otherwise known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002
Republic Act 9165,
otherwise known as the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972
R.A 6425,
- may be defined as any immoral conduct or habit, the indulgence of which kinds to depravity, wickedness or corruption.
- is a learning process that influences an individual emotinally, intellectually, psychologically, and socially and may result in the modification of attitudes that influence behaviour
- The Egyptians used opium in their religious rituals.
3500 B.C
- The Egyptians used opium as an analgesic, or painkiller.
1600 B.C
were known to have used cocaine for at least 5000 years ago.
South America
- The hemp plant (Cannabis Sativa) from which marijuana and hashis are derived, also has a 5000 year history.
During World Wars I and II, the use of injectable morphine to ease the pain of battle casualties was so extensive that morphine addiction among veterans to be known as the
“ Soldiers Disease”
- the Bayer Drug Company in Germany introduced a new opiate, supposedly a non-addictive substitute for morphine and codeine. It came out under the trade name heroine, yet it proved to be even more addictive than morphine
- Cocaine, was isolated from the coca leaf and appeared on the international drug scene, it too was used for medical purposes.
- its popularity spread and soon it was used in other products, a variety of gin tonics, and the most famous of all is the Coca-Cola, which was made until 1903.
- considered the second major drug traffic route on the other side of the globe.
Golden Triangle
- Burma/Myanmar, 2. Laos and; 3. Thailand
- composed of four (4) countries
Golden Crescent
1. Iran, 2. Afghanistan, 3. Pakistan; and 4. India
approximately produced 60% of Opium in the world, and 90% of opium in the eastern part of Asia. It is also the officially acknowledged source of Southeast Asian “Heroin”.
Golden Triangle-
-major supplier of opium poppy,marijuana and heroin products in the western part of Asia. It produced at least 85% to 90% of all illicit heroin channel in the drug underworld market
Golden Crescent
is considered to be the biggest producer of Cannabis in the middle East.Lebanon has also became the transit country for cocaaine from South America to European illicit drug markets.
The Becka Valley of Lebanon
-is known as the major transshipment point for international drug traffickers in Europe, and became the “Paradise of Drug Users” in Europe.
=- is known in the world to be the number one producer of “Marijuana”.
are the principal sources of all cocaine supply in the world due to the robust production of the “coca plants”.
Columbia, Peru, Uruguay and Panama
- is the second to Mexico as to the production of Marijuana. It also became the major transshipment point for the worldwide distribution of illegal drugs particularly “SHABU”. and “COCAINE” from Taiwan and South America.
- known as the center of the world’s drug map, leading to the rapid drug addiction among its people.-
- North Sumatra has traditionally been the main cannabis growing area in Indonesia.
These countries are known to be the most favorable sites of drug distribution from the “ Golden Triangle” and other parts of Asia.
Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand-
- is the transit route for heroin from the “Golden Triangle” to Hong Kong. It also the country where the “epedra plant” is cultivated-source of drug “Ephedrine” which is the principal chemical for producing Methamphetamine Hydrochloride (Shabu).
known as the world’s transshipment point of all forms of “heroin”
Hong Kong-
- has become the major consumer of cocaine and shabu from the United States and Europe.
founded during the 1980’s by Columbian drug lords in the name of Pablo Escobar Gaviria and drug bosses: Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha and the top aid cocaine barons Juan David Ochoa brothers.
The Columbian Medellin Cartel-
The Columbian Medellin Cartel- founded during the 1980’s by Columbian drug lords in the name of
Pablo Escobar Gaviria
- The downfall of the Columbian Medellin Cartel is the rise of the Cali Cartel- the newly emerged cocaine monopoly.
The Cali Cartel
better known as “Don Chepe” the Chinese Player, heads the syndicated organization. Cali Cartel was considered the most powerful criminal organization in the world. It produces 90% of cocaine in the world.
Gilberto Rodriguez Orajuela-
- also called the Chinese “MAFIA” is the oldest and biggest criminal organization in the world. It is believed to be the controler of the “Golden Triangle” with international connection on drug trafficking.
The Chinese Triad
The Chinese Triad is also reffered to as the
“Black Societies
The symbol triad societies in depicted by an equilateral triangle with the 3 sides representing the 3 Chinese concepts of
heaven, earth, and man.
- refers to any immoral conduct or habbit, the indulgence of which leads to depravity, wickedness or corruption.
Examples of Vices:
a. Smoking
b. Coffee
c. Gambling
d. Drinking
e. Prostitution
- Half a century ago it wasn’t at all unusual for Americans to smoke everywhere in and out of doors, on airplanes, at the dinner table. Today, our culture has changed due primarily to our understanding of its effects on our health, thus, we no longer see the kind of smoking that was once very common.
- first arrived in Europe via Italy. More specifically. It came to Venice from the Middle East and quickly spread throughout Europe. It got a huge promotional boost in 1600 when the Pope decreed coffee to be drink for Christians.
- is another one of those vices that is, depending on who you talk to, variously seesn as a recreation, an outright sin, or a distraction falling somewhere in between the two.
- is the act or activity of betting money, for example in card games or on horse racing.
- Wine and spirits have been the libations of choice for many a reveler, and drinking to excess, par for the course. Countless numbers of songs and dramas have marked such excess from the middle ages through the present day.
- is one of the oldest intoxicants known to man. It is created when grains, fruits, or vegetables are fermented.
- is a process that uses yeast or bacteria to change the sugars in the food into alcohol. Fermentation is used to produce many necessary items.
- refers to the state or condition of a person produced by drinking intoxicating liquors excessively and with habitual frequency.
- refers to the person who, from the prolonged and excessive use of alcoholic beverages, finally develops physical and psychological changes and dependence on alcohol.
- is an act or practice of a woman engages or habitually indulged in sexual intercourse for money or profit.
- is any woman who engages herself in indiscriminate sexual intercourse or acts with males for hire.
-This is a part-time prostitute who have her own legitimate work or profession, but works as prostitute to augment her income.
Hustler- This is a professional type of prostitute who works at a bar. She is also a pick-up girl or a street walker.
Call Girl
- This is a professional type of prostitute who works at a bar. She is also a pick-up girl or a street walker.
-This is an occasional or selective type of prostitute who is usually a new comer in the business.
Door Knocker
- This type of prostitute is the real professional type who works in regular house of prostitution.
Factory Girl
call girl
door knocker
factory girl
It is the name often used for all types of prostitute.
- one who provides gratification for the lust of others.
- The procurement and transportation of women across satelite for immoral purpose.
White Slavery
- is a chemical substance that brings about physical, physiological, behavioral and/or psychological change in a person taking it.
- Herbal Drugs
2. Over-the-counter Drugs
3. Prescription Drugs
4. Unrecognized Drugs
5. Illicit Drugs
6. Tobacco
7. Alcohol
- are plant substance that have drug effects whose use is not generally regulated by the law. These substances require little processing after the plants are gathered. These drugs may be grown locally.
Herbal Drugs
are drugs commercially produced drugs that may be purchased legally without presciption.
Over-the-counter Drugs-
These drugs are also known as “ Propriety Drugs”
Over-the-counter Drugs-
- are commercially produced drugs that can be legally sold or dispensed only by a physician or on a physician’s order.
Prescription Drugs
- are commercial products that have a psychoactive drug effects but are not usually considered drugs.
Unrecognized Drugs
- are drugs whose sale, purchase or use is generally prohibited by law. Criminal penalties usually apply to violators of these laws.
Illicit Drugs
- is not generally considered a drug, thus, may be classified as an unrecognized drug.
- although alcohol may be included in the unrecognized drugs, alcohol in forms such as beer wine, and distilled liquor is one of the most widely used drugs in our society. It is regarded by many experts as the most commonly abused drugs in our society.
- a substance which when taken into the human body cures illness and/or relieves signs/symptoms of disease.
Medicinal Drugs
- is a substance affecting the central nervous system which when taken into the human body brings about physical, emotional or behavioral changes in a person taking it.
Dangerous Drugs
- may refer to any non-medical use of drugs that cause physical, psychological, legal, economic, or social damage to the user or to people affected by the users bahavior.
Drug Abuse
Classification of Drugs
a. According to Origin
b. According to Legal Classification
c. According to International Classification
d. According to Pharmacological Classification (Effects)
- are active ingridients, secondary metabolic products of plants and other living systems that may be isolated by extraction.
Natural Drugs
- are artifially produced substances, synthesized in the laboratory for the illicit market, which are almost wholly manufactured from chemical compounds in illicit laboratories.
Synthetic Drugs
classification of drugs according to origin
Natural Drugs
Synthetic drug
- which includes opium and its active components and derivatives, such as heroin and morphine, coca leaf and its derivatives, principally cocaine, alpha and beta eucaine; hallucinogenic drugs, such as mescaline, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)
Prohibited drugs
- which includes self-inducing sedatives, such as secobarbital, phenobarbital pentobarbital, such as secobarbital, barbital, amobarbital and any other drugs which contains a salt or derivative of a salt of barbituric acid ; any salt. isomer or salt of an isomer, of amphetamine, such as Benzedrine or Dexedrine.
Regulated drugs
- liquid, solid or mixed substances having the property of releasing toxic vapors or fumes or any chemical substance which when sniffed, smelled, inhaled or introduced into the physiological system of the body produce/induce a condition of intoxication, inebration, excitement, stupefaction. Examples: deodorants,glue, lighter refills and spray air fresheners.
Volatile drugs
classification of drugs according to legal classification
prohibited drugs
regulated drugs
volatile drugs
- Any drugs that produces sleep or stupor and also relieves pain (medical).
* Depress the central nervous systems to produce a marked reduction in sensitivity to pain, create drowsiness and reduce physical activity.
Narcotics Substance
- Any substance, natural or synthetic or any natural material that have a high potential for dependence and abuse.
* These drugs are highly addictive but, despite the risk, they remain in medical use because no satisfactory non-addictive alternative medication is available.
Psychotropic Substance-
- are substance chemically related to but slightly different from controlled substances.
are designed by clandestine chemists with the aim to manufactre compounds that produce “the high” or euphoria of parent drugs and avoid the penalties that would be levied against those ilegally trafficking the controlled substance.
Designer Drugs
Classifications of Drugs
According to International Classification:
Narcotic subtances
psychotropic subtance
Designer Drugs
- are drugs which increase alertness of physical disposition. They also reduce hunger and provide a feeling of well being.
According to Pharmacological Classification
a. Stimulants
b. Hallucinogens
c. Depresants
d. Inhalants
- are drugs which affect sensation, thinking, self-awareness and emotion
HALLUCINOGENS (Psychedelics)
- are drugs which depress or lower the functions of the Central Nervous System
Types of Depressants
a. Narcotics
b. Sedatives and Hypnotics
c. Tranquilizers
- are drugs which produce insensitivity, stupor, melancholy or dullness of mind, induces sleep (Hypnotics) or stupor and relieve pain (Analgesics).
- calm the nerves, reduce tension and induce sleep. examples: Alcohol and Barbiturates.
Sedatives and Hypnotics
- these are any liquid, solid or mixed substance that has the property of releasing toxic (psychoactive) vapors or fumes
Characteristics of Drug Dependency
- Physical Dependence
2. Mental or Psychological dependence
3. Idiosyncrasy or side effect
- it is the result when a drug has been used for a long period of time. It is only identified when a characteristics withdrawal or abstinence syndrome occurs after its use is discontinued. The body’s physical system changes until the body needs that particular drug in order to function.
Physical Dependence
. It is a need of drug in order to feel good, to get by or feel normal.
Mental or Psychological dependence-
refers to a behavioral atribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual’s mannerism
Idiosyncrasy or side effect-
refers to a state of periodic or chronic intoxication produced by the repeated consumption of a drug natural or synthetic.
drug Addiction?
How is Drug Addiction acquired
Inexperienced Physicians
- is the tendency of a drug abuser to look for peer groups where he feels being wanted and accepted.
- is the tendency of a person to try and explore the effects of drugs due to curiosity or other reasons.
is the tendency of the physicians to unnecessary prescribe drugs.
Inexperienced Physicians-