Vitamins Flashcards
Fat soluble vs water soluble vitamins
Fat soluble: A, D, E, K
Water soluble: C, B family
What vitamins are typically supplemented to ruminants?
Vitamins A, D, and E
Under what conditions would mature ruminants need to be supplemented with water soluble vitamins?
- Deficiencies because normal function of rumen inhibited
- High producing dairy cows
What factors influence vitamin stability?
- Heat
- Oxygen
- Light
- Humidity
- pH
Absorption, transport, and storage of fat soluble vitamins
- vitamins aggregate into lipid globules in lumen
- dispersed by bile acids
- incorporated into micelles
- absorbed into intestinal mucosal cells
- transported in blood
- stored in liver
What vitamin is central to the problem of moldy sweet clover hay? What compound decreases its availability?
moldy sweet clover produces dicoumarol which is anti-vitamin K
Function of Vitamin A
- required for night vision
- maintain healthy immune system
- regulate gene transcription
Precursor of Vitamin A
beta carotene in plants
Vitamin A deficiency
- night blindness
- reduced feed intake
- rough hair coat
- abortion
Describe how vitamin D is derived from sunlight?
UV rays convert 7-dehydrocholesterol into cholecalciferol in the skin. Goes to the liver and then the kidney to make the active form.
What are the 3 forms of vitamin D? Which one is the active form?
1,25 - dihydroxyvitamin D-3
Vitamin D function
- Absorb, mobilize from bone, and regulate blood Ca and P
- Immune cell function
- Reproduction
Vitamin D deficiency
- rickets in calves
- osteomalacia in mature animals
- weak bones
Vitamin D toxicity
- calcification of soft tissues
- loss of appetite
- weight loss
Vitamin E precursor
alpha tocopherol
Vitamin E function
- antioxidant
- affect uptake and storage of vitamin A
- reproduction
Vitamin E deficiency
- deterioration of striated muscle (white muscle disease)
- retained placenta
- reduced reproduction
Vitamin K deficiency
decreased clotting of blood
When would thiamin need to be supplemented?
Clostridia bacteria break down thiamin (thiaminase)
Thiamin deficiency
polioencephalomalacia (CNS disorder)