Violence and Abuse Flashcards
penetration of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person without the consent of the victim
Acquaintance Rape
forced sex by a person the victim knows
Date Rape
assault occurs within a dating or marriage situation
Statutory Rape
sexual activity b/t an adult and a person under 18 years
Intimate Partner Violence
actual or threatened physical or sexual violence or psychological/emotional abuse
Generation to Generation Continuum Violence
Violence is a “learned behavior”
-children who witness one parent abuse another are more likely to become delinquents or batterers themselves b/c they see abuse as an integral part of a relationship
The Cycle of Violence
Phase 1-Tension Building
Phase 2-Acute Battering
Phase 3-Honeymoon
-the cycle will increase in intensity overtime
Tension Building Phase
Longest phase
- tension escalates b/t the couple
- excessive drinking, jealousy, etc…
- partner believes the tension is their fault and they deserve it
Acute Battering Phase
The explosion of violence
- batterer loses control both physically and emotionally and this is when the victim may be assaulted or murdered
- Victims consider themselves lucky the abuse was not worse, often deny seriousness, refuse medical treatment
Honeymoon Phase
Period of calm, loving, contrite behavior on the part of the batterer
- attempts to make up for behavior
- victim may feel responsible
Emotional Abuse
- promising, swearing, or threatening to harm the victim
- forcing the victim to perform degrading acts
- threatening to harm what’s important to the victim
- isolating victim from friends and family
- controlling victims every move
Physical Abuse
- hitting or grabbing the victim and leaving marks
- throwing things at victim
- attacking victim with weapons
- controlling access to healthcare for injuries
Financial Abuse
- preventing victim from getting a job
- sabotaging current job
- controlling how money is spent
- failing to contribute financially
Sexual Abuse
- forcing victim to have vaginal, anal, or oral intercourse against their will
- biting the victims breasts or genitals
- shoving objects into victim’s vagina or anus
- forcing to do something sexual the victim finds degrading
- forcing victim to perform sexual acts on others or animals
Victims Abuse Profile
Rarely describe themselves as abused
- may feel they are flawed or inadequate
- many abused as children