Bacteria 6 (gram -ve): Brucellosis Flashcards
Which type of bacterium is brucella?
Intracellular Gram-negative coccobacillus
What species of brucella are there?

How do humans acquire the infection?
Long incubation period - weeks to months
Over 500,000 people/yr infected, mostly in agrarian societies. Animal public health control key

What are the symptoms of brucellosis (in humans and in animals)?
Humans (rarely fatal):
Recurrent prolonged bouts of fever
Specific to brucellosis: focal MSK symptoms - in endemic areas feverish personw ith difficulty walkin = brucellosis until proven otherwise
Sweating (it is a ddx in any person with TB)
Neuropsychiatric symptoms such as depression
Orchitis, epidydymitis, infertility and abortion

How quickly do symptoms of brucellosis come on?
B. melitensis -> more acute
B. abortus -> more insidious
B. suis -> acute, complicated by focal deep tissue abscesses
How do you diagnose brucellosis?
Bloods: low WCC, low plts, deranged LFTs
Blood Culture: most reliable method but have to culture for up to 6 weeks, best for B. melitensis
Serology: old test called Wright’s standard agglutination test
Xray changes are usually late, CSF can show lymphocytosis and histology may show non-caseating granuloma
Bottom line: Diagnostic “cut-off’s for serological tests need to be set higher in endemic areas than in non-endemic areas, Serologic testing is the most commonly used method of diagnosing brucellosis. , Blood culture is the most reliable method of confirming the diagnosis
How do you treat brucellosis?
At least two anti-microbials one of which is normally doxycyline

How do you prevent brucellosis?
Currently no vaccine in humans

How do you differentiate between TB and brucellosis?
TB - caseating
Brucellosis - non-caseating