Vessels Of UL Flashcards
Mentiin 2 branches of thyrocervical trunk
Suprascapular & dorsal scapular art
Describe course of suprascapular art
Pass above suprascapular ligament to supraspinous fossa, then passes in spinoglenoid notch to reach infraspnious fossa.
Describe course of dorsal scapular art
Descend deep to levator scapulae & rhomboids on medial border of scapula.
The brachial art starts at lower border of ….
Teres major
Describe relation of brachial art to humerus
Medial in upper part
Anterior in lower part
Mention branches if brachial artery
Muscular branches Main nutrient artery to humerus Superior ulnar collateral artery Inferior ulnar collateral artery Profunda brachii art
Mention the art which pierces the medial intermuscular septum
Superior ulnar collateral artery & posterior branch of inferior ulnar collateral
Describe course of Profunda brachii art
It runs with radial nerve between long & medial heads of triceps (in lower triamgular space) to reach spiral groove of humerus, terminatesby divinding into ant & post descending branches.
Mention branches of profunda brachii art
Muscular branches
Ascending (deltoid) branch
Nutrient art to humerus
Terminal anterior descending branch (radial collateral)
Terminal posterior ascending branch (middle collaretal)
Radial collateral artery pierces …., then appears between ….&….
Lateral intermuscular septum
Brachialis & brachioradialis
Brachial artery is accompanied by …. which end in …..
2 venae comitantes
Axillary vein
Level at which brachial art divides
Nech of radius
The radial art at the wrist is lateral to tendon of …..
Flexor carpi radialis
The radiala art passes bet heads of 2 muscles. Mention them
1st interosseus muscle
2 heads of adductor pollicis
The radial art finally continues as …..
Deep palmar arch
Mention branches of radial art in forearm
Radial recuurent art
Muscular branches
Ascending carpal branch
Superficial palmar branch
Branches of radial art in palm of hand
Princepis pollicis art
Radialis indicis art
Mention branches of radial art in dorsum of hand
Dorsal carpal branch
Fisrt dorsal metacarpal art
Dorsal digital art to lateral side of thumb
The ulnar art descends ….. in upper 1/3, then…….. in lower 2/3
Obliquely , vertically
Enumerate branches of ulnar art
Muscular branches
Anterior ulnar recurrent
Post ulnar recurrent
Common interosseous art
The ant interosseous art descends bet …. & …..
Flexir digitorum profundus
Flexor pollicis longus
Describe course of ant inter art
Descends on interosseous membrane from its ant aspect till upper border of pronatircteres where it pierces the membrane and anatstomoses with post interosseous art.
Mention branches of ant interosseous art
Median artery
Descending branch
Muscular branches
Nutrient branches
The post interosseous art passes between …&….
Superficial &deep muscles
Mention branches of post interosseous art
Muscular branches
Interosseous recurrent artery
Anterior carpal branch
Posterior carpal branch
Mention branches of superficial palmar arch
- Three common palmar digital arteries
2. Palmar digital art to medial side of little finger
In general, the superficial palmar art supplies …..
Medial 3 and half fingers
…… is found in concavity of deep palmar arch
Deep branch of ulnar nerve
Mention branches of deep palmar arch
Three palmar metacarpal arteries
Three proximal perforating branches
Recurrent branches
The three proximal perforating branches of deep palmar arch pass in which spaces?
2nd to 4th interosseous spaces
Mention branches sharing in formation of anterior carpal arch
Anterior carpal branch of ulnar art
Ant carpal branch of radial art
Descending branch of anterior interosseous artery
Recurrent branch from the deep palmar arch
Mention branches sharing in dorsal carpal arch
Dorsal carpal branch of ulnar & that of radial art
Termination of both ant & post interosseous arteries
Mention branches of dorsal palmar arch
3 dorsal metacarpal arteries
Dorsal digital artery for medial side of little finger
Describe connections of dorsal metacarpal arteries to palmar arteries
Connected to deep palmar arch via proximal perforating branches
Connected to common digital branches of superficial palmar arch by distal perforating arteries
Describe importance of dorsal carpal arch
Link between ulnar and radial arteries
Supplies dorsum of medial 3 and half fingers via 3 dorsal metacarpal arteries
Describe anastomosis around the eblow at medial epicondyle
Anterior branch of inferior ulnar collateral artery & anterior ulnar recurrent artery
Sup ulnar collateral art + post branch of inf ulnar collateral artery & post ulnar recurrent artery
Describe anastomosis around the eblow at lateral epicondyle
Anterior descending branch (radial collateral) of profunda brachii
Radial recurrent artery
Posterior descending branch (middle collateral) of profunda brachii
Interosseous recurrent branch of post interosseous
Describe course of cephalic vein
Arise at lateral end of dorsal venous arch and winds around lateral border of forearm
Ascends to cubital fossa then lateral to biceps & appears in deltectoral groove, then pierces clavipectoral fascia and drains into axillary
Describe course of basilic vein
Begins as continuation of medial end of dorsal venous arch, ascends till cubital fossa and Then medial to biceps, then pierces deep fascia at level of insertion of coracobrachialis, then run along the brachial artery ends by joining venae comitantes of brachial artery to form axillary vein.
Mention a tributary of basilic vein
Median cubital vein
Describe course of median cubital vein
Arises from the cephalic vein then run upwards and laterally to join basilic vein, it crosses median nerve and brachial art in cubital fossa.
Mention a tributary of median cubital vein
Median vein of forearm
Mention beginning and termination of median vein of forearm
Drains superficial palmar venous plexus and ascends in forearm to joint median cubital vein.
Mention veins used for blood sampling
Median cubital or basilic
Cephalic and dorsal venous arch are alternatives
Mention the deep veins of hand and their tributaries
Superficial palmar venous plexus (common palmar digital veins)
Deep palmar venous plexus (palmar metacarpal veins)
Mention deep veins of forearm their tributaries & termination
Venae comitantes of ulnar (drain superficial palmar venous plexus) & radial (drain deep palmar venous plexus) arteries
They join together forming paired brachial veins at the cubital fossa
Mention the termination of brachial veins
Join axillary vein at its beginning
Describe beginning & termination of axillary vein
Begin as continuation of basilic vein at lower border of teres major, terminates at outer border of 1st rib forming subclavian vein
Describe relation of axiallary vein to artery
Medial to artery
Mention tributaries of axillary vein
Tributaries corresponding to branches of axillary artery
Cephalic vein
Two venae comitantes of brachial artery (brachial veins)
Mention beginning and termination of axillary art
Begin as continuation of subclavian art at outer border of 1st rib, end at lower border of teres major by becoming the brachial art.
….. divides the axillary art into 3 parts
Pectoralis minor
Mention branch of first part of axillary art
Superior thoracic artery
Mention branches of second part of axillary art
Thoracoacromial art
Lateral thoracic art
Mention branches of thoracoacromial art
Mentiom art giving rise to nutrient branch if clavicle
Calvicular branch of thoracoacromial art
The muscles supplied by deltoid branch
Deltoid & pectoralis major
Mention branches of third part of axillary art
Subscapular art
Ant & post circumlex humeral arts
Mention the largest branch of 3rd part of axillary art & nerve accompanying it
Subscapular art
N. To latissiumus dorsi
Mention the branch of subscapular artery & its course
Circumflex scapular artery
Winds around lat scapular border enters upper triangular space to infraspinous fossa, shares in anastomsis around scapula
Mention branches of ant & post circumflex humeral arts
Ant: an asending branch
Post: a descending branch (anastomoses with ascending branch of profunda brachii)
Mention space in which post circumflex humeral art passes
Quadrangular space
The anastomsis around scapula is mainly between …. & ….
1st part of subclavian art
3rd part of axillary art
Mention arteries sharing in anastomsis around the scapula
1st part of subclavian: deep branch of transverse cervical artery (dorsal scapular art) & suprascapular art
3rd part of axillary art: subscapular & circumflex scapular branches
Describe the site of anastomosing arteries arounf scapula
Deep to muscles in supraspinous, infraspnious and subscapular fossae and around inf angle of scapula
Describe origin and termination of medial plantar art
Arise under cover flexor retinaculum as smaller of 2 terminal branches of post tibial art
End at bas of 1st metatarsal bone by anastomosing with the digital branch of medial side of big toe
Describe course and relations of medial plantar art
Passes under cover of abductor hallucis, then runs forward between it and flexor digitorum brevis.
Gives muscular branches and 3 small superficial digital branches end by anastomosing with 3 plantar metatarsal arteries of plantar arch
Describe origin and termination of later plantar art
Arise as larger terminal branch of post tibial art under cover flexor retinaculum
It continues as plantar arch joins the dorsalis pedis art at proximal end of 1st interosseous space
Mention branches of lateral plantar art
Cutaneous (lat sole), muscular & anastomotic with arcuate and lat tarsal art
Mention branches from plantar arch
- Three proximal perforating arteries
- Four plantalr metatarsal arteries
- Muscular and articular
Describe branches of 4 plantar metatarsal arts
They give 4 distal perforating arts ascend through the corresponding interosseous spaces to join dorsal metatarsal arts
Each art divides into 2 plantar digital arts supply the adjacent 2 sides of toes
1st plantar art gives plantar beanch to med side of big toe
Beginning of plantar arch gives plantar digital branch to lateral side of little toe)
Nerve accompanying great saphenous vein
Saohenous nerve
Great saphenous vein pierces ….., it opens into ….
Ciribriform fascia
Femoral vein
Mention tributaries of great saphenous vein
At ankle, drains sole by medial marginal veins
In leg, connects small saphenous vein to deep leg veins through perforating veins
In the thigh, recieves many tributaries, before piercing fascia, it recieves superficial external pudendal, superficial epigastric, superficial circumflex iliac veins.
The small saphenous vein begins at …. end of dorsal venous arch, while great begins at … end
Mention nerve accompanying small saphenous vein and vein in which it terminates
Sural nerve
Popliteal artery
Mention tributaries of small saphenous vein
On dorsum of foot connected to deep veins
In the leg, recieves many cutaneous tributaries
In middle of thigh, communicates with great saphenous vein
Describe beginning and termination of popliteal vein
Begin by union of venae comitantes of ant and post tibial arteries, end by passing through adductor opening & continues as femoral vein.
Mention tributaries of popliteal vein
Small saphenous vein
Veins corresponding to branches of popliteal art
Muscular veins
Descibe beginning and termination of femoral vein
Begins as continuation of popliteal vein at adductor opening, teminate at behind inguinal ligament to become external iliac vein.
Describe relation of femoral vein to art
In adductor canal, it ascends posterolateral then posterior to femoral artery. In femoral triangle it becomes medial to art.
Mention tributaries of femoral vein
Profunda femoris vein Med & lat cicumflex femoral veins Deep external pudendal vein Great saphenous vein Muscular veins
Why do incompetent valves of lower limb veins cause varcosities?
Blood is transmitted from high pressure of deep veins to superficial veims leading to stagnation of blood in superficial veins producing varicositie, anoxia of tissue and varicose ulceration of skin esp in medial surface of ant border of tibia.
Mention another cause of varicose veins
Increased intra-abdominal pressure