Exam 3 Flashcards
The viral capsid protects the genome from ALL EXCEPT which of the following?
a) Digestion by nucleolytic enzymes
b) Mutations
c) Ultraviolet light
d) Digestion by proteolytic enzymes
b) Mutations
Which of these routes of viral entry into a human host are possible?
a) All of these above are possible
b) Respiratory tract
c) Alimentary tract (via feeding)
d) Scratches or inuries
a) All of these above are possible
What is viral pathogenesis?
a) The process by which viruses infect cells
b) The process by which viruses cause disease
c) The process of virus nucleic acid replication
d) The process of virus maturation within cells
b) The process by which viruses cause disease
What is viremia?
a) Virus in the liver
b) Virus in the brain
c) Virus in the blood
d) Virus in the kidney
c) Virus in the blood
A viral genome must be copied to ________ before proteins can be produced.
a) DNA
b) tRNA
c) rRNA
d) mRNA
d) mRNA
You analyze your virus by electron microscopy and see particles that are roughly spherical in shape. This allows you to RULE OUT which virus?
a) Poliovirus
b) Rabies virus
c) Influenza virus
d) Sin Nombre virus

b) Rabies virus
Now, look at the 3 remaining viruses. You can see from your EM photographs that the particles HAVE a fuzzy outer layer studded with proteins. This allows you to RULE OUT which ADDITIONAL virus? ( Rabies virus was rulled out)
a) Polio virus
b) Rabies virus
c) Influenza virus
d) Sin Nombre virus

a) Polio Virus
Now, look at the remaining 2 viruses. ( Rabies and Polio have been ruled out) You isolate your virus’s genomic nucleic acid and see three different sized RNA species wen you run it on a denaturing agarose gel. This allows you to RULE OUT which ADDITIONAL virus?
a) Polio Virus
b) Rabies virus
c) Influenza Virus
d) Sin Nombre virus

c) influenza virus
( Rabies, Polio, & Influenza rule out) Based on the results of the experiments described in the previous three questions, what is your unknown virus ( that is, which virus is left)?
a) Polio Virus
b) Rabies virus
c) Influenza virus
d) Sin Nombre Virus

d) Sin Nombre Virus
(Was found to be Sin Nombre virus) Based on your answer to the previous question, is there a vaccine to prevent infection by this virus?
a) No
b) Yes

a) No
What is the most likely cause of this illness?
a) Rhinovirus (cold virus)
b) Influenza A virus
c) Haemophilis influenzae
d) Mycoplasma pneumonia

b) Influenza A virus
(Influenza A virus) How is this illness transmitted?
a) Person-to-person via aerosol
b) An insect vector
c) Contaminated food
d) Contaminated Water

a) Person-to-person via aerosol
(Influenza A virus) What is the specific treatment for this illness?
a) There is no specific treatment for this illness
b) Oseltamivir ( Tamiflu) given within 48 hours of onset
c) Aspirin, but only in children under 10 years of age
d) Oseltamivir ( Tamiflu) given at any time

b) Oseltamivir ( Tamiflue) given within 48 hours of onset
( Influenza A virus) If your patient was vaccinated against this illness five years ago, is he likely to still be protected against it?
a) Yes, the vaccination only needs to be repeated every 10 years
b) Yes, the vaccination is good for the life of the patient
c) No, because the causative agent can cange its outer surface so that the immune system is no longer able to recognize it
d) No, because the vaccination is only good for 3 years

c) No, because the causative agent can change its outer surface so that the immune system is no longer able to recognize it
(Influenza A virus) What causes the systemic symptoms (chills, fever) seen with this illness?
a) Amplification of the causative organism
b) Cytokines released by B-cells
c) Tissue damage by the causative organism
d) Cytokines released by T-cells

d) Cytokines released by T-cells
What is the most likely causative agent of this disease?
a) Smallpox virus
b) Herpes simplex type 2 virus
c) Herpes simplex type 1 virus
d) Chickenpox virus

a) Smallpox virus
(Smallpox virus) What aspect of the life cycle of this virus is catalyzed ONLY by CELLULAR machinery?
a) Viral nucleic acid replication
b) Translation of viral proteins
c) Capping of mRNAs and methylation of the 5’ cap
d) Polyadenylation of viral mRNAs

b) Translation of viral proteins
(Smallpox virus) Where in the body does the initial infection with tis virus occur?
a) Liver
b) Spleen
c) Upper respiratory tract
d) Skin

c) upper respiratory tract
(Smallpox virus) How did these patients contract this disease?
a) From sexual contact with an infected person
b) From contaminated water
c) From contaminated food
d) From inhalation of a bioterrorist agent

d) From inhalation of a bioterorist agent
(Smallpox virus) How should this outbreak be treated?
a) Cidofovir
b) Amantadine
c) Acyclovir
d) Ciprofloxacin

a) Cidofovir
What is the likely cause of her illness?
a) S. pyogenes
b) Mumps virus
c) Measles virus
d) Meningococcus

c) Measles virus
(Measles virus) How is this illness transmitted?
a) Through a cut in the skin
b) Via the fecal-oral route
c) Via an insect vector
d) Via respiratory droplets

d) Via respiratory droplets
( Measles virus) How should his initial (primary) illness be treated?
a) There is no specific treatment available
b) With antibiotics
c) With human immune globulins
d) With anti-viral compounds like Ribavirin

a) There is no specific treatment available
(Measles virus) How could this illness have been prevented?
a) Use of insect repellent and mosquito netting
b) Immunization with live, attenuated virus vaccine
c) Avoid travel to Asia
d) Sterilize food and water before consumption

b) Immunization with live, attenuated virus vaccine
(Measles virus) When during this illness do patients typically develop a rash?
a) After the ost antibod response
b) BEFORE the onset of respiratory illness
c) Two weeks AFTER the initial infection
d) During te incubation period ( days 0-10)

c) Two weeks AFTER the initial infection
What is the most likely cause of your patient’s illness?
a) Clostridium perfringens
b) West Nile virus
c) Bacillus anthracis
d) Ebola virus

d) Ebola virus
(Ebola Virus) You should perform ALL EXCEPT which of the following tests to confirm the diagnosis?
a) Serology to test for IgG antibodies
b) Culture the virus from the patient’s tissues or bodily fluids
c) Acid-fast stain of your patient’s bodily fluids
d) EM on tissue sections from a deceased patient

c) Acid-fast stain of your patient’s bodily fluids
(Ebola virus) If the patient does have a viral hemorrhagic fever, her doctors can protect themselves from te illness using ALL EXCEPT which of these?
a) Avoid unprotected contact with infectious body fluids
b) Wear long pants, long sleeves, and use an insect repellent that contains DEET
c) Avoid unprotected contact with contaminated medical supplies
d) Avoid accidental needle sticks

b) Wear long pants, long sleeves, and use an insect repellent that contains DEET
(Ebola virus) How did your patient most likely contract the disease?
a) She got some of the chimpanzee’s blood on the outside of her glove
b) She failed to wash her hands after removing her gloves
c) She inhaled aerosolized fluids while performing the necropsy
d) It had nothing to do with the animal infections

c) She inhaled aerosolized fluids while performing the necropsy
(Ebola Virus) How should this patient be treated?
a) Supportive care to maintian hydration and blood volume
b) Ceftriaxone
c) Metronidazole
d) Acyclovir

a) Supportive care to maintain hydration and blood volume
What is the most likely cause of the patient’s flaccid paralysis?
a) HIV
b) S. pneumoniae
c) Poliovirus
d) West Nile virus

c) Poliovirus
(Poliovirus) What is the most likely route of transmission by which she received this illness?
a) Fecal-oral transmission
b) Respiratory route
c) Poliovirus
d) West Nile virus

a) Fecal-oral transmission
(Poliovirus) What kind of genome does the causative agent have?
a) Negative sense RNA
b) Positive sense RNA
c) Double-stranded DNA
d) Double-stranded RNA

b) Positive sense RNA
(Poliovirus) MOST patients infected with this virus experience which of these symptoms?
a) Flaccid paralysis of one or more extremities (limbs)
b) Asceptic meningitis
c) Asymptomatic infection
d) Muscle spasms and pain

c) Asymptomatic infection
(Poliovirus) How could an infection by this virus have been prevented?
a) There is no vaccine for this illness
b) Vaccination with a killed virus vaccine
c) Vaccination with a live, attenuated virus
d) Both killed and live vaccines would prevent the infection

d) Both killed and live vaccines would prevent the infection
Antibodies to HCV were absent, but the HBV and HAV results are still pending. Based on this result and the patient’s history, what is the causative agent responsible for her symptoms?
a) Hepatitis A virus
b) Hepatitis B virus
c) Hepatitis C virus
d) HIV

b) Hepatitis B virus
(Hepatitis B virus) What additional results would confirm your diagnosis?
a) Finding viral antigens in food from her kitchen
b) Finding HAV antigens in her serum
c) Finding HBV surface antigens in her serum
d) Finding HCV core antigens in her serum

c) Finding HBV surface antigens in her serum
(Hepatitis B virus) What kind of genome does tis virus have?
a) Double-stranded DNA
b) Double-stranded RNA
c) Single-stranded DNA
d) Single-stranded RNA

a) Double-stranded DNA
(Hepatitis B virus) This virus is transmitted by ALL EXCEPT which of the following routes?
a) Parenteral (blood-borne)
b) Sexual
c) Perinatal (from mother to fetus in utero)
d) Eating contaminated food

d) Eating contaminated food
(Hepatitis B virus) Which of the following complications is possible with this virus?
a) Secondary bacterial penumonia
b) Chronic infection and/or hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer)
c) Recurrent infection that can reactivate when she is stressed
d) Loss of circulation in the extremities (hands and feet)

b) Chronic infection and/or epatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer)
What is the cause of this illness?
a) Salmonella species
b) Giardia lamblia
c) Norwalk virus
d) Staphylococcus aureus

c) Norwalk virus
(Norwalk virus) What kind of genome does the causative agent have?
a) Double-stranded RNA
b) Positive sense RNA
c) Negative sense RNA
d) Double-stranded DNA

b) Positive sense RNA
(Norwalk virus) Which of these lab tests would not assist in your diagnosis?
a) Growth of the virus in cell culture
b) RT-PCR of stoll samples
c) ELISA to detect viral antigen
d) ELISA to detect antibodies against the virus in serum
e) Immunoelectron microscopy

a) Growth of the virus in cell culture
(Norwalk virus) How should this illness be treated?
a) Penicillin
b) Supportive care including anti-nausea medications
c) Acyclovir
d) Protease inhibitors

b) Supportive care including anti-nausea medications
(Norwalk virus) How could this illness have been prevented?
a) Hand washing and disposal of contaminated clothing and linens
b) Vaccination
c) Avoiding contaminated food and water
d) a and c

d) a and c
An RT-PCR (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) assay was found to be positive for viral genomic RNA, demonstrating that the viral genome (found inside virus particles) is single-stranded RNA. Therefore, which of the following viruses can you rule out as the causative agent?
a) Hepatitis A
b) Hepatitis B
c) Hepatitis C
d) West Nile virus

b) Hepatitis B
(Hep B ruled out) Based on the patient’s history, which additional virus can you now RULE OUT as the cause of his illness?
a) Hepatitis A
b) Hepatitis B
c) Hepatitis C
d) West Nile virus

c) Hepatitis C
(Hep B & C rule out) Based on your answers to the previous TWO questions, what is your diagnosis?
a) Hepatitis A
b) Hepatitis B
c) Hepatitis C
d) West Nile virus

a) Hepatitis A
(Hepatitis A) How was his illness transmitted to him?
a) Mosquito bite (blood borne)
b) Aerosol of virus particles (respiratory route)
c) Contact with contaminated food (fecal-oral route)
d) Contact with infected blod (blood borne)

c) Contact with contaminated food (fecal-oral route)
(Hepatitis A) How can this illness be treated?
a) Rimantadine
b) Ciprofloxacin
c) Acyclovir
d) There is no specific treatment for this illness

d) There is no specific treatment for this illness