GPHC and revalidation Flashcards
who established the gphc as the independent statutory regulator of the pharmacy profession in the UK?
The pharmacy order 2010
what is the gphc regulation designed to do?
Regulation is designed to support pharmacists and pharmacy technicians rather than being purely a means of discipline
what is the role of the general pharmaceutical council?
public protection
how does the gphc maintain public protection?
- approving qualifications
- maintaining register of qualified personnel
- set standards for conduct, ethics, proficiency, training and revalidation
- establishing and promoting standards for the safe and effective practice of pharmacy ay registered pharmacies
- est fitness to practice requirements
- enforce legislation
why is there standards for pharmacy professionals?
- protects public by ensuring high standards
-ensures that they work at highest stds - maintains confidence in public
governs conduct of pharmacy professionals at all times
emphasis on patient centered professionalism
-9 stds- based on serving the public, lifelong learning and professional accountability
when do these standards apply to pharmacy professionals?
at all times- not just during working hours
what is the purpose of the gphc guidance documents?
•Guidance documents are intended to provide registrants with advice on how the GPhC Standards can be met
what is fitness to practice?
Fitness to practise (FTP) is defined ‘as a person’s suitability to be on the register without restrictions’
•Fitness to Practise is where a pharmacy professional shows that they have the skills, knowledge, character and healthto do their job safely and effectively and also maintain the reputation of the profession
when would someone’s fitness to practice come into play?
•Complaints may include those relating to professional performance, conduct or health
how does the gphc disciplinary process work?
complaint made about a registrant> investigating committee> fitness to practice committe
when will the case be referred to the investigating committee?
conduct or performance is affected- risks to patient safety/undermines confidence in the pharmacy profession/ serious failure to meet stds for pharmacy professionals/ honesty or integrity cannot be relied upon
health implications
who are the investigating committee?
- The Investigating Committee is a screening committee
- It is required to consider all cases referred to it and decide whether the allegation ought to be considered by the Fitness to Practise Committee.
how does the investigating committee work?
- It meets in private and does not hear oral evidence
- It considers written evidence on the allegation
- The Committee may seek advice from a legal and/or clinical adviser
- All documents and discussions remain confidential
- The Committee can take a number of actions including dismissing the case, issuing a warning or advice, requesting a medical examination or referring the case to the FtPCommittee
when is a fitness to practice meeting not held in public?
case involving a health allegation which is heard in private- otherwise held in public
what is the format of the ftp hearing?
- statements of the case are given •oral and written evidence is heard
- legal representation on each side is allowed
- witnesses can be asked to appear before the Committee
majority vote is taken to decide outcome
what are the possible results of a fitness to practice hearing?
- agree undertakings with the person concerned
- give a warning to the person concerned
- give a direction that the entry in the Register of the person concerned be conditional upon that person complying, during a period not exceeding 3 years, with such requirements as the Committee thinks fit
- give a direction that the person be suspended from the Register, for a period not exceeding 12 months
- give a direction that the entry in the Register of the person concerned be removed
if suspended from the register how long after can you reapply?
5 years
what is revalidation?
The process by which assurance of continuing fitness to practise of registrants is provided and in a way which is aimed primarily at supporting and enhancing professional practice
what are the 6 revalidation records pharmacy professionals have to submit every year?
- four CPD records (of which, at least two must be planned learning activities)
- one record of a peer discussion
- one record of a reflective account, linked to one or more of the Standards for Pharmacy Professionals (which are selected by the GPhC)
how are revalidation records reviewed?
partly random and partly targeted
•If a record is selected, reviewed and passes, the registrant’s records will not be selected for the next 2 years
when may a persons records be reviewed every year?
- If the registrant has previously had to undertake remedial measures following a review of their records
- if there is a history of poor compliance with any GPhC standards, or
- if records are submitted late without a good reason
who carries out the revalidation reviews?
- Reviews are carried out by a pharmacy professional and a lay reviewer
- Review is carried out against a set of criteria (available on the website) for the completion of the records
what happens if their revalidation review do not meet the standards?
i some of the review criteria are not met the registrant may be entered into a period of remediation. This gives them another opportunity to amend and re-submit their records