Viral Infections Flashcards
Rhinovirus, Coronavirus, Coxsackie virus.
What are the common location of infection for these pathogens?
What are the common location of infection for these pathogens?
Epstein-Barr virus, Adenovirus, Enteroviruses
What are the common location of infection for these pathogens?
Adenovirus, Herpesviruses
What are the common location of infection for these pathogens?
Parainfluenza viruses
What are the common location of infection for these pathogens?
influenza, measles
What are the common location of infection for these pathogens?
what type of genome do adenoviruses ha ve?
Linear, non-segmented, d/s DNA,
What groups are at risk for acute respiratory illness or pneumonia due to adenovirus?
individuals in crowded conditions - military recruits, boarding school students, etc
What kind of genome do coronaviruses have?
non segment, ss, + RNA
How are coronaviruses transmitted?
Transmitted by aerosols of respiratory secretions, growth appears to be localized in epithelium of URT
When is coronavirus infection most common among children?
Civets, ferrets, and bats are common reservoirs for what kind of virus?
What is the reservoir for SARS?
bats and civets
What is SARS?
severe acute respiratory syndrome caused by coronavirus
What is MERS?
middle east respiratory syndrome caused by corona virus
What is the reservoir for MERS?
Orthomyxovirus is another name for what virus?
An acute respiratory disease with prominent systemic symptoms despite the fact that the infection rarely extends beyond the respiratory tract mucosa describes what infection?
What is the orthomyxovirus (influenza) genome like?
ss, negative RNA with 8 segments