Virus Case studies Exam 3 Flashcards
What is the likey cause of the child’s illness?
What kind of genome does the causitive agent have?
10-12 segements of double stranded RNA
Which of the following is true about the virus?
A) the virus genome integrates into the host chomosome.
B) the segmented genome contributes to the antigenic variation of the virus.
C) The virus uses a host RNA polymerase to replicate the genom.
D) The virus has a single antigenic type
B) the segmented genome contributes to the antigenic variation of the virus.
How is this infection diagnosed?
Setection of viral antgens in stool samples
How should pateints diagnosed with this illness be treated?
Supportive care
What is the likely cause of the illness?
Norwalk Virus
What kind of genome does this agent have?
Positive-sense RNA
How could this illness have been prevented?
Hand washing and disposal of caontainated clothing and linnens. In addition to avoiding contaminated food and water
Which of the following allow for the dofferentiation of this pathogen?
A) Incubation period between 24-48 hrs.
B) Vomitting in 50% or more cases.
C) Durration of the illness between 12-60 hrs.
D) Diarrheal illness that spreads quickly between individuals.
E) All of the above would be helpful
E) All of the above would be helpful
Which of these Lab tests would NOT assist in your diagnosis?
A) Growth of the virus in cell culture
B) RT-PCR of stool samples
C)ELISA to detect the viral antigen
D) ELISA to detect the antibodies that target the virus in the serum
E)Immunoelectron microscopy
A) growth of the virus in cell culture
What is the most likely cause of the lesion?
Human Papalomavirus
What speccific types of the virus confer a high risk of cervical neeoplasia. Hint: both types must be considered high risk to be correct.
Types 16 and 18
Which lab test would help confirm yoour diagnosis?
A)Serological tests to look for HPV specidic antibodies
B)Growth in cell Culture
C)PCR detects the HPV DNA
D) All of these would help
D)All of these would help
How should the patient be treated?
No treatment is needed-the lesions will resolve on their own
This virus can be transmitted in all the following ways Except?
A) While the an infant passes through an infected birth canal.
B)Direct contact with the virus or infected person through small breaks in the skin or mucosa.
C)Peron to Person via areosol droplets
D) During Sexual Intercourse
C) Person to Person via areosol droplets
What is the causative agent of the disease?
Smallpox virus
How did the fisherman contract the disease?
Exposure to a biological weapons test
What kind of symmetry does the virus partical have?
The geneome of the virus consists of what kind of nucliec acid?
Which of these biosynthetic processes is NOT encoded by the viral-encoded enzymes?
A) Capping of the of the mRNA and Methylation of the 5’ cap
B)Polyadenolation of viral mRNA’s
C) viral nuciec acid replication
D) Translation of viral proteins
D) Translation of viral proteins
What is the causitive agent of the virus?
Herpese simplex virus type 1
How was the virus transmitted to the patients thumb?
Self-innoculation of the thumb by sucking on her thumb
What kind of nucliec acid does the virus contain?
Double stranded DNA
In which tissue does the prmary infection of the virus occur?
Nerv cells that entervate around the lower face
The doctors give the child an antiviral drug that causes the virus to disapear in a few days. Do you think that the lesions wll occur again in the future? If so, where would the leasions appear again?
Future leasions will appear around her mouth only
What is the causitive agent of the rash?

Reactivation of varicella zoster viral infection
What is the common name of the virus?

What is the common name of the primary infection of the virus?

How is the primary infection of this virus transmitted?

Via respiratory droplets
How could the disease be treated?

Acyclovir within the first 3 days of infection