vet medicine Flashcards
define vetenary medicine
a) any substance or combination of substances presented as having properties for treating or preventing disease in animals; or
(b) any substance or combination of substances that may be used in, or administered to, animals with a view either to restoring, correcting or modifying physiological functions by exerting a pharmacological, immunological or metabolic action, or to making a medical diagnosis.
how many legal classes of vet medicines are there?
what are the legal classes of vet medicines?
- AVM-GSLAuthorised VMP that is available on general sale
- NFA-VPSVMP for a non-food producing animal. Vet, pharmacist and suitably qualified person can supply without a prescription
- POM-VPSVMP that a vet, pharmacist and suitably qualified person can prescribe and supply on an oral or written prescription. A written prescription needed if the supplier is not the prescriber.
- POM-VVMP that a vet can prescribe on a written prescription. A vet and pharmacist can supply.
what must a pharmacist do when making a supply of making a supply of POM-Vand POM-VPS?
- Take all reasonable steps to ensure that the prescription has been written and signed by a person entitled to prescribe the product
- Take all reasonable steps to ensure that it is supplied to the person named on the prescription
what must a pharmacist do when making a supply of NFA-VPS, POM-VPSor POM-V?
- Always advise on safe administration of the product
- Advise as necessary on any contra-indications or warnings on the label/package leaflet
- Be satisfied the person using it is competent and intends to use it for an authorised use
- Prescribe or supply the minimum quantity required for treatment
what are the Prescription requirements for POM-V and POM-VPS?
The prescription must be legible and in indelible ink and include:
•The name, address and telephone number of the prescriber
•Professional qualifications of the prescriber
•The date
•The name and address of the owner or keeper
•The identification (including the species) of the animal to be treated
•Premises at which the animal(s) are kept if different from owner/keeper
•Signature of the prescriber
•Name and quantity of product to be prescribed
•Dosage and administration instructions (‘as directed’ not acceptable)•Any necessary warnings
•Any withdrawal period (if relevant)•If prescribed under the cascade a statement to that effect
how long is a POM-V and POM-VPS valid for?
6 months
what are the additional legal requirements for CD2 /3drugs?
- The address of the prescriber (which must be in the UK)
- RCVS registration number of the prescriber •The form of the preparation
- The strength where appropriate
- The total quantity or the number of dosage units, both written in words and figures
- A statement that the item has been prescribed for an animal or herd under the care of the veterinarian
- The name and address of the recipient
- If for instalment dispensing the quantity and interval for the instalments must be specified
how long is a CD drug valid for?
28 days
what is not allowed with vet cd 2/3 drugs?
not sent to nhsbsa
no repeats are allowed
what is the prescribing cascade?
•All medicines prescribed for use in animals should be appropriately licensed products for use in the animal concerned
•If no such licensed product is available for use then the veterinary cascade can be used to allow supply of a medicine not licensed for use in animals
must be approved by vet
what happens in the cascade if no VMP is availavle?
he dispenser may follow the following process if the prescription specifies that the cascade can be used:
•Supply a product licensed for a different species for the same condition or for another condition in the same species•If no such product exists then either
•Supply a product for human use or
•Supply a VMP not authorised in the UK but authorised in another EU member state for use in any animal species
•If no such products exist then the final step is to use an extemporaneously dispensed product or a ‘special’ manufactured product. Authorised individuals to make such products are vets, pharmacists and holders of an appropriate specials manufacturing license
when must a label be used ?
when supplying a medicine under the cascacde
what must the cascade label include?
Name and address of the pharmacy •Name of the prescribing veterinary surgeon •Name and address of the animal owner •Identification and species of the animal •Date of dispensing •Expiry date •Name of the product •Dosage and administration instructions •If appropriate, special storage precautions •Any necessary warnings for the user •Any applicable withdrawal period •‘For animal treatment only’ •‘Keep out of reach of children’
how long must the records for vet medicines be kept?
5 years involving VMPs classified as POM-V and POM-VPS
what should the vet medicine records include?
•Date of receipt or supply•Name of the VMP•Batch number•Quantity•Name and address of supplier or recipient•If supplied on a prescription, the name and address of the prescriber and keep a copy of the prescription
what do you check when dispensing a vet medicine?
- Check to ensure it is legally complete
- Ensure the dose is correct for the animal concerned –use the Veterinary Formulary to check this
- Be careful that the dispensed label includes all the required information (and review any BNF warning labels on the label to ensure they are appropriate)
- Make an entry in the POM register
- Think carefully about appropriate counselling points
what happens when someome requests to purchase human medication for theyre animals?
It is unlawful to sell an authorised human medicinal product for administration to an animal unless this in accordance with a Rx under the cascade from a veterinary surgeon
they need to get vet to wirte prescription
what is Pharmacovigilance
Manufacturers of VMPs must have a system in place for collecting information regarding adverse reactions. This information has to be reported to the Secretary of State regularly (at least every 3 years)