Cerebellar Dysfunction / Ataxia Flashcards
Cerebellum’s function is…
Sensory input into the cerebellum is thought to be the critical component in the cerebellum’s function in motor control
It compares internal feedback with external feedback and generates corrective signals for subsequent movements in order to reduce errors (feedforward mechanism)
Cerebellar outputs remain mostly UNCROSSED. Therefore, most damage to the cerebellum will lead to unilateral and ipsilateral motor impairments
Cerebellar Lesions - Functional Region:
Structures involved & S/S
- vermis
- palocerebellum
- truncal ataxia
- titubation (oscillatory mvmt that occurs at head or trunk - involvuntary & very fast)
- orthostatic tremor (shaky leg syndrome - ONLY happens in standing)
- gait imbalances (postural problems)
Cerebellar Lesions - Functional Region:
Structures involved & S/S
- neocerebellum
- limb ataxia
- dysarthria
- hypotonia
Cerebellar Lesions - Functional Region:
Structures involved & S/S
- fluocculonodular lobe (vestibulocerebellum)
- archicerebellum
- eye movement disorders (ie nystagmus, VOR disruption)
- posture and gait imbalances
Characteristics of an ATAXIC GAIT
- Wide BOS
- High guard position
- Stepping pattern irregular in direction & distance
- Unsteady
- irregular
- staggering w/ deviations from line of progression
** High falls risk
Rebound Phenomenon
The ability to stop forceful active movement when resistance is removed
- Synonymous with “check reflex”
TEST: Provide resistance/isometric contraction to a mm & then let go - should be able to stop the correction right away - coordination & control
(+) cerebellar lesion - limb shoots up after resistance is removed
Sensory Ataxia: Causes of proprioceptive input losses….
- Peripheral nerve (peripheral neuropathy - DMII)
- Dorsal nerve root
- Parietal cortex
- Thalamus
- Dorsal column of spinal cord (DCML - Dorsal Column Medial Lemniscal tract)
Conscious proprioception, vibration, & fine touch (tactile sensation)