Misc Flashcards
Rule 26 of the federal rules of civil procedure
expert witnesses providing an opinion regarding future violence risk to submit a report prior to testifying
Examines the interplay among one’s own beliefs and how that fuels/prevents behaviors
Process variables
could be used to provide support or stability to a subject who is struggling or represent reasons that an individual would not engage in targeted violence
An event that is rare, predictable only in retrospect, with extreme impacts
Black swan event
The media used to transmit messages are referred to as ____________. Threat assessment uses this phrase when referring to the ways that information about threatening individuals can be gained by threat assessment teams
Communications channels
Sometimes referred to as situational factors. In threat assessment, the ______ refers to the situation and environment surrounding the subject or the target. These
can be personal, organizational, or on a larger scale (e.g., economic climate, world
news, etc.)
context factors
This phrase refers to any information which is collected, analyzed, or distributed for use in inhibiting or monitoring criminal activity
Criminal intelligence
The sum of background factors (peer group, security, access to weapons, etc.) affecting the situation of both the subject and the target. This includes organizational or cultural factors that impact tolerance or reporting of behaviors on the pathway to violence
Environmental influences
Ensuring that evidence is collected and maintained in a proper manner that will preserve the forensic value of the evidence.
Evidence preservation
Process of acquiring information and evidence (about the target, the subject, contacts, communication, past and present behavior, context) to support accurate
and complete assessment of risks and the best way to defuse them
fact finding
This is an act of spontaneous violence often sparked by situational or contextual triggers
impromptu violence
Careful consideration of converging evidence in a case to ascertain the level of threat posed and progress toward violence.
Information anaylsis
Process of obtaining information from all available sources to inform the analysis and decision making in a threat assessment
Information gathering
Facilitation of the flow of information among entities responsible for a case so that all parties have access to current, relevant information on which to base decision
Information sharing
Purposeful questioning of a subject to obtain accurate, useful, and timely information relevant to an investigation
An action or process that has the effect of modifying behavior, thinking, or emotions. In threat assessment, it is the action taken in implementation of a threat management strategy (e.g., interviewing, monitoring, etc.)
Disciplinary actions toward a subject are often required in threat management to ensure a target’s safety; however, confrontational interventions can also negatively affect a subject’s well-being. The relationship among the target’s safety, the subject’s well-being, and the strategy used can be described as a ____________ in some situations because each impacts the other and often suggest different threat management decisions. Both should be considered and continuously assessed after intervention.
Intervention / Inhibitor Dichotomy
The case dynamic intensified by the stimulus of what the threat manager or target does or does not do in response to the threat situations
Intervention synergy
Similar in concept to intervention strategies, this is the range of levels of confrontation with the subject of a threat management case
Intervention vectors
Strategies to engage a subject in the interview in order to elicit information
Interview approaches
Plan for the goals and approaches to an interview (e.g., deciding what information will be sought, how the subject will be redirected, where the interview will take place, etc.)
Interview strategy
l or perceived close personal relationship, sometimes accompanied by physical or sexual contact
This is an active process of seeking out and finding information relevant to a threat assessment case.
Any verbal interaction between a law enforcement officer and a civilian for which the purpose is gathering information
Investigative interview
style of management that focuses on short-term goals
with immediate payoffs at the expense of strategies with superior but distant payoffs
Myopic Management
Threat of a direct nature, describing a possible future act against the target (e.g., I will kill you)
Overt Threat
_____________ refer to strategies that employ measures comparable to the level of risk presented by the subject
Proportionate responses
Process of gathering detailed information surrounding an inappropriate communication or contact, including background on the subject, current behaviors, links to the target, and triggers for the communication. This information is used to create safety plans for the target
Protective fact finding
Actions taken in response to a criminal act or imminent threat to secure the target and ensure the target’s safety
Protective response
A threat management intervention that involves direct contact with the subject. The __________ can have many different purposes, including information gathering, refocusing or redirecting the subject, and warning or confronting the subject
Subject interview
Probabilities of risk at the extreme ends of a normal distribution. In threat assessment, this pertains because targeted violence has a very low rate of occurrence; however, the ____ should not be underestimated based on statistical probability that it will or will not happen
Tail risk
A condition in which the individual believes he or she is not in control of his or her actions, but instead is being commanded by an outside, usually malevolent force
Threat / Control override
Managing a subject’s behavior through interventions and strategies designed to disrupt or prevent an act of targeted violence.
Threat Management
The entirety of the steps taken to identify, assess,
and manage a threat assessment case. This includes developing, implementing, and monitoring a thorough plan unique to each subject and situation that includes
protective measures for the intended target
Threat mgmt process
A coordinated plan of direct or indirect interventions with the subject that, based on current information regarding level of threat posed, is designed to defuse the risk in a given situation at a particular point in time.
Threat mgmt strategy
Locations in which violence occurs or could potentially occur, including (but not limited to) workplaces, residences, and schools
Venues of violence
Working with the target to determine what a potential victim knows and needs to know, and how he or she finds out about the subject’s behaviors. Providing too much information can unnecessarily cause distress for the victim, while not presenting enough can lead to unsafe situations
Victim mgmt
The process by which a subject focuses on a target for his or her intended violence. This can include specific selection or opportunistic victims that happen to be at the location of an attack or included in some broad group which the subject has a grievance
Victim selection
A continuous investigative and analytical process of evaluating an individual’s probability of committing an act of violence based on personal and situational variables by an individual qualified (through training, experience, or education) to make risk determinations and recommendations for response, management, and
mitigation of that risk
Violence risk assessment
____ has many meanings depending on context. According to Homeland Security definitions, it refers to degree to which a target is at risk for attack or
disruption; in mental health circles, it is an innate propensity for a disorder or symptom cluster, which may only manifest given certain triggers. In
threat assessment, ____ is typically closer to the Homeland Security definition.
Interview involving a third party, usually to inquire about information concerning threatening behaviors or contacts by the subject, or background information on the subject’s past or current behavior or mental status.
Witness interview
Case law: Advocacy of the use of force or of law violation is protected unless such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action
Bradenburg v Ohio