Anatomy Of Vessels Of Thorax Flashcards
Mention tributaries if brachiocephalic veins
1-inferior thyroid 2-vertebral v. 3-internal thoracic v. 4-1st post intercostal 5- lt brachiocephalic: lt suprior intercostal 6- thoracic duct or rt lymph duct
Mention tributaries of SVC
1-Azygos v
2-Mediastinal , Os. & pericardial viens
Mention level at which IVC terminates in Rt atrium
6th rt. c.c
Mention beginning and termination of brachiocephlic veins
B: union of internal jugular and subclavian veins behind the corresponding sternoclavicular joint.
T: the 2 veins unite behind the lower border of 1st right costal cartilage close to sternum
Mention beginning and termination of SVC
B: union of brachiocephalic veins at level of 1st right cc
T: opens in right atrium behind 3rd right cc close to sternum
Mention beginning and termination of azygos vein
B: from back of IVC at level of L2
T: arches above rt lung to join back of SVC
Mention tributaries of azygos vein
1-rt superior intercostal v. 2- rt post. I.Vs 4-11 3- subcostal v. 4- ascending lumbar vien 5- sup. & inf. Hemiazygos vs 6- rt bronchial viens
Mention beginning and termination of hemiazygos vein
B: from back of left renal vein or by union of left subcostal & lf ascending lumber
T: crosses at level of T8 to end in azygos vein
Mention tributaries of hemiazygos vein
1-lt post. I.Vs 4-8
2- mediastinal, Os. & pericardial viens
Mention tributaries of accessory hemiazygos vein
1-lt post. I.Vs 9-11
2-lt subcostal v
3- lt ascending lumbar v.
Describe course of pulmonary trunk
Arises from infundibulum of right ventricle at pulmonary orifice
Passes upwards, backwards & to the left.
At first, it lies anterior to ascending aorta. Then it becomes on left side of ascending aorta.
End the level of the intervertebral disc between vertebrae T5 and T6, opposite left 3 rd CC
Describe relation of right and left pulmonary arteries
R: Passes to the right side behind ascending aorta and superior vena cava to enter the right lung.
L: Passes to the left side below the arch of the aorta and anterior to descending thoracic aorta to enter the left lung.
Mention beginning and termination of ascending aorta
Begins : at aortic orifice at base of left ventricle
Ends : right 2nd costal cartilage by forming arch of aorta.
Mention branches of ascending aorta
- Right coronary artery
sinus arise from anterior aortic - Left coronary artery
arise from left posterior aortic sinus
Describe sup & inf relations of arch of aorta
Its 3 branches crossed by Lt brachiocephalic vein
Lt main bronchus
Bifurcation of pulmonary trunk +Lt pulmonary art
Ligamentum arteriosum
Lt recurrent laryngeal n
Describe origin & termination of arch of aorta
Origin : begins as continuation of ascending aorta at right 2nd CC
Ends: at lower border of T4 by forming descending thoracic aorta.
Mention ant & post relations of arch of aorta
Post & Rt Trachea Oesophagus Lt recurrent laryngeal n (inbetween) Thoracic duct Ant & Lt Lt pleura & lung
Mention the variable branch of arch of aorta which may arise from one of its branches & what does it supply
Thyroid ima art
Supply isthmus of thyroid
Brachiocephalic artery ends at level of ….
Right sternoclavicular joint
Vessel separating tranchea & lt lung
Left common carotid
How does left subclavian art end?
Ends at outer border of 1st rib by forming axillary artery which is the main artery supplying left upper limb.
Describe extension of descending thoracic aorta
Begins :
at lower border of T4 as a continuation of arch of aorta.
Ends :
at lower border of T12 where it passes through aortic opening of diaphragm to become abdominal aorta.
Describe relation of des aorta to vertebral column
At its origin, it lies on the left side of the vertebral column.
As it descends into the posterior medastinum, it becomes anterior to the lower thoracic vertebral bodies.
Mention branches of descending aorta
- Pericardial branches.
- Bronchial arteries ( to lungs).
- Oesophageal branches.
- Mediastinal branches.
- Posterior intercostal (from 3rd till 11th on both sides).
- Subcostal arteries
- Superior phrenic artery→to upper surface of diaphragm.
Mention the clinical cardinal sign of contraction of aorta
Clinically, the cardinal sign of aortic coarctation is absent or diminished pulses in the femoral arteries of both lower limbs.
Define aortic aneurysm
is an enlargement (dilatation) of the aorta to greater than 1.5 times normal size.