Poliomyelitis & Post-Polio Syndrome Flashcards
An acute infectious viral disease caused by poliovirus
- Enteric virus
- Main route of transmission: fecal-oral route
Characteristics of Polio
- LMN syndrome - attacking anterior horn cells
- Weakness/paralysis may be “patchy” = asymmetrical
- Asymmetrical distribution
- More commonly affects LE>UE - making it difficult to walk
- Brainstem much less commonly affected as anterior horn cells
Partial or full recovery may occur
Recovery process may last up to 2 years
Occurs in 2 ways:
1. Muscle hypertrophy
Not in the mm fibers affected but RATHER the unaffected mm will get stronger
2. Neuroplastic changes
Sprouting of neighboring terminal axons - reinnervate mm fibers from that motor (attaches to mm fibers that lost their own motor unit d/t the virus)
Post-Polio Syndrome
Definition & Explanation
Poiliomyelitis symptoms reappearing adter at least ~15 years of disease stability in people who had been affected by Poiliomyelitis
Believed to be d/t NEURAL fatigue
- b/c neural units have expanded & now innervate neighboring fibers - it is getting OVERWORKED & at some point there is enough metabolic stress to cause failure
- terminal axons that sprouted will fail & potentialy the nerve body may also be affected & may potentially get INC weakness
Denervation > reinnervation
Fine balance between MSK disuse and overuse to optimize function
- INC metabloic stress = breakdown of motor unit
Post-polio characteristics are the same as Poliomyelitis… what are they?
- Slow progression. Periods of stability followed by new declines
- LMN syndrome
- Weakness/ paralysis may be “patchy”
- Asymmetrical
- More commonly affects LE > UE
- Brainstem much less commonly affected as anterior horn cells
- Fatigue - #1 symptom & most debilitating
- Muscle atrophy
- Weakness
- Pain
- Cold intolerance
- Breathing & swallowing disordesr if brainstem is involved
Sensory is NOT affected - sensation intact