Virus 5 (RNA): Measles Flashcards
How has the incidence of measles changed over the last century and how have vaccines influenced this?
Still about 145,700 deaths every year. 85% of the world covered with vaccine.

What kind of virus is measles?
paramyxovirus that grows in cytoplasm of cells
- Paramyxovirus. Transmitted through air and direct contact: highly infectious at onset of symptoms – from 4 days prior to rash to 4 days post-rash. R0 = 12–18.
- About 5 million cases/year. 100,000 measles deaths/year
How is measles transmitted?
From resp tract -> blood -> lymph -> back to skin -> shedded from skin -> symptoms appear

How does herd immunity work?
“the reduction of infection or disease in the unimmunised segment as a result of immunising a proportion of the population”

Who is at risk from measles?
Severe measles is more likely among malnourished children, especially those with insufficient vitamin A, or whose immune systems have been weakened by HIV/AIDS or other diseases. Women infected while pregnant are also at risk of severe complications (WHO).

What are the symptoms of measles?
- Very high fever, cough, red/watery eyes, koplik’s spots inside checks
- Day 4 widespread macular rash starting behind ears/face, spreads and then fades
- Superimposed bacterial infection [pneumonia, diarrhoea, etc.] causes deaths: children malnourished, coinfected, pregnant, young, etc.
- Can also cause acute encephalitis and encephalomyelitis [acute demyelination]

What are the adverse effects of measles infection?
- stillbirth
- blindness
- mental retardation
- abortion

How do we confirm a clinical diagnosis of measles?
- WHO case definition: fever, rash + 1 of: cough, coryza, conjunctivitis
- Serology often not indicated but can check measles IgM [ELISA]
- PCR for measles of throat/nose swabs/urine samples

How do we manage a measles infection?
- Supportive Care
- Vitamin A supplementation x2 doses 24-hours apart for children
- Treat superimposed bacterial infections
- Avoid corneal damage/ulceration with Vitamin A supplementation

How do you prevent a measles outbreak?

When is the MMR vaccine given?
- For anti-vaxxers:
- measles vaccine produces seroconversion in over 90% of recipients if given at the age of 9 months

What are the benefits since the push for immunising everyone against measles?

Is measles a seasonal disease?
- Measles is a winter disease

MCQ tips
- Ophthalmology pictures showing the spectrum of Vitamin A deficiency disease
- In a refugee setting, mass immunisation + vit A is a priority
- Any case of fever + consider measle
Preventive medicine sample question: You are a doctor in a refugee camp that has just been established. No health assessments of interventions have taken place yet. You suspect a measles outbreak: how would you implement a treatment and control programme (20)

Preventive medicine sample question: What are the top ten priorities in setting up a refugee camp? Provide a brief outline for each priority. (20)