Visualization Flashcards
11 Components of VISUALIZATION
- Head tilt/rotation
- High shoulder
- Low shoulder/shoulder drop
- Rib humping
- Dishing
- Loss of smooth lateral thoracic arc (stacking)
- Scoliosis
- Pelvic tilt
- Buttock/Glutes
- Foot flare
- Antalgic posture
What 3 structural changes are caused by a misaligned ilium, seen in POSTURAL assessment?
- Change in gluteal folds
- Change in leg length while weight-bearing and prone
- Foot flare & heel wear
What causes a high shoulder?
- Open wedge in the mid-thoracic spine on the side of the high shoulder
- PS shoulder
- Scapula fixed superiorly on that side
- SC subluxation
- AC subluxation
What would cause a lower PSIS, lower gluteal fold, & higher iliac crest on that side?
- PI ilium
- anatomically short leg
- fallen arch in foot
What causes shoulder drop?
- Paralysis of trapezius
- CN XI, C3/C4
Unilateral toe-out foot flare:
- IN ilium
- PEX tibia
Bilateral toe out foot flare:
- base posterior sacrum
- Knee problem
- overweight children who may outgrow it
Unilateral toe in foot flare:
- EX ilium
- anterior talus (inversion sprain)
- paralysis of the extensor muscles
Bilateral toe in foot flare:
- Posterior S2 tubercle
- HYPERlordosis in pigeon toed children who walk too early
Where is the location of edema during the 4 ilium misalignments?
Describe the relationship of sacrum to AS/PI ilium?
AS–>sacrum is posterior
PI–>sacrum is anterior
What occurs with a short leg on the left, and an occiput reading on the left?
Left condyle is raised
What would cause a higher PSIS, higher gluteal fold, & lower iliac crest?
AS ilium
Is edema palpable in an EX ilium?
YES, because it is along the posterior aspect of the joint
What does a flax buttock indicate?
- IN iliium
- Posterior rotated sacrum on involved side