virtue ethics Flashcards
it is a habit, quality or characteristics that help a person achieve the good life
define virtue ethics
a moral theory that focuses on the development (constantly choose & practice everyday) of virtuous character
it concentrates on the character of the actor
virtue ethics
virtue ethics focuses on who
on the person performing the act
in virtue ethics, what is one question to ask one’s self when shaping moral identity
“what kind of person I should be”
what are the 3 normative ethical theories
- virtue ethics
- consequentialism
- deontological ethics
define normative ethical theories
theories seek to provide action guides, procedures for answering “what ought I to do “
define clear moral guidelines and principles for right and wrong conduct based on different ethical frameworks.
it is interested in determining the content oof our moral behaviour
normative ethics
normative ethis,
‘standard’ / ‘rule’
define consequentialism
hold tht moral worth of action should be judge by its consequences
good action = best consequences overall in the situation
(white lie = normally acceptable as long as outcome provides good results. hence, morally accepted)
define deontological ethics
tells u wht yr duties are
concerned with duties
“what shld i do?”
(lie-not morally corect)
deontological ethics,
in greek
‘obligation’ / ‘necessity’
where and when did Aristotle born
384 B.C
in Stagira, northern Greece
he is the Father Macedonia court physician
true of false:
at age 17, he went to Athens to study at Plato’s Academy
true or false:
he left 10 years later when Plato died
false - 20
true or false:
at age 29, he started tutoring 13 y/o Alexander
true or false:
Aristotle went off to pursue greatness after the tutor
false - Alexander
true or false: when Alexander died, Athens was in revolt
true or false:
anyone associated with Athens was persecuted & he was charged with impiety
false - Aristotle was charged with impiety not Athens
true or false:
Aristotle left Athens so it would not “commit a second sin against philosophy “
true or false:
Aristotle went back to Stagira and died at age 60. no one knew how or why he died
false - age 62
tribute to his son and father of Aristotle (keeping with the Greek practice of boys being named after their grandfathers)
emphasis on cultivating the character and virtues of an individual so that one becomes a virtuous person
virtue ethics
what is the book written by Aristotle named for Nicomachus
an end, fulfilment, completion, goal
everything has an end or purpose
Theory of Causation
what is our end/ purpose
define Eudaimonia
● focuses on the ultimate purpose/meaning of human life
● best described well-being, human flourishing, living well/good life.
● the purpose of man is to achieve eudaimonia which is a state of serene and permanent happiness, rather than the momentary exaltation of the senses
how to search for the ultimate good/ ethical life
knowledge of good
aim at the right action to pursue
- right thoughts
- right words
- right action
living life according to reason
develop and strengthening our rational thinking abilities to overcome impulsive desires and emotions = fulfil the purpose = happiness
“Every virtue is a mean between 2 extremes, each of which is a vice”
doctrine of the mean
virtue is the mean of 2 extremes
vice (absence of virtue) <–> virtue (balanced) <–> vice (excess of virtue )
[cowardice > courage > rashness]
in the east, what are closely intertwined
religion and philosophy
is known as a religious tradition and recognized by scholars as a philosophical system for it provide views pertaining to morality
“Good moral character is the first essential in a man”
George Washington
who is Confucius &
birthplace (years of existence)
Kong Qiu
Kong Fu Tzu
Master Kong
Shantung, South Beijing (551-479 BCE)
the gentleman vs the little man
“When you see a worthy person, endeavor to emulate him. When you see an unworthy person, then examine your inner self.”
“A Gentleman would be ashamed should his deeds not match his words.”
what is the difference between JUNZI and XIAOREN
JUNZI [model of excellence]
goal: through education - create gentleman who carry themselves with grace, speak correctly and demonstrate integrity
act speak appropriately
moral person who leads by his character and conduct
XIAOREN [egoistic]
literally, small person
petty, small minded, narrowly self-interested, greedy, superficial or materialistic
cannot transcend personal concerns and prejudice and acts for his own gain
“What gives value to one’s life is solely whether one follows the path of moral self-cultivation.”
“A great man i hard on himself, a small man is hard on others”
3 stages of moral excellence
- Apprentice – on his her way to become Junzi
- Junzi – moral ideal (emphasize moral excellence over social status)
- Sage – higher ideal (perfect harmony with others)
“If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room”
briefly explain the Confucian Virtues
REN (jen)
benevolence, humanness
do things that promote the well being of other people compassion
LI (propriety/ decency)
do things that r appropriate in a given situation
proper ways of speaking, behaving, dressing
SHU (reciprocity)
doing thing in accordance with the golden rule
“ do not do unto others what u dw others do to u”
XIAO (filial piety)
love, respect, devotion to fam members
WEN (culture)
cultivate one’s sense of appreciation of culture
acquiring artistic skills in music, painting, dance
other list of Confucian Virtues
true or false:
One could be a gentleman or noble despite not being born in an aristocratic family - family has a high social rank
true or false:
A true Junzi loves learning.
true or false:
One should use his/her knowledge to improve the society
Thomas Aquinas born
From Aquino, Italy 13th Century
Dominican priest
Thomas Aquinas
Philosopher and classical proponent of Natural Theology
Thomas Aquinas
what did Thomas Aquinas wrote
summa theologica and summa contra gentiles
true or false:
Thomas Aquinas believed that humans naturally strive for perfection
Aquinas on humans
● Humans naturally seeks perfection.
● Humans are equipped with powers or potentialities (reason)
Full potential = use of reason + moral development
Aquinas emphasized that humans can achieve their best selves by combining the use of reason with moral growth. This combination allows individuals to fulfill their capabilities and strive towards excellence in both intellect and character.
what are the 3 ends of human beings
- to preserve life
- to reproduce
- to belong in society
true or false:
The goodness or evilness of an act does not depends on whether it helps or hinders a person from achieving their ultimate end of happiness or perfection.
false - depends
how to achieve happiness or perfection
consistent and proper use of intellectual and moral virtues
virtue as the source of moral strength
By consistently working on developing virtuous qualities like honesty, courage, and kindness, individuals can enhance their moral character and become better at making ethical choices in their daily lives.
discipline of the mind, perfects understanding of what is right and wrong
intellectual virtue
habits that make one a good person
moral virtues
(prudence, justice, temperance, fortitude)
moral virtues r also called
cardinal virtues
what are the 4 cardinal virtues
discern the appropriate course of action to be taken in a given situation at an appropriate time
fairness/ righteousness
restraint, practice of self control
courage, strength, endurance, confront fear
enlightenment resulting from the grace of God
theological virtues
3 theological virtues
see everything w the eyes of God
trust in the goodness and power of God
love everybody w the heart of God
the natural faculty of human reason to distinguish right from wrong
2 types of Conscience
- Synderesis – innate right reason to know good and evil.
- Conscientia – use synderesis to make appropriate decisions
the real happiness
union w God
interconnections are clearly manifested
moral action:
virtue: state of character
moral action: doing the right thing
character: part of one’s nature and personality
____ + ____ = virtue
acting + feeling
doing the right act with a feeling of pleasure and contentment or happiness.
Virtuous Person