Violence Risk Assessment Flashcards
What are the five elements to consider in a violence risk assessment?
1) Context
2) Purpose
3) Approach
4) Population
5) Parameters
PCL-R’s 4 factors..which are most associated with violence recidivism?
1) Interpersonal
2) Affective
3) Lifestyle
4) Antisocial
Affective and antisocial are most associated with violence recidivism
What are the four concerns regarding an expert’s testimony as evidence of violence risk?
The general concern is called “fit” which consists of:
1) the relevance of group data being reflective of one individual
2) How much a sample varies from the case at hand
3) If the expert has considered the likely dispositional outcome for the evaluee
4) Whether the expert and law are using the same outcome measure
What’s the most well known study of violence risk assessment?
MacArthur Violence Risk Assessment Study
Which four domains did the MacArthur study focus on?
1) Personal
2) Context
3) Clinical
4) Historical
Name three general violence actuarial screening tools
1) Dynamic Appraisal of Situational Aggression-Inpatient Version (DASA-IV)
2) Domestic Violence Screening Instrument (DVSI)
3) Juvenile Sexual Offense Recidivism Risk Assessment Tool-II (JSORRAT-II)
What does COVR stand for and what’s it used for?
Classification of Violence Risk. Empirical actuarial measure. Used in VRA of people with acute psych issues to estimate risk over first several months of after discharge from a MH facility.
In the COVAR what should the examiner do if an evaluee’s response is inconsistent with the data?
Confront about discrepancy. If the response is satisfactory, record it and move on. If not, enter “missing” rather than the self-report or clinical judgment. This method is how the measure was normed.
What is the least amount of classification tree models that the COVR can reliably provide an estimate with?
5 out of 10
Describe the Static-99R (what kind of offender)?
Empirical actuarial measure. For use with adult male sex offenders 18 years+ who have offended against minors or non-consenting adults. May be used with those in a MH commitment and first time sex offenders.
Who is the Static-99R not recommended for?
Females and minors or adults whose sex offenses are prostitution-related (pimping, sex in public with consenting adult) or possession of child porn/indecent materials. It should also not be used for sex offenses involving sex between same aged peers, such as between those who are close in age but the victim does not meet the legal age of consent (statutory rape).
What is the difference between actuarial guides and other traditional actuarial measures?
1) Do not provide experience tables and percentile norms.
2) advise against the modification of the score based on clinical judgment
3) exclude dynamic items.
Name four actuarial guides
1) Violence Risk Appraisal Guide (VRAG)
2) Sexual Offense Risk Appraisal Guide (SORAG)
3) Violence Risk Appraisal Guide-Revised (VRAG-R)
4) Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA)
Describe the VRAG
Used for violence recidivism for MEN charged with criminal violence. It is also meant for MENTALLY disordered and normal male offenders convicted of violent offenses. Examiners should have training in the PCL-R. The outcome variable is “any new criminal charge for criminal offense.”
Describe the SORAG
To assess men who’ve been institutionalized for contact sex offenses against minors and sexual assaults against women.
Why was the SORAG created?
Sex offenders’ rates of violence were higher than expected based on VRAG scores, implying a need for separate norms. Personal variables associated with recidivism among sex offenders were different from those of violent offenders without histories of sex offenses.
Describe the VRAG-R
Can be used for violent or sex offenders and does not require scoring the entire PCL-R, just the antisocial facet (#4). It is based on follow-up longitudinal research of 49 years.
Describe the ODARA
Risk of violent recidivism against a female domestic partner among men with a police record of such violence. May be scored with up to 5 missing items but with loss of predictive accuracy. It hasn’t been validated without criminal data.
Describe the Level of Service (LS) instruments.
They’re rational actuarial measures, based on risk/needs components. They sought to:
1) improve standardization and transparency
2) make info matter of record
3) develop prof capacities to assess risk
4) include dynamic risk factors.
What are the 3 major components of LS content?
1) Opinions of correctional and forensic prof
2) Broad and flexible theoretical perspectives on human behavior
3) Research literature on the prediction of criminal behavior and crime prevention
What population are the LS instruments intended for?
Probationers and parolees and there is a youth version for 12-17 years of age
What is the LSI-R? Describe it.
Level of Service Inventory-Revised - uses indicators of risk/need across 10 subcomponents
What is the LS-CMI? Describe it. What unique element does it include?
Level of Service-Case Mgmt Inventory. General risk/need score and assesses progress through case closure. It includes the concept of offender strength.
What is the LS/RNR? Describe it.
Level of Service/Risk-Need-Responsivity. It is an intermediate version of the LS-R and LS-CMI. It does not include a case management element. More appropriate for agencies whose services already include case mgmt.
What is the LS-R: SV? Describe it.
Level of Service-Revised: Screening Version. Designed for agencies with very large # of cases. Moderate and high risk undergo full LS instrument.
What is the YLS/CMI? Describe it.
Youth Level of Service/Case Mgmt Inventory. For youth offenders 12-18 yoa who engage in violent offending and who are undergoing pre-trial diversion, detention, or disposition/sentencing.
Name two Treatment and Change Oriented Risk Assessment Tools
1) Violence Risk Scale (VRS)
2) Violence Risk Scale - Sex Offense Version (VRS-SO)
How do the VRS and VRS-SO function?
Use the RNR model to identify:
1) “who” to treat (low, medium, high risk)
2) “what” to treat (criminogenic needs)
3) “how” to treat them (method of delivering effective tx)
The VRS and VRS-SO use a modified version of the…?
Transtheoretical model of change: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance
What are four SPJ screeners?
1) Violence Risk Screening-10 (V-RISK-10)
2) Guidelines for Stalking Assessment and Mgmt (SAM)
3) Stalking Risk Profile (SRP)
4) Assessment of Risk for Honour-Based Violence (PATRIARCH)