VFSS Flashcards
VFSS, c’est quoi?
Vidéofluroscopic Swallow Study
aka Modified Barium Swallow
C’est un rayon X en vidéo, d’un squelette qui mastique, qui mange, qui bois et qui avale.
Pourquoi utiliser le barium dans un VFSS?
Le barium va réfracter la lumière dans un rayon X dans les différentes textures que le patient va boire et manger.
C’est quoi le temps maximale d’un VFSS?
30 minutes pour le VFSS.
5 minutes de radiation totale.
C’est 30 minutes, car on prend des pauses.
Le barium, ça goute quoi?
Ça goute un peu le craie sucré. C’est un peux pateaux.
Il faut s’assurer que le patient n’est pas allergique à quoi, quand on fait un VFSS?
What are the main things I need to be able to do in stage with a VFSS?
- Trouve les répères anatomiques.
The historic practice of eyeballing barium recipes led to what kind of problem (2 points)?
- Situations where SLPs confused barium coating for residue.
- That is, SLP created false positive impressions of swallowing impairment!
Where can I find more info about VFSS best practices.
Catriona Steele strongly recommends that whenever you prepare liquid barium, you do what to confirm the consistency of the product you have prepared at point of service/administration?
run an IDDSI flow test
Why does Steele recommend that whenever you prepare liquid barium, you run an IDDSI flow toest of the consistency of the product you have prepared at point of service/administration?
Interactions may occur between the ingredients of barium sulfate powders and thickening agents in pre-thickened liquids, or between these ingredients and components of liquids.
What is the IDDSI flow test for extremely thick liquids, level 4?
spoon-tilt and fork drip tests
Where to find the Barium Calculator?
L’enregistrement radiographique de l’anatomie oropharyngée suivi d’une vidéo de la déglutition des bols alimentaires barytés s’appelle….
Vidéofluoroscopic Swallow Study
Le VFSS permet l’analyse de la déglutition à une cadence de ….
30 images / seconde
Avec le VFSS, on voit quel partie du corps?
C’est une vue des lèvres jusqu’au SSO (UES upper esophageal sphincter)
Le VFSS permet de visualer quels phases de déglutition?
Toutes les phases de la déglutition (incluant la phase œsophagienne)
Le VFSS permet la visualisation des fausses routes à quel moment de la déglutition ?
Avant, pendant, et après la déglutition
Le VFSS permet une vue en quel directions (2)?
Le VFSS permet une vue en face (AP)
1. antérieure-postérieure et
2. latérale
Le VFSS, ça sert à quoi (4 choses). Nommez-les.
- Confirmer la présence d’aspiration
- Prendre des décision clinique
- Éducation/feedback
- Recherche
The OI score represents the
a) best
b) worst
score observed across all consistencies and volumes; however, there are exceptions to this general rule.
The OI score represents the “worst” (i.e. most impaired) score observed across all consistencies and volumes; however, there are exceptions to this general rule.
The first 5ml tsp. administration of thin liquid (trial #1 on the protocol) should not be considered when formulating the OI score. Why is that?
The patient’s response to the first presentation of barium is not representative of their swallowing function. The patient is accommodating to the radiologic environment and the taste of barium and, thus, trial #1 should not be considered for OI scoring.
For each of the protocol’s remaining 11 swallow trials, the OI score is based on the
a) first
b) second
c) third
swallow of each trial.
For each of the protocol’s remaining 11 swallow trials, the OI score is based on the initial swallow of each trial. If the patient swallows several times in an attempt to clear the bolus from the oral and/or pharyngeal cavity this would be considered compensation and does not change the impairment score observed on the initial swallow.