Motor Systems - 4/26 Stephens Flashcards
What passes through the posterior limb of the internal capsule?
Corticospinal tract (CST)
Somesthetic fibers
Optic radiations
Bell’s Cruciate paralysis results from disruption of what structure?
Midline involvement of upper pyramidal decussation
Paralysis of the upper extremity WITHOUT lower extremity involvement
Bell’s Cruciate palsy may also be caused by damage to what structure?
What deficits are associated with uncrossed corticobulbar fibers?
A3H and A5H
Which deficits are associated with crossed corticobulbar fibers?
Unilateral lesion of the corticobulbar fibers above the level of the facial nucleus (anterior portion) results in what?
Supranuclear facial palsy
Contralateral mimetic muscles on the lower quadrant of the face are paralyzed
What are the most common sites for lesions causing supranuclear facial palsy?
Genu of internal capsule
Facial region of motor cortex
What is the extrapyramidal system involved in?
Crude, stereotyped, associative movements of the axial and proximal limb musculature
Generally describe what the extrapyramidal system does
Swinging arms while walking
Facial grimace while talking
The dorsal division of the ansa lenticularis is commonly called what?
Lenticular Fasciculus
The ventral division of the ansa lenticularis is called what?
Ansa lenticularis
The dorsal and ventral divisions of the ansa lenticularis form what?
Thalamic Fasciculus
Nigra-Thalamic fibers are what type?
Originate from where?
Terminate where?
Pars reticularis of SN
VA and VL Thalamic nuclei
Where do fibers from the GP and SN terminate of the VL and VA of Thalamic nuclei?
Important for what?
Not in the same region
Stereotaxic surgery for Parkinson’s disease
Nigro-striatal fibers are what type?
Originate where?
Terminate where?
DA fibers
Pars compacta of SN
Caudate and Putamen
Destruction of what neurons in what area of the brain cause Parkinson’s?
Dopaminergic Nigro-striatal of the pars compacta in SN
Destruction of what causes Huntington’s Chorea?
GABAnergic fibers in the striatonigral fibers
Unilateral lesions of the subthalamus or its connections results in what?
Characterized by what?
Contralateral hemiballism
Violent, involuntary, flinging movements of the limbs
What are the major signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s?
Bradykinesia Tremor during rest Rigidity Masked Face Postural Embarrassment
Most common features of Huntington’s Chorea?
What chromosome is fucked?
Behavioral disturbances
Short arm Chr. 4
Where does the corticobulbar fibers pass through in the brain?
Genu of internal capsule