vitals/ hemodynamics Flashcards
94.1 F
34.5 C
95 F
35 C
95.9 F
96.8 F
36 C
97.7 F
36.5 C
98.6 F
37 C
99.5 F
37.5 C
100.4 F
38 C
101.3 F
38.5 C
102.2 F
39 C
103.1 F
39.5 C
104 F
40 C
104.9 F
40.5 C
105.8 F
41 C
Celsius to Fahrenheit formula
{(9/5) x C } + 32 = F
Fahrenheit to Celsius formula
(5/9) x (F - 32) = C
MAP formula
(SBP + 2 DBP) / 3
normal map
70-100 mmHg
CO normal
4-8 L/ min
CI normal
2.5- 4 L/min
CVP normal
2-6 mmHg
PCWP normal
8-12 mmHg
PVR normal
50-350 dynes/cm/sec -5
SVR normal
700-1400 dynes/cm/sec -5
EF normal
PAP normal
15-20/ 5-15
map; 15 mmhg
shock index formula
heart rate / SBP
SI index indication
SI > 1 = increased morbidity and mortality / massive transfusion protocol
BMI 23-25
BMI formula
Kg/ ht in m2
BMI 25-28/ > 25
Overweight; onset of wt related disease
BMI >/= 30
BMI 35-40
Morbidly obese
BMI > 55
super morbidly obese
IBW men formula
ht in cm - 100
IBW women formula
ht in cm - 105
Normal stroke volume
Normal EDV
120 ml/beat
Normal ESV
50 ml/beat