Exam 2 Flashcards
Transportation Revolution
Cult of Domesticity
Agricultural Revolution
Cult of Domesticity
Transition-Putting out system (Piece Rate)
Apprenticeship system
Cult of Domesticity
Factories ( North owned slaves)
Cult of Domesticity
Religious Revival
-Second Great Awakening
-No more Calvinism
Cult of Domesticity
Republican Motherhood
-Women involved in the American Revolution, able to be part of society
-Mother in charge of creating good citizens, went to school to learn and teach
Cult of Domesticity
Haven in a heartless world- Men are corrupt dirty world, women in private world
Cult of Domesticity
Four Attributes of an Ideal Women
-Domestic- Home
-Pious-More religious- lots of power
-Pure-spermatic economy
Cult of Domesticity
Spermatic economy-everyone has a finite amount of energy
-Passionless, not like sex
Cult of Domesticity
Good Girl v Bad Girl
Cult of Domesticity
Birthrate down
-war, men dying
-city life
- women working
Cult of Domesticity
-Dorothea Dix-work with the mentally ill(taught at prison)
-Temporalism- anti-alcohol
-Suffrage right to vote
-Lucretia Mott- fight against slavery/abolishment
Cult of Domesticity
Lydia Sigourney Sentimentalizes Women in the Home
Cult of Domesticity
Farm to Factory-Women Letters
Cult of Domesticity
Dorothea Dix, on behalf of the Insane
Cult of Domesticity
Temperance Activist
Cult of Domesticity
Seneca Falls Declaration
Cult of Domesticity
Sojourners Truth, Ain’t I a women
Cult of Domesticity
We believed slavery would die on its own
-Quaker= Everyone is everyone/no minister/women rights and slavery -
-Gradual Emmanicipation
Slavery hold on
-Constitution- 3/5 comprise, rights of property, free states must return runaway slaves, can’t vote slave trade for 20 years (1808)
Cotton Gin-Super profitable
-Missouri Comprise - 1820 Every time add free state+ slaves = 1845 15 new slave states
-Middle Passage -Route of slaves from Africa to New World
Justification of having slaves
-Slaves treated well
-Paternalism- John Pendleton Kennedy( fake stories )
- Superior to wage slaves (factory workers)-Don’t have to worry about clothing, food, housing
-Scientific Racism - Dr. Samuel Cartwright
Justification of abuse of slave women
Jezebel - Endlessly sexually
Mammy- Good woman
African Condition-women dressing, exotic dancing, polygamy,
Slave Trade Document by John Barbet
Swallow Barn by John Pendleton Kennedy
Fake story of treating slaves
Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
Sexual Abuse from Master
A Former Slave Recalls an Outbreak of “Malitis
Tricked Master
An Excerpt from “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas
Fought Back
Andrew Jackson 7th President
-Common Man
King Andrew
Common man-
-Rep not a guide
-Open inauguration
Spittons-chew Tabaco
Stmup speaking- politcal views
Against bank of America
King Andrew
Veto a lot
Duels over his wife
Trials of Tears( against Supreme Court)
Trials of Tears
-NA lost 2/3 of land, tricked by white people
-Indian Removal Act
-Treaty of Echota-Give up land
-Georgia to Oklahoma
-Benevolent-doing of good vigorously
Supralegal executor-Above the law
Rioting lower class men, v Free Rich Black man
Washington Irving describes a visit to a New York Theater in 1802
Andrew Jackson and the Veto
Native meet the Spaniards
-Presidios-Where soldiers were
Mission-convert nonbelievers
Native and West
Californios( Mexicans ranchers)
-Mexican or Catholic rancher receive 50k sq acres
-Alfred Robinson-he is a trader from east coast/ offered money and wanted Donya
Native and West
Manifest Destiny and the Native Americans
Native and West
Tecumseh & Curse President Harrison
- President die in the 0
Native and West
James Marshall saw gold in American River
Native and West
African American West; Explorers
-York was a slave for Lewis and Clark
-Fur Traders, NA, liked Black over white
-James Beckworth found passenger in Nevada
-Indian fighter, Jickey( Kentucky Derby) Pony Express, Cowboys, Bill Pickett and bulldogging, exodusters
Native and west
Life in a California Mission: The Journals of Jean Francois de La Pérouse, 1786
Native and west
Father Luis Jayme Attacks Sexual Abuse of Indigenous Women, 1772
Native and West
Tecumseh Confronts Governor Harrison
Native and West
Red Jacket versus what he saw as the White Man’s Christianity
Native and West
Thomas Jefferson to Captain Hendrick, December 21, 1808
Native and West
Growing Rift
-Mercantilism- colonies are a source of raw material
-Navigation Act- if colonies wany anything from other countries have to go through England
American Revolution
French-Indian Wars
-England got rid of France in our continent and made us pay
-George Washingon and Ben Franklin were disrespected
American Revolution
Stamp Act-
The Parliament Enforced everyone has to buy stamp
Women, students, children, and minorities do not have representation
American Revolution is that all different classes/race come together
American Revolution
Scare crow of Stamp Master-England stopped the stamp act
Declaration Act
-Parliament can tax and legislate for Britain Americans possessions in all cases
Townsend Duties
-tax on everyting
American Revolution
Tension increase
-Boston Massacre-Boy give haircut to soldier and refuse to pay.
5 killed- Crispus Attuck-one of the 1st killed, African Americans
American Revolution
Boston Tea Party
Parliament vs Benjamin Franklin
Poem about England
Opened letter from Thomas Hutchinson
American Revolution
Coercive or Interolable Act imposed-
England sent solider but had to feed and house 2,000 soldiers
First Continental Congress-Every colony had its own money, supported Boston
American Revolution
George Hewes’ Recollection of the Boston Massacre
American Revolution
Thomas Hutchinson Recounts the Mob Reaction to the Stamp Act in
Boston, 1765
American Revolution
Patrick Henry - Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death, March 23, 1775
American Revoltion
Abigail Adams, “Remember the Ladies” (1776)
American Revolution
Felix’s petition
American Revolution
Towards Independence-Beginning of the War
-Shots Fired
-Bunker Hill
-Second Continental Congress
American Revolution
Volunteer Army-Not your typical Army
-Britain- Hessian (mercenaries, loyalist, African Americans, Native Americans
American- Volunteers, African Americans, French
American Revolution
Towards Independence
-Fight to own slave-white owners
Felix Petition
-African Americans ask for freedom /Right
Thomas Paine& Common Sense
-Big Motivator, Power lies with the people, saying everyone is equal
Remember the Lady Abigail Adams
-Want equal rights, threatened rebellion
American Revolution
The Long Struggle
-Washington Evacuates New York- Last to leave
-Do not play by the rules, humble man)
Hessian-Arrogant General Rall
-Slow General Burgoyne
-Philadelphia- change capital
Valley Forge & Benedict Arnold
Wanted to be aggressive like a lion but had to be sneaky like a fox.
Foreign help- French loved Benjamin
American Revolution
-Economic contributors-riots, mobs, boycotting, homespun
-temporary war widows
-travelers with war
-activisit in the war
American Revolution
More men than women escaped
-without children
-16-36 age
William Harper- sex with a slave is okay
How did slaves cope?
-Religion- they are sacred/secular people
-chosen to go to heaven
-told a story about freedom
-passive aggressive
Haiti & toussaint louverture
Nat Turner
-Slave, read the bible, killed 55 people
He was the reason slaves can’t read
-slaves took over
-John Quincy earned their freedom
Many did not revolt because they had nowhere to go. They never experienced freedom. Weren’t necessarily a tribe.
Henry Box Brown-mailed himself
How did the cult of Domesticity in the North encourage abolitionism?
Slavery tears apart mother and children
Slavery on purses
Don’t use sugar and cotton slave products
Woman’s duty to say that slavery is evils
Transformational Revolution
Agriculture Revolution
Industrial Religion
Cult of Domesticity
Industrialization and religion revival combined to create the cult of domesticity which many argue led to the cult of redemptive womanhood and voluntarism
Cult of domesticity