Vestibular Disorders Flashcards
A vague term to describe a range of sensations such as lightheadness, faintness, whirling, or unsteadiness
An illusion of movement
- A sensation of rotation or movement of one’s self (subjective vertigo) or of one’s surroundings (objective vertigo) in any plane
- Likely a vestibular dysfunction
Lightheadness / Presyncope
A feeling that fainting may occur or is about to occur
“nearly blacking out” or “nearly fainting”
- Lasts seconds to minutes
- Nothing in the vestibular system to cause LOC - cardiology
Hypotension (orthostatic),hypoglycemia, axienty (hyperventilation), cardiac arrthythmias
Sensation of being off balance - feeling of imbalance
Gait Disequilibrium
- Feel normal other than on feet
- Peripheral neuropathy (DEC sensation), cerebellar, motor control problems (neurological)
Global Disequilibrium
- A pervasive feeling of imbalance
- Feeling woozy with any movement at all
- Potentially vestibular dysfunction
Subjective experience of objects moving in the visual environment that are known to be stationary
- May occur with head movements in patients with vestibular hypofunction (poor gaze stabilization)
Rhythmic eye movement (most often involuntary)
Bengin Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)
A biomechanical disorder of the inner ear in which the octonia (calcium carbonate crystals) is displaced from the urticle into the semicircular canals
Most common cause of vertigo
Occurs only with changes in head position
- Nystagmus with change
- Vertigo with change
- Nausea w/ or w/o vomitting
- Disequilibrum
Duration of symptoms typically less than 60 seconds
BPPV: Special Tests
Name & (+)
Dix-Hallpike Test
(+) patient presents with nystagmus
* Direction & duration of the nystagmus can help determine whether the patient has semi-circular canal (SCC) BPPV or a central lesion
Roll Test
(+) patient presents with nystagmus or vertigo
* Indicates horizontal semi-circular canal (SCC) BPPV
BPPV: Interventions
Canalith Repositioning Manuever (Epley Manuever)
- Patients head is moved into different positions in a specific sequence to move the debris out of the involved SCC and into the vestibles (urticle & saccule)
- May be used for posterior or horizontal SCC BPPV
The Liberatory (Semont) Manuever
- Patient rapidly moves through positions designed to dislodge the debris from the cupula
- May be used for cupulolithiases
Brandt-Daroff exercises
- Patient rapidly moves through positions designed to dislodge debris from the cupula or move debris out of canal
- Exercises should be performed 5-10 reps, 3x/day until symptoms have resolved for 2 consecutive days
Unilateral Vestibular Hypofunction
A condition in which one of the peripheral vestibular receptors or the vestibulocochlear nerve (CNVIII) is functioning improperly
May be d/t:
- infection
- trauma
- vascular events
- Meniere’s disease
- Vertigo
- Oscillopsoa during head movements
- Spontaneous nystagmus
- Postural instbaility
- Dysequilibrium
UVH: Goals / Interventions
- Improve gaze stability during head movements
VOR training - Improve static and dynamic postural stability
Postural stability exercises - DEC sensitivity to motion
Habituation exercises (motion sensitivity)
Meniere’s Disease
An inner ear disorder that can lead to low-frequency hearing loss and episodic vertigo
- Chronic Meniere’s disease may lead to UVH
Pathophysiology in part is d/t an abnormal amount of endolymph fluid collecting in the inner ear
Meniere’s Disease: S/S
- Low frequency hearing loss
- Episodic vertigo
- Aural fullness
- Tinnitus
Bilateral Vestibular Hypofunction (BVH)
A condition in which there is bilateral loss of peripheral vestibular function
- ototoxicity - development of hearing or balance problems d/t a medication
- less common: meningitis, autoimmune disorders, head trauma, tumors on each CNVIII, vascular episodes, sequential unilateral vestibular neuritis
- Dysequilibrium
- Oscillopsia
- Gait ataxia
BVH: Goals / Interventions
- Improve gaze stability during head movement
VOR training - Improve static and dynamic postural stability
Postural stability exercises
Pool exercises
Tai Chi - Enhances decision-making skills regarding performance of basic and intrumental ADL’s