Heart Flashcards
Direction of the axis of heart/direction of apex
Downwards, fowards & to the left
Mention proportions of the heart to right & left
2/3 to L
1/3 to R
Of median plane
Apex of heart is formed by ….., while base of heart is formed by ……
Left ventricle Left atrium (mainly) & right atrium
Mention vessels recieved in base of heart.
Pulmonary veins on right & left sides of left atrium
SVC & IVC sup & inf to right atrium
Direction of basexof heart
Backwards to the right
Surface anatomy of apex of heart
Left 5th intercostal space, 9cm from median plane
Sup & inf relations of base of heart
S: pulmonary arteries
I: coronary sulcus lodging coronary sinus
Post relation of base of heart
Oblique sinus, fibrous pericardium, esophagus, descending thoracic aorta, T5-T8 in recumbent & T6-T9 in erect)
Sternocostal surface of heart is formed by ….
Right atrium, right ventricle (2/3), left ventricle (1/3) separated by ant IV groove.
Pericardium separates sternocostal surface from ….
Body of sternum, sternocostalis, 3rd-6th costal cartialges
Diaphragmatic surface of heart is formed by ….
Left ventricle (mainly), right ventricle, right atrium.
Diaphragmatic surface is separated from base of heart by ….
Coronary sulcus lodging coronary sinus
Mention structures forming right and left pulmonary surfaces
R: right atrium
L: left ventricle, left auricle, small oart of left atrium
Describe borders of the heart
R: convex, formed by right atrium
I: horizontal, right ventricle & apical part of left
L: convex, left ventricle & part of left auricle
S: straight, 2 atria mainly left behind great vessels
Mention contents if atrioventricular groove
Main trunks of coronary arteries
Coronary sinus in its posterior part
Mention contents if ant IV groove
Anterior IV branch of keft coronary art
Great cardiac vein
Inf IV groove conetnts
Post IV branch of right coronary art
Middle cardiac vein
Point of juntion of atrioventricular & IV grooves is termed ….
Crux of the heart
Mention site of SA node
The upper part of sulcus terminalis which extends between the right side of orifices of SVC & IVC
The structure corresponding to sulcus terminalis inside right atrium
It separates ….. & …..
Crista terminalis
Anterior rough-walled part & posterior rough-walled part
Embryological origin of rough & smooth walled parts of right atrium
R: Primitive atrium
S: right horn of sinus venosus
Write a short note on anterior cardiac veins
2-5 veins collect blood from front of right ventricle & open into the anterior part of right atrium
Compare SVC, IVC & Coronary sinus in terms of valve & structure drained
S: no valve, upper half of body
I: rudimentary valve, lower of body
C: semilunar flap called valve of coronary sinus, heart wall
Site in which coronary sinus opens
Between IVC & Atrioventricular oriffice in right atrium
Name the oval depression in interatrial steptum, the sharp border & their embryological origin
Fossa ovalis, floor from septum primium
Limbus fossa ovalis, septum secondum
The funnel-shaped outflowing part of right venticle
Infundibulum (conus arteriosus)
Mention parts of right ventricle internally
Inlet, traneculated apical part & outlet.
The ….. separated inflwoing & outflowing parts of rt ventricle
Supraventricular crest
The shape of right ventricle in cross-section is …..
Mention types of trabeculae carneae
- Fixed prominent ridges
- Papillary muscles
- Ridges fixed at both ends with the middle free
Desvribe attachment of papillary muscle & enumerate them
- Anterior papillary msucle
- Posterior papillary muscle
- Septal papillary muscles
What is the moderator band? Mention its attachments
Septomarginal band
Crosses vent cavity from the septal to ant wall reaching base of ant papillary muscle
Mention embry origin of inlet of right ventr
Primitive ventricle of heart tube
GR: Smooth muscle wall of outlet remains contracted during ventricular diastole
To support the pulmonary valve against the back pressure of pulmonary trunk
Mention emry origin of outlet of rt ventr
Bulbus cordis
Describe structure of each cusp
2 endothelial layers with a layer of fibrous tissue in-between
Mention the attachment of each cusp of tricuspid
Base attached to fibrous ring & adjoining cusps
Apex towards right ventricle
Describe Papillary muscles attachment
Base at ventr wall, apex is free, Connected to cusps of atrioventricular valve by chordae tendineae
A papillary muscle is attached by its chordae tendinae by …. Adoining cusp
Function of chordae tendineae
Prevent eversion of the cusps towards the atrium during ventricular systole
Mention number & position of semilunar cusps in pulmary valve
2 ant
1 post
The free margin of each cusp shows in its middle ….. & …..on each side
Mdescribe mechanism of semilunar valves
During systole, they are pressed against wall by out-flowing blood, during diastole blood flows back towards heart, fills cusps & which come in opposition in center of lumen and close pulmonary oriffice.
Part of left atrium containing few pectinate muscles
Left auricle
Direction of left ventricle
Forwards and to the left
The special feature of trabeculae carneae of left vericle from right
Left, finer & more numerous
The left ventricle has …. Papillary muscles. Its inflowing part originates from ….., its outflowing part originates from ….. .
Primitive ventricle if the heart
Bulbus cordis
The anterior cusp is ….. it lies ………, while post cusp lies …… (mitral)
Anterior & to the right
Post & to the left
Each cusp recieves chordae tendineae in left ventricle from …….
Both papillary muscles of the left ventricle
Mention number & position of cusps of aortic valve
1 anterior & 2 posterior
The ant aortic sinus gives rise to ….., while left post aortic sinus gives rise to …..
Right coronary artery
Left coronary artery
The proportion of wall right/left ventricle
The shape of right ventricle is ….., while left ventricle is ……
Describe parts of interventricular septum
- Muscular part
2. Membranous part: consists of interventricular part & atrioventricular part)
The membranous part of IV septum is common site for …..
Ventricular septal defect
Mention composition of fibrous skeleton of heart
4 rings around orifices of AV, pulmonary & aortic valves and membranous parts of interatrial & IV septa.
Mention functions of fibrous skeleton of heart
It keeps orifices patent & prevent overdistension, provides attachments for the leaflets & cusps of the valves & myocardium.
Mention surface markings of the heart
A. Lower border of 2nd left costal cartlaige, 1.25 cm from sternal margin
B. Upper border of 3rd right costal cartialge, 1.25 cm from sternal margin
C. Lower border of 6th right costal cartilage, 1.25 cm from sternal margin
D. 5th intercostal space, 9cm from median plane (apex of heart
Mention surface markings of coronary groove
A line joining sternal ends of 3rd left & 6th right costal cartilages
Mention surface markings of heart valves & their direction
P, horizontal, 3rd left costal cartilage
A, oblique, 3rd left intercostal space
M, obilque, 4th left costal cartilage
T, vertical, 4th intercostal space