Radiology Classification (Quiz 1) Flashcards
a disruption in all or part of the cortex of a bone
bony components of a joint no longer are in contact with each other
bony components of a joint are partially in contact with each other
Greenstick fracture
fracture through one cortex
Torus Fracture
buckling of the cortex
How are fractures described
by the direction of the fracture line
by the relationship of the fragments
by the number of fragments
by the communication with the atmosphere
Direction of Fracture
diagonal or oblique
Transverse Fracture
perpendicular to the long axis of the bone
caused by perpendicular force
Diagonal or Oblique
caused by a force usually applied in the same direction as the long axis of the bone
twisting fracture caused by a torque injury such as planting the foot in a hole while running
Simple fracture
two fragments
More than two fragments
Salter Harris Fracture
fractures that involve the epiphyseal plate alone or in combination with an adjacent part of the bone
Type I salter Harris
epiphyseal plate alone
often difficult to detect
Type II Salter Harris
epiphyseal plate and metaphysis
most common
“corner-sign” small metaphyseal fragment
Type III salter harris
epiphyseal plate and epiphysis
Type IV Salter Harris
epiphyseal plate, metaphysis, and epiphysis
poorer prognosis
premature closure of epiphysis
Type V Salter Harris
crush fracture of epiphyseal plate
Colle’s Fracture
fracture of the distal radius with dorsal angulation
Smiths fracture
fracture of the distal radius with palmar angulation
fall on a flexed hand
Jones Fracture
fx base 5th metatarsal
easily missed
Boxer’s Fracture
fx head 5th metacarpal with palmar angulation
most often the result of punching a person or wall
Thoracic Compression Fracture
due to axial loading
Rib Fracture
occasionally present in association with fractures of the thoracic spine
most in adolescent athletes and at the L5 vertebrae
defect results in formation of collar around scotty dog model
anterior slippage of the vertebral column relative to an adjacent inferior vertebra
L4-5 or L5-S1 level
Hangmans fracture
traumatic spondylolithesis of C2
Jefferson fracture
burst fracture of the ring of C1 with lateral displacement of both articular masses
Flexion tear drop fracture
result of combination of flexion and compression which is usually result of MVA
larger posterior part of the vertebral body is displaced backward into the spinal canal
Jumpers fracture
jumping out a window
both anterior and middle column are disrupted
chance fracture
horizontal orientation