Virginia Colonies Flashcards
Where did the Protestant Reformation begin?
Northern Europe-V
Why didn’t England make stronger attempts to colonize the New World before the late sixteenth to early seventeenth centuries?
English attention was turned to internal struggles and the encroaching Catholic menace to Scotland and Ireland.-V
What was the most lucrative product of the Chesapeake colonies?
What was the primary cause of Bacon’s Rebellion?
former indentured servants wanted more opportunities to expand their territory
Jamestown politicians were jockeying for power-V
What was the Middle Passage?
the transatlantic journey that enslaved Africans made to America-V
Rhode Island
What was significant in the 1300-1400 in Europe
Black Plague,1/3 of Europe died-V
1500’s- Population growth, Price Revolution
Low wages, high prices-V
Enclosure movement
Land owners didn’t want renter so they enclosed their fields, and wanted sheep-V
John Smith
Founder of Jamestown, where many pilgrims died-V
William Boyd
Primogeniture ( firstborn child)-V
Background-Seconds sons who didn’t get anything-didn’t know how to work
Criminals-either go to America or go to prison-
Virginias Problems
Too debilitated by hunger and disease
Communal system & attitudes towards work
Spanish Myths-V
didn’t how to farm
built next to the water, to protect themselves from Indians-V
Too debilitated by hunger and diesease
'’Starving Time’‘-Canabilism, killed wife and ate her-V
Communal system & attitude towards work
Communal system did not work, (equal pay despite work)
Pasture farmer did not know how to worker-from England
Guilds-medieval unions, must do what father did(trade)-V
Spanish Myths
Cortez and Pazzaro ‘’ Conquistadors’’, Native Americans believed they were Gods, and were given gold. The pilgrims believed the same-V
Starving Time
John Smith Recounts the Early History of Jamestown ,1609-V
Packed Densely, Like Herring
Gottlieb Mittelberger Warns
His Countryman of the Perils of Emigration, 1750-V
We Unfortunate English People Suffer Here
An English Servant Writes Home by Elizabeth Sprigs, 1756-V
A Letter from an Indentured Servant in Virginia
Richard Frethorne, 1623-V
Virginia Slave Laws
Virginia Slave Law: Prohibition Against Arms
Virginia Slave Law: A Slave Woman’s Offspring
Virginia Slave Law: Killing a Slave
Virginia Slave Law: Slaves are Real Estate-V
Demand was high and used African to work it
1640 African lost their right
English King did not like tobacco-V
Indentured Servants
-worked 4-7 years in exchange for passage
-the contract
-sexual restraint
-punishment for running away-V
Spirit ‘‘recruiting’‘-V
Wind, sickness, lack of food, pirates, mutiny, shipwreck, rations-V
The contract
'’pest house’’ if look sick/weak-V
Term used if lasted 1 year in the conditions
NE-80(Cold killed germs)
Sexual Restraint
Not suppose to get married if girl gets pregnant because girl is accused of fornication, and bastardy in which the child is born out of wedlock. Masters can add 1-3 years of service. To change things, they ask the girl whose the father and if is the master, he is accused with adultery, and they move the girl to another master. If a white women has a mixed baby from a black man, women gets 7 years added plus whipping. Many move to North Carolina.-V
Punishment for running away
For everyday, 1 day=pay 10 days
Anne ran away 133 days, paid 1,330 days
South Carolina- Ran away for 1 day, pay 1 year-V
Headright system
Settlers received 50 acres of land when arrived, per servant-V
Anthony Johnson
Free black man that had a small estate, and had a white worker, 1640-V
1st example of slavery
1640- 3 servants escaped, however the black punishment was to serve life for his life-V
1640-Slavery shifted from non-Christian to non-white
1641-Massachusetts recognized slavery as a legal institution( a north colony)
1662-If a child bon from a enslaved mother, baby is now slave for life
Shortage of women
Marriage and child bearing
Too unstable to be patriarchal-V
Arrival-1620- 140 free women, 1woman per 10 men
women have more right, thrive when economy/government unstable
Marriage/Child bearing
Most came as indentured servants, lots of step/half kids-V
Too unstable to be patriachal
-women were not submissive ‘‘Do not obey the man’’
-VA, women inherit when she marries. They would marry sick man, and inherit everything and marry another man
‘‘Bawdy’’ women had big mouth in VA, put a docking stool’’ in every county for women with big mouth. Dunked in a chair with sewer water-V