Vessels Of Lower Limb Flashcards
Mention origin & termination of femoral artery
O: continuation of external iliac artery behind the inguinal ligament at mid-inguinal point
T:it continues as popliteal artery by passing through the adductor hiatus (opening) of adductor magnus at junction of upper 2/3 & lower 1/3 of thigh
Describe relation femoral vein to femoral artery
It is posterolateral in adductor canal, posterior at apex of femoral triangle, then medial in femoral triangle
Mention superficial branches of femoral artery and their course
Superficial epigastric artery: pierces ciribriform fascia, passes upwards and medially to supply lower part of ant abdominal wall
Superficial external pudendal art: pierces ciribriform fascia, passes medially in front of spermatic cord ir round ligament of uterus to supply external genitalia
Superficial circumflex iliac artery: pierces fascia lata, passes upwards & laterally to share in anastomsis around ASIS
Mention deep branches of femoral artery
Deep external pudendal artery
Profunda femoris artery
Descending genicular
The artery which passes behind spermatic cirds is ….
Deep external pudendal artery
Describe beginning & termination of profunda femoris artery
Begin 4 cm below inguinal ligament in posterolateral aspect and end as 4th perforating artery
The perforating arteries pierce ……
Adductor magnus
The muscle separating femoral artery from profunda femoris artery is …..
Adductor longus
Mention the muscles between which medial circumflex femoral a. passes
Quadratus femoris & adductor magnus
Mention the muscles behind which medial circumflex femoral a. passes
Sartorius & rectus femoris
Mention branches of lateral circumflex femoral a
Ascending (share in anastomosis around ASIS)
TRANSVERSE (cruciate anastomosis)
Descending (anastomosis around the knee)
Mention branches of medial circumflex femoral a
Ascending: share in trochanteric anastomosis
Transverse: cruciate anastomosis
Acetabular: supply the acetabular fossa & the round ligament of head of femus
The perforating arteries are protected by ….
Small tendinous arches
Mention anastomoses of perforating arteries
1st perforating artery shares in cruciate anastomosis
4th perforating artery anastomoses with sup muscular branches of popliteal artery
Describe nutrient supply of femur arising from perforating branches
2nd arises alone OR double nutrient branches from 1st & 3rd
A stab wound at apex of femoral triangle will cut which structures in order from superficial to deep?
Femoral artery, femoral vein, profunda vein, profunda artery
Mention the branch of femoral artery which arises from it before passing via adductor opening
Descending genicular branch
Saphenous art is branch of …
Descending genicular
Describe beginning & termination of obturator artery
Branch of ant division of internal iliac ends by dividing into ant & post branches after passing through obturator canal
The arterial circle is deep to …. Muscle
Obturator externus
Mention branches of arterial circle
- Muscular branches to adductor muscles & obturator externus
- Anastomotic branches with medial circumflex femoral & inf gluteal
- Acetabular branch to supply femoral head
Mention the main source of blood supply of femoral head
Medial (mainly) & lateral circumflex femoral art
Mention the largest branch of post division of int iliac art and how it enters the gluteal region
Superior gluteal artery
Through greater sciatic foramen, above piriformia
Mention branches of of superior gluteal art
Superficial branch to gluteus maximus
Deep branch divides into upper and lower divisiona which supply gluteus medius & minimus.
The upper branch shares in ASIS anastomosis, the lower branch shares in trochanteric anastomosis
Mention branches of inf gluteal art
Muscular branches to deep surface of gluteal maximus
Companion artery of sciatic nerve
Branches which share in trochanteric & cruciate anastomosis
Describe course of int pudendal art
Branch of ant division of int iliac art, enters gluteal region through greater sciatic foramen below piriformis, the passes to peineum through lesser sciatic foramen between pudendal nerve & nerve to obturator internus
Mention venae comtiantes which drain into int iliac art
Venae comitantes of Sup gluteal, inf gluteal, internal pudendal arteries
Mention sharing arteries in anastomosis around ASIS
Superficial & deep circumflex iliac art
Ascending branch of lat cir fem a
A branch from sup gluteal
Mention sharing arteries in trochanteric anastomosis
Ascending branch of med & lat circumflex femoral art
A branch from sup gluteal & one from inf gluteal
Describe site of cruciate anastomosis
In uppermost part of back of thigh between quadratus femoris and adductir magnus
Mention sharing art in cruciate anastomosis
- Transverse branches of lat & med circumflex humeral art
- Descending branch from inf gluteal
- Ascending branch from 1st perforating art
Mention origin & termination of popliteal art
O: downward continuation of femoral art at opening in adductor magnus.
T: at distal border of popliteus by dividing into ant & post tibial art
Mention function of arterial anastomsis in gluteal region
Connect internal iliac & femoral arteries
Trochanteric anastomsis provides main blood supply to head & neck of femur
What is the deepest structure in popliteal fossa
Popliteal artery
Describe relation of popliteal vein & tibial nerve to popliteal art
The vein intervenes between the art & nerve throughout its course
First they are posterolateral then posterior then medial to artery
Mention branches of popliteal art
Muscular branches
Cutaneous branches (3 accompany small saphenous vein)
Articular (genicular) branches, sup med & lat + inf med & lat + middle genicular arteries
Describe origin & termination of ant tibial art
Begins as smaller of 2 terminal branches of the popliteal artery at distal border of popliteus muscle
In front of ankle joint midway between 2 malleoli, where it continues as dorsalis pedis art
The ant tibial art is found between ….&…
Tendon of extensor hallucis longus (medial)
Extensor digitorum longus
Branches of ant tibial art
Muscular, muscles of ant compartment of the leg
Ant & post tibial recurrent art (anastomosis around knee)
Ant lateral & ant medial malleolar arts (anastomosis around the ankle)
Mention relations of dorsalis pedis art
Med: tendon of extensor hallucis longus
Lat: medial branch of deep peroneal nerve and the 1st tendon of extensor digitorum longus
Describe termination of dorsalis pedis art
It passes between 2 heads of 1st dorsal interosseous at proximal end of 1st intermetatarsal space into sole of foot where it completes plantar arch
Dorsalis pedis art pulsation is felt lateral to …..
Tendon of extensor hallucis longus
Mention branches if dorsalis pedis art
Lateral tarsal artery
Medial tarsal arteries (2 or 3)
Arcuate artery (largest branch)
1st dorsal metatarsal art
Mention branches of arcuate art
2nd, 3rd & 4th dorsal metatarsal art
……. Artery gives off a branch supplying lat side of little toe
4th metatarsal art
What are arteries joining 4 metatarsal arts
Proximal perforating branch from plantar arch
Distal perforating branch from plantar metatarsal arteries
Describe origin & termination of post tibial art
Begins as larger of 2 terminal branches of popliteal art at distal border of popliteus
Ends deep to flexor retinaculum midway between medial malleolus and medial tubercle of calcaneus by dividing med & lat plantar arts.
Post tibial art passes behind ……, ……nerve crosses it from medial to lateral
Tendinous arch of soleus
Enumerate branches of post tibial art
- Circumflex fibular art (anastomosis around knee joint)
- Nutrient artery to tibia
- Muscular branches
- Commincating branches (to that of peroneal art)
- Medial malleolar branch
- Calcanean brnches
- Peroneal artery
Describe course of largest branch of post tibial art
peroneal art, it arises one inch below distal border of popliteus
Descends laterally along medial crest of fibula bet tibialis post & flexor hallucis longus, terminates behind inferior tibiofibular joint by giving calcanean branches.
Enumerate branches of peroneal artery
Muscular branches, communicating branches, nutrient art to fibula, perforating branch & calcanean branches (terminal)
The perforating branch of peroneal anastomoses with ..,,,
Anterior lateral malleolar artery