Visual perception & action Flashcards
LGN pathway
eye -> LGN -> v1 -> occipital lobe (&v areas)
used 80% of the time
Retino tectal route
eye -> superior colliculus -> pulvinar -> temporal & parietal lobe
used 10% of the time
Functional Specialisation
the suggestion that different cortical areas are specialised for different functions (Zeki, 2001)
What are the two names for the V1?
striate cortex & primary visual cortex
3 kinds of cell in the visual system 1 (v1)
- simple cell
- complex cell
- hypercomplex cell
Simple cell?
On/off sensors
Responds to EDGES AND BARS
Light must be at a particular ANGLE for the cells to fire
Complex cell
Prefer the WIDTH of the light > angle
When width fits in the receptive field - will fire
Hypercomplex cell
Prefers LENGTH of light
what is the receptive feild?
individual sensory neurone’s region of sensory SPACE by which a stim will trigger firing if hit
Extra Striate cortex
Gateway to rest of the ‘v’ regions - striped
“the sorting room”
What cells are in the V2
Magnocellular cells: THICK & project to V3 and V5
Parvocellular cells: THIN cells, priject to V4
input from v1 & v2. - magnocellular
input from v2: parvocellular cells
Input from MAGNO cells of v2,3,1
the binding problem
Zeki: All breaks down for perception BUT how does it come together again?
Solutions for the binding problem (4)
- Weaker specialisation of function than zeki thought ie 1 cell can do more than 1 job
- Synchrony
a) precise synchrony: tag each info as comes in and use tag to produce output - v expensive
b) General synchrony: use general pattern of cell firing to bind - loss of detail - Gestalt laws: similar things go together
- Selective attention : choose the things to attend to & they’re grouped together
Dorsal & Ventral Stream - Who?
Milner & Goodale (1992) - dual route hypothesis
What is the dorsal stream? up and around
- Dynamic (must be or action will not be correct)
- visual ACTION
- eg returning of a ball
What is the VENTRAL stream - downwards
- visual perception & recognition - identifies
- egocentric ie is that object and cat or a dog
- static
Optic ataxia
- can SEE but cant INTERACT
a) perception = good
b) action = impoverished
~~ dorsal stream impaired~~
damage to posterior parietal lobe
Visual Agnosia
- cant SEE but can INTERACT
a)perception = poor
b) action = fine
~~damaged ventral stream~~
damaged temporal lobe
RT route in tact, LGN not - i.e. damage to v1
-RT route = unconscious
evidence for the dual route hypothesis
Ebbinhaus’ circle size illusion
- ventral stream = tricked by it
- dorsal stream = not tricked by it
Planning and control model of percetion
early: planning stage: automatic: context matters
later: control stage: online: corrections made