Visual Fields Flashcards
what are the two types of perimetry?
what are the two types of kinetic perimetry?
-gross (simple version)
what is recorded as the threshold in kinetic perimetry?
the specific location where the stimulus is just seen
what is kinetic perimetry?
perimetry where the size and luminance of the target can be varied
what do the rings and lines on a kinetic perimetry diagram show?
rings show extent of the visual field
lines are what the px reports they can actually see
why do you need to make sure the stimulus brightness in kinetic perimetry is just right?
because a big bright target could mean px subtle defects are missed and targets too small/ dim just wont be picked up regardless of wether the px has a defect
what are the advantages of kinetic perimetry?
-not confined to testing algorithms
-useful for patients with motility issues
why would you choose static over kinetic perimetry?
-as you need an experienced practitioner to do static compared to kinetic where it can be delegated
-you can see moving targets in the periphery better than stationary targets in the periphery
-it is reaction time dependent
what is static perimetry?
perimetry where light stimuli are presented at fixed locations
what are the two types of static perimetry
what does C40 on suprathreshold perimetry mean?
central and 40 is the number of points presented to the patient
how is the brightness of the light of stimulus used in suprathreshold perimetry decided?
its 8dB brighter than the lowest amount of brightness the px is expected to see for their age
in suprathreshold, how does the brightness of the stimulus change?
as the stimulus moves into the periphery, the dimmer it gets
what are the advantages to suprathreshold?
-good for screening
-patients are expected to have normal visual fields
-good for patients at risk of a gross field defect
what are the disadvantages of suprathreshold perimetry>?
-miss subtle defects
-not useful in glaucoma suspects
-inconclusive defects on suprathreshold tests
what are the two types of suprathreshold perimetry?
c40 and ff81
what is the main difference between c40 and ff81 types of suprathreshold perimetry?
Main difference is c40 covers 30 degrees either side of fixation whereas ff81 covers 60 degrees either side so a larger field of visual fixation. C40 really should only be used for suspected macular problems or for a quick screening test
what is standard colour and size for static perimetry?
standard colour white
standard size 3
what is the threshold of the stimulus in threshold perimetry?
the minimum amount of light that gives a 50% detection probability
when may you make the size of stimulus bigger in threshold perimetry?
if the patient has poorer vision
what algorithm is most commonly used in threshold perimetry and why?
Full Threshold algorithm as its the gold standard by being the most accurate algorithm using a 4-2db staircase method
for threshold perimetry, what test pattern is used as standard? what test pattern is good for macula testing?
-central 24-2 = good for glaucoma, general and neurological pathologies
-central 10-2
what is esterman?
a suprathreshold test that the patient does binocularly
how do you use visual fields on a patient to test if they are fit to drive under DVLA?
-do Esterman
-make sure there is no rim artefacts if they wear their glasses
-they are allowed three attempts in their visit
-send it to DVLA if 3 attempts later and still not up to driving standards
-you can’s discuss with the px their test results
on esterman what is the highest percentage of false positive score?
no more than 20%
how does sita work?
uses a staircase method while constructing mathematical models of normal and abnormal visual behaviour by comparing the frequency of seeing curve of the normal eye to the patients eye
what are the three types of sita? which is most common?
Most patients do sita fast but others are sita standard and sita faster but the longer the test goes on for, the more accurate the result so if you can do standard,
how does sita reduce test time?
continuously updates the algorithm based on patient responses including altering stimuli presentation and speed based on reaction time
What are the positives of threshold testing?
-detects subtle defects including early glaucoma
-gives us info on the depth (severity) of the defect
-better comparison of results to age matched normative data
-visual field is mapped with more precision
-can be used to closely monitor the progression of visual field loss in detail
what are the minimum visual fields to meet driving standard?
-group 1: field of at least 120 degrees on the horizontal using a target equivalent to white Goldman iii4e. No significant defect in the binocular field within 20 degrees of fixation above or below the horizontal meridian
-group 2: horizontal visual field of at least 160 degrees, extension should be at least 70 degrees left and right and 30 degrees up and down . no defects should be present within central 30 degree radius
what is the extent of the visual field nasally?
60 degrees
where is the blindspot located in a healthy patient with full VFs?
15 degrees horizontally and 1.5 degrees below fixation
how do images on the retina compare to on the VF?
Images are upside down and inverted on the retina so:
- if there’s a visual defect superiorly on the retina then it will affect the inferior visual field
-Blind spot is on the temporal field as the optic disc is on the nasal retina
check google docs OP2501 term 1 to see how the hill of vision looks depending on the field loss
what does diffuse field loss look like compared to normal field loss?
just depression of the whole visual field
what does contraction of the visual field suggest?
the patient has tunnel vision
give 4 hills of vision depending on the VF
-diffuse VF loss
-focal VF loss
-visual field contraction
in VF defects what does it mean when:
the vertical midline is crossed?
the vertical midline is respected?
-loss is retinal or optic disk related
-loss is to do with the brain (more serious)
check ss to see the different types of VF losses
what are the names of the common glaucomatous patterns of loss?
-nasal step
-temporal wedge
What does a “Nasal Step” defect indicate in a visual field test?
A Nasal Step defect is characterized by loss of sensitivity along the nasal side of the visual field, often indicative of early glaucoma.
How does a Paracentral defect appear on a visual field test?
A Paracentral defect involves localized loss of sensitivity near the central vision, often associated with glaucoma.