viral hepatitis Flashcards
Hep A aetiology + spread
HAV RNA virus picornavirus
F-O or shellfish
Hep A incubation
short incubation. acute, no chronic disease
Hep A - clinical presentation
fever, malaise, anorexia, nausea, athralgia - then: jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly and adenopathy
Hep A - diagnostic test
AST and ALT rise 22-40 days after exposure, returning to normal over 5-20 weeks
IgM rises from day 25 and means recent infection
IgG detectable
Hep A treatment
supportive, monitor LF. Avoid alcohol. Rarely, interferon-a for fuliment hepatitis.
Hep A prognosis
usually self-limiting (3-6 weeks).
F hep is rare.
Chronicity doesn’t occur
100% immunity after infection
Hep B aeitiology
HBV, a DNA virus
spread: BBB
Hep B serology
3 hep B antigens: envelope, core and surface (HBsAg, HBcAg, HBeAg
- HBsAg is present 1-6 months after exposure
- HBeAg 1.5-3 months after acute illness and implies high infectivity
- HBsAg persisting for >6 months defines carrier status + occurs in 5-10% of infections
- Antibodies to HBcAg imply past infection
- Antibodies to HBsAg alone imply vaccination
HBV PCR allows monitoring of response to therapy
Hep B clinical presentation
Resemble hep A but arthralgia (pain in a joint) and urticaria (hives) are commoner
Hep B treatment
Supportive, monitor LF
Avoid alcohol, immunize sexual contacts.
Anti-virals: e.g. tenofovir, entecavir
Aim: to clear HBsAg and prevent cirrhosis and HCC (risk is if HBsAg and HBeAg +ve)
Hep B chronicity
Majority of acute HBV infection → spontaneous resolution
5% → chronic (more common in immunocompromised) 2 options for treatment
1. PEG interferon alpha: immunomodulatory – stimulates immune response
- Not tolerated well: muscle ache, fever, lethargy
2. Nucleosite analogues: tenofevir, enteecavir: inhibit viral replication
Hep C aetiology and spread
RNA flavivirus. Genotypes 1-6
Spread: blood bourne: transfusion (thousands of UK cases before 1990s, compensation available), IVDU, sexual, acupuncture,
Hep C clinical presentation
Early infection is often mild/asymptomatic
~85% develop silent chronic infection
~25% get cirrhosis in 20yrs- of these ~4% get HCC. Chief reason for liver transplant in the West
RF for progression: male, older, higher viral load, use of alcohol, HIV, HBV
Hep C diagnostic tests
Hep C natural history
30% spontaneous resolution. 70% →chronic hepatitis. (85% if have HIV).
Previous infection doesn’t = immunity
Hep C SVR and treatment of chronic
SVR: sustained virological response varies between genotypes. SVR12/24 – undetected HVC RNA at 12 or 24 weeks after end of treatment.
Treatment: PEG-IFN + ribavirin + simeprivir
- PEG-IFN stimulates immune response
- Ribavirin is a HCV nucleoside inhibitor, stops viral RNA synthesis
- Simeprivir is a HCV protease inhibitor, preventing viral maturation through inhibiton of protein synthesis
Hep D aetiology
Incomplete RNA virus (needs HBsAg for its assembely)
HBV vaccination prevents HDV
5% of HBV carriers have HDV co-infection
Spread: blood bourne, particularly IVDU
Hep D treatment
Interferon-a has limited success (30%) → liver transplantation may be required
Hep E cause and spread
Small RNA virus, similar to HAV
Genotype 3 in UK (eating sausages)
Spread: F-O transmission
Hep E epidemiology
Associated with pigs
more common in older men
Hep E natural history
(acute) self limiting usually
chronic in IS patients
Hep E treatment
Self limiting usually
Vaccine in China, not in Europe