Vital Signs (Quiz 2) Flashcards
calculation based on height and weight
normal: 18.5-24.9
(weight x 700)/height/height
A patient presents with a 6 day history of rapid weight gain. The most likely explanation is:
Accumulation of body fluids
What are main vital signs
heart rate and rhythm
respiratory rate and rhythm
blood pressure
Heart Rates @ Rest Children over 10 and adults
50-90 beats per minute (bates)
60-100 beats per minute (AHA)
Heart rate < 60
Heart rate > 100
Respiratory Rate
Observe rhythm - regular vs. irregular
Observe depth - shallow vs. gasping
Observe effort - normal vs. labored
Blood Pressure
Patient should be seated with feet on the floor
palpate the brachial artery
brachial artery at heart level
what sounds are you listening for with a stethoscope
when pressure over the artery is reduced below systolic arterial pressure
point at which you hear the first two consecutive beats is the systolic pressure
disappearance point is the diastolic pressure
Auscultatory Gap
silent interval that may be present between the systolic and diastolic blood pressures
sounds disappears for a while then reappears
Orthostatic Blood Pressure
measure blood pressure and heart rate with patient supine; wait 3 min, then have the patient stand up; now repeat
Normal: Systolic BP drops slightly or remains unchanged; diastolic BP rises slightly
Orthostasis: Systolic drops >20 or diastolic drops >10