stretched
Reduced baroreceptor discharge travels via glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves to the medulla
Leads to increase in sympathetic discharge, increased HR, vasoconstriction, and reduced vagal drive
What factors affect cerebral blood flow?
- MAP*
- MVP at brain level*
- ICP*
- Local factors: pH, pCO2 (affects constriction and dilation of cerebral arterioles)
- Blood viscosity
*2/3 to pass
What is meant by the term autoregulation of cerebral blood flow?
The process by which cerebral blood flow is maintained at a constant level of ~750ml/min despite variations in arterial pressure (MAP 65-140mmHg)
What is the Monro-Kellie doctrine?
Volume of blood, CSF and brain tissue must be relatively constant:
- When ICP rises, cerebral vessels are compressed resulting in reduced CBF
- Rise in venous pressure also causes decreased CBF by decreasing effective perfusion pressure and compressing cerebral vessels
A patient with a head injury is bradycardic and hypertensive. Describe the mechanism responsible
Cushing reflex:
- Increased ICP compromises blood flow to the medulla *, resulting in increased sympathetic outflow * from vasomotor centre
- BP increased in attempt to restore medullary flow
- Baroreceptors stretch * due to increased BP, resulting in vagal stimulation and thus reflex bradycardia
*needed to pass
How is brain perfusion maintained in brain injury?
Aim is to maintain CPP
With high ICP, needed to increase MAP to maintain CPP (CPP = MAP - ICP)
Raised MAP results in systemic hypertension, producing reflex bradycardia via baroreceptor reflex and vagal stimulation
What proportion of the total body oxygen does the brain consume?
20% (despite brain weight being only 2% of body weight)
What energy substrates can be used by the brain?
In prolonged starvation amino acids
*needed to pass
What are the physiological responses to losing 1L of blood in adult?
- Decreased venous return -> reduced baroreceptor stimulation* -> catecholamine release, decreased vagal tone -> tachycardia and vasoconstriction
- Renal hypoperfusion -> activation of renin angiotensin system* -> fluid shifts (isovolaemic anaemia)
- Longer term renal compensation via aldosterone -> increased Na+ and H2O retention
3-4 days:
- Hepatic synthesis of proteins
> 10 days:
- Increased erythropoiesis by increased EPO release
What is the coronary blood flow at rest?
250ml/min or 5% of cardiac output
Describe coronary artery blood flow during the cardiac cycle
- In L coronary there is greater flow in diastole compared with systole, due to higher pressures required in the LV to overcome aortic pressure during systole
- LV subendocardium is most vulnerable to reduced coronary artery blood flow as it only gets diastolic flow
- R coronary flow is continuous throughout systole and diastole due to lower RV pressures
What chemical factors may cause coronary vasodilation?
- Hypoxaemia*
- Hypercarbia*
- Hyperkalaemia
- H+*
- Lactate*
- Adenosine
- Adenine nucleotides
- Prostaglandins
*2/4 to pass
What receptors govern coronary blood flow?
Coronary arterioles have:
- Alpha receptors: vasoconstriction
- Beta receptors: vasodilation
- Cholinergic receptors: vasodilation
- Noradrenaline constricts coronary arteries (although noradrenergic nerves caused increased HR and contractility, producing metabolites which act as vasodilators; this is the effect that maintains coronary flow during hypotension)
What percentage of cardiac output goes to the kidneys?
~25% of CO in adult
How is renal blood flow regulated?
- Substances/chemicals*:
- Noradrenaline: renal vessel constriction, stimulates renal nerves to increase renin secretion
- Dopamine: renal vasodilation
- AT II: arteriolar constrictor
- Prostaglandin: increased cortical flow, decreased medullary flow
- ACh: renal vasodilation
- High protein: increased blood flow - Renal nerves:
- Stimulation increases renin secretion, juxtaglomerular sensitivity, Na+ reabsorption, renal vasoconstriction
- Strong stimulation of sympathetic nerves (noradrenaline) decreases flow
- Decreased BP causes vasoconstriction - Autoregulation:
- Renal vascular resistance varies with pressure to keep renal blood flow relatively constant
- Present in denervated kidney, but not if drugs that paralyse vascular smooth muscle present
- Factors: direct contractile response of vascular smooth muscle, nitric oxide, AT II
*3/6 substances/chemicals + nerve or autoregulation with example
How can renal blood flow be measured?
1 needed to pass:
1. Fick principle:
- Amount of substance taken up / unit time
2. PAH clearance:
- Used to measure renal plasma flow (completely removed from renal blood in single pass)
3. Renal blood flow:
- Using plasma flow and Hct
Describe the differences in regional blood flow within the kidney
A-V O2 difference for kidney = 14ml
Cortical blood flow = 5ml/g/min (little O2 consumption)
Medulla blood flow lower (outer = 2.5ml/g/min, inner = 0.6ml/g/min) but maintains osmotic gradient
Describe the receptors that response to a fall in blood pressure
- Baroreceptors*:
- In carotid sinus, aortic arch, atria
- Reduced stretch -> increased sympathetic stimulation -> tachycardia and generalised vasoconstriction (with sparing of brain and heart)
- With increased shock, paradoxical bradycardia can occur with unmasking of the vagal depressor reflex, then tachycardia again with further shock - Chemoreceptors*:
- In carotid and aortic bodies
- Stimulated by reduced blood flow and acidosis
- Stimulates vasomotor areas in medulla with increase in vasoconstriction
*needed to pass + concepts
Describe the non-cardiovascular compensatory responses to shock
- Efferent arterioles more constricted than afferent
- Renal plasma flow decreased more than GFR (filtration fraction increases)
Na+ retention:
- Retained nitrogenous products of metabolism (uraemia)
- Plasma renin causing AT II release -> maintains BP and causes stimulation in thirst centre in brain
- Retains Na+ and H2O
- Stimulated by circulating AT II and ACTH
- Helps retain Na+ and H2O
Adrenal stimulation:
- Secretion of catecholamines
Increased circulation of NA:
- Increased discharge of sympathetic NA nerves
*needed to pass + 2 others
What is hypovolaemic shock?
Systemic hypoperfusion due to reduced effective circulating blood volume, resulting in impaired tissue perfusion and cellular hypoxia
Describe the mechanisms of venous return to the heart
- Thoracic pump*:
- Inspiration resulting in negative pressure in the thorax and positive pressure in the abdomen
- Blood flow towards the heart because of venous valves - Effect of heart beat:
- During systole, AV valves are pulled downward -> increases the capacity of the atria - Muscle pump:
- Contraction of muscles around veins in the limbs during activity - Differential resistance:
- Resistance of large veins near the heart is less than peripheral veins
*needed to pass + one other
What factors might affect CVP in a patient in intensive care?
Decrease CVP*:
- Fluid loss (e.g. third spacing)
- Blood loss
- Loss of arterial tone
- Loss of muscle pump (e.g. when ventilated)
- Myocardial depression (e.g. acidosis)
- Poor ventricular filling (e.g. tachycardia)
Increase CVP*:
- Excessive fluid replacement
- Other pre-existing conditions (e.g. CCF)
- Positive pressure ventilation
- Increased thoracic pressures
- Vasopressor use
- one example from each needed to pass
What is the value of mean CVP in normal individuals?
4.6-5.8mmHg or 6-8 cm H2O
Describe the factors controlling blood flow through skeletal muscle during exercise
- Increased flow is mainly due to local regulation * (due to chemical effects on muscle arterioles leading to vasodilation)
- Response to reduction in oxygen in muscle tissue * (hypoxia results in release of vasodilators e.g. adenosine)
- Other controlling factors include sympathetic vasoconstrictor nerves and circulating adrenaline
*needed to pass
What circulatory changes occur in the body during exercise and why?
- Increased blood flow through skeletal muscle, mostly due to local production of vasodilatory substances (e.g. adenosine)
- Increased CO, HR and contractility due to increased sympathetic discharge
- Contraction of peripheral arterioles not in skeletal muscle due to increased sympathetic discharge (coronary and cerebral systems spared)
- Contraction of capacitance vessels (e.g. veins) due to increased sympathetic discharge resulting in increased venous return, filling pressure *, CO
*needed to pass
What factors can decrease coronary artery blood flow?
- Physiologic:
- Tachycardia * (due to shorter diastole; L coronary flow is affected in particular) - Pathologic:
- AS (increased LV pressures required to overcome stenosis and decreased flow)
- Vasospasm
- Coronary artery disease
- Heart failure
- Increased venous pressure
- Reduced coronary perfusion pressure
*needed to pass + 2 pathologic factors
What are the basic factors which determine the rate of flow of blood through a blood vessel?
Poiseulle’s Law and formula describe these factors:
- Proportional to pressure differential and radius to the 4th power *
- Inversely proportional to length of tube and viscosity of fluid
- Flow = (Pa - Pb) x (πr^4/8nL)
*needed to pass + 2 other factors
What factors cause turbulent flow in a blood vessel?
Expressed by Reynold’s number, where the higher the number the greater the probability of turbulence (usually occurs with a Reynold’s number of 2000-3000):
- Proportional to fluid density, diameter of tube and velocity of flow
- Inversely proportional to viscosity of fluid
- Re = pDV/n *
*3/4 factors to pass