Vietnam Flashcards
Aid to the French in Vietnam
- US sent large-scale aid to the French
- 1953- provides 33% of funds, 1954- grows to 78%
- Negative consequences- French lost war, US aid to colonial power hurt reputation
Dien Bien Phu
- President Eisenhower went to Congress to get approval for bombing Vietnam
- Congress placed conditions on involvement
- Eisenhower decided to do nothing
- France work out Geneva Agreement with Vietnamese
Geneva Agreement of 1954
An international conference was held in Geneva, Switzerland to discuss the problems of Indochina. On July 20 and 21, 1954, this conference produced a number of agreements that were supposed to settle the war. The Geneva Accords stated that Vietnam was to become an independent nation.
Domino Effect
- Feeling that if one country in Southeast Asia feel to communism, all would fall
- Stated by pres. Eisenhower
Geneva Accords
-Peach between France and Vietnam, French withdraw from Vietnam within 1 year, Temporary division of Vietnam, Elections scheduled for 1956
US action against the Geneva Accord
- US supports South Vietnamese leader Ngo Dinh Diem
- South Vietnam made part of an alliance with the US (SEATO)
Election of 1956
- supposed to unify Vietnam
- canceled by Ngo Dinh Diem
Ngo Dinh Diem
Anti-communist South Vietnam president
- canceled elections that were supposed to unify Vietnam
- declared south Vietnam a separate country
- Vietcong rebelled against him
- Supported Catholic, wealthy minority over the Buddhist landless majority
(SouthEast Asia Treaty Organization)
-purpose was to prevent communism from gaining ground in the region)
- Opposition group that rebelled against Ngo Dinh Diem
- Imprisoned in concentration camps without trial
Diem’s overthrow
- By Vietnamese generals
- US does not intervene
- Instability in South Vietnamese govt
- Kennedy said he would reduce the commitment to South Vietnam
Alleged attack by North Vietnam
- North Vietnamese patrol boat fires on the USS Maddox
- Takes place in the Gulf of Tonkin off North Vietnamese coast
- Maddox returns fire and damages patrol boat
- 2 days later, enemy torpedoes spotted in the water under poor weather conditions
- Maddox fire with no return fire seen or heard
Tonkin Gulf Resolution
- Johnson used alleged attack to ask Congress for broad military power in Vietnam
- technically not a declaration of war
- Johnson uses the new powers to escalate the war
Operation Rolling Thunder
- First sustained bombing of North Vietnam
- Form of retaliation for attacks on US bases
- US dropped three times as many bombs as in all of WW2
- Unsuccessful- NV had extensive air defense system
- NV had few good targets
General Westmoreland
- Kept requesting for more troops
- Didn’t like the fighting ability of Army of the Republic of Vietnam
- Strategy became one of attrition
Gradual reduction of the enemies forces
Enemy dead body count became important
The Draft
- Focused on men between the ages of 18 and 26
- People found ways around serving in the military
- 80% of those drafted were from poorer families
Hearts and Minds
-trying to win support of South Vietnam’s rural population
Credibility Gap
people started to believe that what president Johnson was reporting was wrong
Tet Offensive
- Simultaneous attacks on numerous cities by Vietcong and North Vietnamese Army
- Stunned American public
Election of 1968
- Democratic Primary in turmoil
- VP Hubert Humphry wins nomination
- Repubs select Nixon