Vitamins Flashcards
What are the consequences of vitamin D toxicity?
- bone resorption ▶️ contribute to osteoporosis
- ⬆️ intestinal absorption of calcium ▶️ hypercalcemia ▶️ impair renal function (early signs - polydipsia, polyuria, nocturia)
- prolongued hypercalcemia ▶️ irreversible kidney damage
Which vitamin deficiencies causes anemia? One of them is consequence of a specific type of anemia, what is it?
Folic acid, B12 ▶️ megaloblastic B6 ▶️ Sideroblastic. C ▶️ microcytic anemia. E ▶️ hemolytic anemia *Pernicious anemia - intrinsic factor deficiency lead in Vit B12 deficiency
Most common causes of vitamin A deficiency
- Low vitamin A intake in several months (development countries)
- Fat malabsorption or liver cirrhosis (USA)
Symptoms and signs of vitamin A deficiency
Night blindness, Metaplasia of the corneal epithelium, Xerophthalmia, Bronchitis, pneumonia, Follicular hyperkeratosis
“Bat breathing, grow much in your eyes and xkin follicles”
What symptoms can give rise vitamin A toxicity?
Excessive sweating, brittle nails, diarrhea, nausea, irritability, headache.
How do you distinguish vitamin k vs c deficiency?
- PT, Bleeding time, clinical presentation, causes
- Vit K ▶️ ⬆️; normal; hemorrhagic; fat malabsorption, AB, newborn, son-phenytoin mom
- Vit C ▶️ normal; ⬆️; skeletal deformity, anemia, etc; low fruits and vegetables diet
Mechanism used by Vitamin D to respond to hypocalcemia
Activated by 1 alfa hydroxilase: 1,25 DHCC
- ⬆️ calcium-binding proteins ▶️ ⤴️ calcium uptake from GI tract
- ⬆️ calcium reabsorption in kidney
- Release calcium from bone (PTH present)
What is the target of warfarin? Ultimately what does it avoid?
- vitamin K epoxide (reconversion of Vit K)
- no Vit K ▶️ no coagulation factors carboxylation
What is the target of warfarin? Ultimately what does it avoid?
- vitamin K epoxide (reconversion of Vit K)
- no Vit K ▶️ no coagulation factors carboxylation