Vitamin Deficiencies Flashcards
Vitamin A
Disease resulting from deficiencyNightblindness (aka nyctalopia)
Vitamin B1
Disease reulting from deficiencyBeriberi and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
Vitamin B3
Disease reulting from deficiencyPellagra
Vitamin C
Disease reulting from deficiencyScurvy
Vitamin D
Disease reulting from deficiencyRickets
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Pellagra is caused by a deficiency of vitamin B3 (niacin).
Because of the large range of organs and tissues impacted by niacin deficiency, the clinical expression of pellagra is diverse. Pellagra is classically defined by ‘the three Ds’:-
The encephalopathy resulting from niacin deficiency classically causes dementia but is also known to cause depression, mania, and psychosis (so called pellagra psychosis).
Alcoholics are particularly predisposed to niacin deficiency and hence pellagra but this is much less common than the Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (thiamine aka vitamin B1 deficiency).