Listing Subluxation Flashcards
Why do we call ASIN & PIEX married listings?
because they have the same mechanical effects on the spine
Where is the convexity on PLS-M?
Right side
Where is the convexity on PRS-M?
Left side
Where is the convexity on PRI?
Right side
Where is the convexity on PLI-sp
Left side
Name the 5 sacral misalignments:
What are the married listings?
The sacrum misaligns to the ilium at the _____
SI joint
How much rotation of the sacrum is significant when there is no ilium misalignment?
4-6 mm
What do we suspect when the dimensions of the obturators are equal?
No ilium misalignment –> AS, PI, EX, & IN all affect the obturator dimensions
What misalignments can occur at the SI joint?
- AS, PI, IN, & EX
- P-R, P-L, PI-R, PI-L
Name the 3 occcyx lisitngs:
A, A-R, A-L
What condition causes the sacrum to appear to move posterior?
spondylo of L5
List the 8 characteristics of EX ilium:
- Narrower Innominate
- Wider horizontal obturator forament
- HYPERlordosis of lumbars
- Lowers femur head
- Posterior SI Joint open (edema)
- Internal foot rotation (“toe-in”)
- Gluteal fold narrower and peaked
- Wear on medial heel and lateral sole
List 8 characteristics of IN ilium:
- Wider Innominate
- Narrower horizontal obturator forament
- HYPOlordosis of lumbars
- Raises femur head
- Anterior SI joint open (edema)
- External foot roation (“toe-out”)
- Wide & flat gluteal fold
- Wear on lateral heel and medial sole
List 8 characteristics of PI ilium:
- Longer Innominate
- Larger vertical obturator forament
- HYPERlordosis of lumbars
- Spongy edema at posterior/superior SI joint
- Sacrum anterior on involved side
- Leg will be shorter
- Gluteal fold will be lower
- Lower Femur Head
List 8 Characteristics of AS ilium:
- Shorter innominate
- Shorter vertical obturator forament
- HYPOlordosis of lumbars
- SPongy edema at posterior/inferior SI Joint
- Sacrum posterior on the involved side
- Leg will be longer
- Gluteal fold will be higher
- Higher Femur Head
WHat happens to a child with an AS occiput?
- they might walk on their toes or bang their head into the wall in effect to decrease the pressure that is caused by the AS occiput
- These children also have a flathead due to the banging of their head
How do you list IN-EX or EX-IN listings?
- always list the left ilia first, then right
- no A/P misalignment
- no lumbar rotation
What happens to the sacrum & lumbar spine when the ilium misaligns AS?
- because the edema is located in posterior/inferior aspect of the joint,
- the ilium has a weight-bearing shift anteriorly
- this causes the sacrum to compensate by rocking posterior
- which then causes the lumbars to compensate and results in HYPOlordosis
What happens to sacrum & lumbar spine when the ilium misaligns PI?
- Because the edema is in the posterior/superior aspect of the joint,
- the ilium has a weight-bearing shift posteriorward
- this causes the sacrum to compensate by rocking anterior
- which then causes the lumbars to compensate and results in HYPERlordosis
What does the misalignment of the ilia cause?
weight-bearing change which is compensated for by the sacrum & lumbar spine
What region is most commonly associated with cord pressure?
Upper cervical
What level is most commonly associated in cord pressure?
Who is susceptible to posterior sacral base?
Pre-adolescents who articular processes haven’t completely ossified
How do you best determine subluxation or compensation of an ilium on the AP film?
- subluxation is most commonly found on the side of the lowest lumbar body rotation
- Usually L5