Vision 3 Flashcards
Primary Visual Cortex (V1, Area 17, Striate Cortex)
Ocular dominance columns
- Originate from layer 4C: inputs from the L and R eye remain segregated
- Layer 4C is monocular → last time in visual pathway where input from the two eyes is separated
- V1 layers outside of layer 4C are binocular, but are still “dominated” by one eye depending on their proximity to left eye input in layer 4C or right eye input in layer 4C → produces ocular dominance columns
- Ocular dominance columns run perpendicular to V1 layers
Where do ocular dominance columns originate?
In ocular dominance columns, is input from the right and left eyes segregated or integrated?
Which layer is the last to be monocular (input from the two eyes is separated)?
V1 layers outside of layer 4C are __
Even though V1 layers outside of layer 4C are binocular, they are still ___
Dominated by one eye –> produces ocular dominance columns
Ocular dominance columns run ___ to V1 layers
Summary table of RFs in V1
RF properties in layer 4C
- Center/surround antagonistic RF similar to LGN
- Some color, some B/W
RF properties of layers 2, 3, 4A, 4B, 5, 6
- Orientation selectivity
- Direction selectivity
Orientation selectivity
- Certain orientation gives highest response
- Response can be graded: Angles closest to the best orientation cause stronger response than angles farther to best orientation (perpendicular → weakest response)
- Form orientation columns
○ Similar concept to ocular dominance columns
○ BUT on perpendicular axis to ocular dominance columns
○ Spatial sequence follows gradual rotation - Used for edge detection → form perception
(based on distributed code of activity of selective neurons spread across columns → gives you whole picture)
Direction Selectivity
- Makes up a subset of neurons that are
orientation selective - Response based on orientation AND
direction of movement - Responses also graded: Closer direction produce closer response than farther directions (opposite direction produces the weakest)
- Used for motion perception (also based on distributed code of direction-selective neurons)
Simple vs. Complex
Simple cell
- Orientation selective
- Distinct on/off areas
- Presumably constructed of collinear center-surround RF inputs
Complex cell
- Orientation selective
- On/off areas overlap
- Presumably constructed from the summation of inputs from multiple simple cells preferring the same orientation
V1 Cortical Modules
- Each cortical module is necessary and sufficient to analyze a particular point
- Removal → blind spot in visual field
- 2 pairs of ocular dominance columns (2 left columns and 2 right columns, in alternating order)
- 2 complete samplings of all 180° of possible orientation columns
- Also contain 16 cytochrome oxidase blobs
○ nonM-nonP RGCs → koniocellular layers of LGN → blobs in layers II and III
○ Many neurons color selective so potentially involved in analysis of object color
Cytochrome oxidase blobs
Potentially invovled in analysis of object color
Summary: Types of Processing
Ocular dominance columns/binocularity is for ___
Depth perception (stereoscopic)
Direction selectivity is for ___
Motor perception
Orientation selectivity is for ___
Form perception
Cytochrome oxidase blobs are for ___
Color perception/processing
Dorsal Stream: “Where”
Ventral Stream: “What”
Reminder: Parallel Processing Streams
Final Points and Thoughts on Perception…
● There is a hierarchy of visual information from occipital lobe to parietal
and temporal lobes → processing gets more specialized
● Neurons tend to be broadly tuned (broad sensitivity) → addresses
biggest weakness of narrow tuning (resistance to cell death)
● Implications for consciousness (visual perception without visual input)
○ Imagining object may activate same neurons that encode seeing
that object
○ Visual attention exemplified by binocular rivalry (each eye
receives different sensory info → alternate between perceived
● **Note: Many of these topics are developing areas of research and
have not been definitively proven!
I am a neurologist, presented with a patient who is having difficulty seeing continuous motion. She claims that her entire visual world is experienced in choppy “frames”. What type of lesion might be causing her deficits? What is her clinical diagnosis?
Dorsal stream deficits (ex. Magnocellular LGN, area MT/MST), akinetopsia
I have a neuron, located somewhere along the visual pathway (but before the diencephalon). When I shine light in the center of this neuron’s RF, it causes depolarization and firing of an AP. What might the identity of my neuron be?
ON-RGC. We know that ON-bipolar cells and ON-RGCs will depolarize to
light in their RFs. However, only ON-RGCs fire APs! Since the question asked about
neurons before the diencephalon, thalamic neurons would not be a correct
I am performing single-cell electrophysiology to record from a
neuron in V1. I find that when I present a candy bar, oriented horizontally to the
neuron, it fires at maximum frequency. What could I do to achieve minimal
firing? What RF property is this neuron demonstrating?
Rotate the bar 90 degrees (perpendicular/vertical). The neuron is
exhibiting orientation selectivity.