Final Flashcards
President Hoover
- In 1930, the Stock market crashed, Hooverville-homeless communities thought the Great Depression would pass in 2 months, but instead lasted 10 years, friends with the w/Red Cross& decided to stop giving
-1 million Mexican Americans deported
-Sent National Guard for against the WWI, vet promised bonus
-Hoover excellent with money
30- -used the radio to communicate
-Cradle to Grave- Democratic -WPA- Work Program Association
- excellent with people, polio 39, country never knew it, had affair with secretary
Eleanor Roosevelt
1st activist 1st lady talked politics with women, exposed daughters of the revolution
Criminal and their attributes
20- - no cops, planned killing,
Al Capone, Pretty Boy Floyd, Bonnie and Clyde, Machine Gun Kelly, Kate (proud of their names )
Woody Guthrie
1930, musician, played guitar
Cynicism example
30- Gangster and movies , Little Caesar
War of the Worlds
30- Writer was Jewish
Shirley Temple
30- Dorothy, Wizard of Oz,
Mickey Mouse
30- Comedy, for children, Adventure
Wizard of OZ
- shirley temple
- 30- escapism
Japanese Interment Camp
40- Japanese were enemies
-believed we were spies
-racial profiling- tell Chinese v Japs
Given 48 hours
Tuskegee Airman
40- 850 medal
-Executive Order 9981 - Integrated race- Truman
40- Hispanic, supposedly violent, army base in Arkansas in a Hispanic town. La Opinion V New York Times, they back off. Zoot suite and Lil Abner, antihero wear zoot suite
Jose Diaz and the Murder at Sleep Lagoon
40 - death of Jose Diaz, largest mass trial for murder- 17 convicted , Judge declared racist
Rosie the Riveter
1940, Housewife, secretary, factory worker, ( older& married) women work to win war, women willl get buff if work too much
Captain America
1940- Hirichiti,
Wonder Woman
1940- William Moulton Marston
Ozzie and the Harriet
fam of 4 normal family
Father Knows Best
nuclear family
Leave it to Beaver
- 50
- nuclear family
Betty Friedan
Writer of The Feminine Mystique- 1950
The Feminine Mystique
Betty Friedan of this, Problem had no name-1950
The Problem with NO name
-Women feeling empty- 1950
I Love Lucy
-International marriage, very carefree, didn’t fit in, pretty dumb, didn’t mind looking dumb
-Senator Mcarthy, outed gays and gained power during this time
exposed communist
cold war scared people
People had bomb shelter
Duck and Cover
1950 film
The ‘‘kitchen Debate ‘’
50-Ronald Raegan v Russia about kitchen
The wild ones
50- terrible people, had jeans and letter jacket instead of suits
blackboard jungle
1st time tock and roll in the background -50
Rebel without a cause
movies with jeans and letter jacket, instead of suits - 50
1950 rock n roll
music was regional, racial and economic lines,
pop- middel white
country- low whote
rythm & blue- black
people would buy sheet music writer sold same to different artist
dwight eisenhower
President in the 60
Arkansas - little rock 9
Harry Truman (1940-1950)
-excective order 9981
-President Truman tried to integrate, but Congress said no, Supreme court said yes
Truman- Executive Order 9981, Integrated Race for military-40
Black Panther did not believed in integration
Governor Wallace
- closed the school
Governor for Alabama
did not want integration
Interment Camp-40
TV Shows
Twilight Zone, Mister Ed, Beverly Hillbillies, My favorite Maritan, the Addams Family, Flipper, the Munster, Gilligan’s Island, Bewitched, Green Acres, I dream of Jeannie, Star Trekk
John F. Kennedy
ask not what your country can do for you: Ask what you
can do for your country
Martin Luther King Jr.
I have a dream
Rosa Parks
Mother of Civil Rights
Part of the NAAPC, her decision was spontaneous
Ruby Bridges
- Elementary girl helped integrated
Norman Rockwell
40-rosy river- artist
60- photographer- of ruby bridges
Cesar Chavez
-Created Farmer Worker Union, Grape Strike, Fasten, International Grape boycott, died fasten
- part of el Marcriado
Malcom X
-Malcom Little- father killed white supremacist, insurance ruled as suicide
Red- hair color, straight,
Malcom X- In jail, met Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad. Tried to kill him. White people the devil
-Malik-El-shabbaz- Went to the Middle East, changed his name, killed in Harlem
Black Panther
-In SF, LA, Radical
Wanted to end police brutality, All black released from jail, never serve military, communist , did not believe in integration
Timothy Leary
Promoted psychedelics
‘‘Turn on, Turn in, Prop Out
Pop Art/ Op art ( two different types of Art
-Pop art- realistic and colorful
-Op art - optical illusion
Andy Warhol- pop art
Richard Hamiliton-pop art
Rock star Concert,( New York)
Started Haight Asbury in San Francisco
Zora Neale
Howard University ‘‘Queen Zera’’
- writer
-proud to be black
-princess of Harlem
The little rock nine
-1954- Brown v Board of Education, allow integration
Governor Faubus
-Governor of Arkansas, did not allow the integration and sent the nat’l guard to Central High School
Preconditions for racial change or
civil rights activism
-President Eisenhower
When Gov told him no, and did not allow integration, he sent the 101st airborne , which escorted 9 student