Native Americans Flashcards
What did Europeans NOT find when they arrived to the East coast?
Gold- NA
What were some areas of conflict between arriving Europeans and Natives? Matriarchal family structure
Land ownership
Use of Environment-
Why did Columbus believe he could get to the Far East by sailing West? What were the problems with this plan?
Columbus knew the Earth was round which is why he knew he could get to the Far East by sailing West. The problem was that he did not know the distance and had no way of knowing when he was going to reach it.-NA
Where did Christopher Columbus first land?
The Bahamas-NA
Why did the authors of probanzas de méritos choose to write in the way that they did? What should we consider when we interpret these documents today?
Probanzas de méritos is about the Earth being plentiful and fruitful. The Spanish need more funding for their voyage, so in the letters they made their discoveries sound as promising as they could. . When we read them now, we need to take the descriptions with a grain of salt. But we can also fact-check these descriptions, whereas the Spanish court could only take them at face value.-NA
Native Americans think that Europeans are
Work too much-NA
Europeans think that Native Americans
Worship Satan-NA
Time is cyclical & repetitive
Europeans like progress
NA likes cycle, believe recantation ‘‘circle story’‘-NA
Holiness of dream world
Takes dreams seriously (tent w/dream)-NA
Reciprocity & Exchange
-NA not materialist ( Christopher Columbus quote)
NA buried with belongings, burn their corn at the end of harvest
Catawba Deerskin Map-NA
One with the land or use of fruit
Don’t be greedy-NA
Boundaries Permable
pass through
‘‘brother bear’’
Spirits pass through and become something else-NA
NA differ from Europeans
*Absence of rape or sexual abuse
*Native Americans don’t cheat but rather divorce(voluntary marriage and divorce
*Deliberate control of reproduction
*Diversity of pattern of decent and residence
*Centrality of kinship to identity
*Possibility of cross gender roles and same sex attachment-NA
Columbus reports on his first voyage,1493
Reciprocity and Exchange-NA
Native American Discover Europeans
Time is cyclical and repetitive-NA
Legend of Woutie
One with the land or use of fruit-NA
Bear Legend(Cherokee)
Boundaries permeable-NA
Creation of the Red and White Races
Holiness of the dream world-NA
of or based on kinship with the mother or the female line-NA