Visceral Afferent Pathways - 4/20 Stephens Flashcards
Where do fibers from the VAN project to in V-S reflex pathways?
Alpha and gamma motor neurons
Eventually to interneurons in the intermediate gray fibers in the FP
Where do fibers from the VAN project to in V-V reflex pathways?
Intermediolateral cell column for Sympathetics or PS nuclei (Dorsal Motor Nucleus or Vagus and Sacral Autonomic Nucleus)
Describe the spinoreticulothalamic pathway:
Info from VAN may enter the FP via the NP and bilaterally ascend to the brainstem RF or the Centromedian Nucleus of the hypothalamus
What can relieve phantom limb pain?
Neurosurgical transection of the spinothalamic tract
In the brainstem all GVA fibers from what CNS terminate where?
7, 9, 10
NTS (Solitary Nucleus)
Fibers from the Solitary nucleus project to the Dorsal Motor Nucleus of what CN?
Sends what kind of fibers to where?
Vagus N.
Pre-Gang PS fibers to larynx, pharynx, thorax, abdomen
Increased secretion
The Solitary-Dorsal Motor Nucleus (X) pathway is important for what responses?
The solitary-nucleus Ambiguus pathway is what kind of response?
Projects info via what?
Innervates what?
What response?
Interneurons of the RF
Muscles of larynx and pharynx
Deglutition and cough
Carotid body reflex stimulus?
Afferent Nucleus?
Efferents Nucleus?
Sinocarotid N. (Vagus)
Phrenic nucleus
INC ventilation
Carotid sinus reflex stimulus?
Afferent nerve?
Afferent nucleus?
Efferents nucleus?
Sinocarotid N.
Dorsal Motor Nucleus
DEC Cardiac Contraction
Gag reflex stimulus?
Afferent N. And nucleus?
Efferent nucleus?
Efferents nerve?
Touching pharyngeal mucosa
CN 9 and NTS
Nucleus Ambiguus
Pharyngeal branch of CN 10
LER stimulus?
Afferent nerve?
Afferent nucleus?
Then where?
Efferent nuclei?
To laryngeal mucosa
ibSLN (CN 10)
Nucleus Ambiguus and Medial Motor Cell Column
Expiratory cough and airway clearing
During the LER there is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. What also happens with this increase in pressure?
Closure of LES, IUS, EUS, anal sphincter, and inguinal canal
The external sphincter of the bladder is innervated by what kind of fibers?
As the bladder fills with urine what senses this action?
Impulses then go where?
Interneurons then convey info to where?
When does voiding finally occur?
Afferent neurons at S2-4
Dorsal root to VAN at S2-4
SAN at S2-4
Efferents fibers stimulate bladder muscles to contract
A reflex bladder is the result of what?
Interrupts what connection?
What is the outcome of this condition?
Transection of the spinal cord ABOVE S2
LRST to the SAN
Pt cannot voluntarily void their bladder
After _____ the bladder reflex may return without voluntary control, and the patient will have automatic reflex voiding or a reflex bladder
Spinal shock
What is the cause of an Atonic Bladder?
Associated with what condition?
Lesions of dorsal roots of S2-4 or dorsal funiculi
Flaccid bladder and INC bladder capacity
Voluntary voiding possible, but incomplete
Tabes Dorsalis
The ascending gustatory pathway involves what fibers from what CNs?
To what tract and nucleus?
Then what nucleus?
What cortex?
SVA from CN 7, 9, 10
Solitary tract and nucleus
Ipsilateral ML
VPM Nucleus
Primary gustatory Cortex
Slow pain of the head primary neuron located where?
Conveyed by what?
Sensory nucleus?
Conveyed by what?
Thalamic neuron?
Trigeminal ganglion
Descending Tract of V
Subnucleus Caudalis
Trigemino-reticular Fibers
Centromedian Hypothalamus
Visceral pain of the head primary neuron located where?
Conveyed by what?
Sensory nucleus?
Conveyed by what?
Thalamic neuron?
GVA Sensory Ganglia
Solitary Tract
Solitary Nucleus
Solitaro-hypothalamic fibers
Centromedian Hypothalamus
Slow pain of the body primary neuron located where?
Conveyed by what?
Sensory nucleus?
Conveyed by what?
Thalamic neuron?
Spinal ganglion
DL Fasciculus
Centromedian Hypothalamus
Visceral pain of the body primary neuron located where?
Conveyed by what?
Sensory nucleus?
Conveyed by what?
Thalamic neuron?
Spinal ganglion
DL Fasciculus
Centromedian Hypothalamus
Where do most visceral reflex fibers enter the spinal cord?
Cranial and sacral levels