Electroencephalography Flashcards
Delta wave
Normally foundFrontally in adults and posteriorly in children
Normally seen inSlow wave sleep and in babies. Should not be present when awake, when present if awake this strongly suggests pathology
Theta wave
Normally foundGeneralised
Normally seen inYoung children, drowsy and sleeping adults, with certain medications, meditation. Small amount seen in awake adults, excessive amount when awake may indicate pathology
Alpha wave
Normally foundPosteriorly
Normally seen inWhen relaxed and when the eyes are closed (whilst awake)
Beta wave
Normally foundFrontally
Normally seen inWhen busy or concentrating
Sigma wave
Normally foundFrontal and central regions
Normally seen in(aka sleep spindles) Bursts of oscillatory activity that occur in stage 2 sleep. Along with k-complexes they are the defining characteristic of stage 2 sleep
Gamma wave
Normally foundNo specific areas
Normally seen inMedi