Visuospatial/Visuoconstructional Flashcards
Hemi-inattention vs Hemi-neglect
-Inattention: one modality
-Neglect: two+ sensory modalities
Hemi-spatial Neglect Location
Right parietal lobe
Though can be left too technically
Loss of field of vision in one hemispace
What, where
Homonymous Hemianopsia
-Absence of vision in one half of the same visual field in both eyes
-Contralateral lesion after optic chiasm
Visual Pathway
Ventral Stream
“What” stream; recognizes object
Visual Pathway
Dorsal Stream
“Where” stream; processes where things are in space
Location of lesion results in:
Complete blindness in one eye
Before optic chiasm
Location of lesion results in:
Bitemporal Hemianopsia
Loss of vision of outer hemispaces in both eyes (can only see middle)
Medial optic chiasm
What, where
Cortical Blindness
-No conscious awareness of vision in damaged visual field
-May have some processes (identifying a light or “guess” a facial expression without IDing the person)
-Bilateral occipital lobe damage
What, where
Balint’s Syndrome
- Optic ataxia: inability to coordinate reaching for an object
- Ocular apraxia: inability to voluntarily shift eye gaze
- Simultanagnosia: difficulty perceiving more than one object at a time; trouble understanding a scene/big picture
-Bilateral parieto-occipital damage
Anton’s Syndrome
Denial of cortical blindness