Vessels & Nerves of the Pelvic Limb and The Head Flashcards
Quiz 6
Which Ateries supply the Biceps Femoris muscles?
Caudal gluteal
Distal caudal femoral
Which Ateries supply the Semitendinosus + Semimembranosus muscles?
Caudal gluteal
Proximal; middle; distal caudal femoral
Which Ateries supply the Sartorius muscles?
Superficial circumflex iliac
Which Ateries supply the Gracilis muscles?
Deep femoral
Proximal; middle; distal caudal femoral
Which Ateries supply the Pectineus + Adductor muscles?
Deep femoral
Proximal caudal femoral
Which Ateries supply the Tensor fasciae latae
Lateral circumflex femoral
Which Ateries supply the the Superficial + Middle gluteals muscles?
Cranial & caudal gluteal
Lateral circumflex femoral
Which Ateries supply the Deep gluteal muscles?
Cranial & caudal gluteal
Which Ateries supply the Gemelli + Quadratus femoris muscles?
Caudal gluteal
Which Ateries supply the External/Internal obturator muscles?
Caudal gluteal
Medial circumflex femoral
Which Ateries supply the Quadriceps femoris (all vasti) muscles?
Lateral circumflex femoral
Superficial circumflex iliac
Which Ateries supply the Iliopsoas muscles?
Which Ateries supply the Cranial tibial + long digital extensor + Fibularis longus muscles?
Cranial tibial
Which Ateries supply the Gastrocnemius + Superficial digital flexor + Deep digital flexor muscles?
Distal caudal femoral Popliteal
Which Ateries supply the Popliteus muscles?
Passageway allowing the external Iliac aa to leave the abdominal cavity in order to enter the thigh – at this point they occupy the space of the femoral triangle and become
the femoral aa
Vascular lacuna
The External iliac a. gives rise to:
Deep femoral
Deep femoral a. gives rise to:
Pudendoepigastric trunk
Medial circumflex femoral
Pudendoepigastric trunk gives rise to:
Caudal epigastric
Ext. pudendal
Ext. pudendal a. gives rise to:
Caudal superficial epigastric
Femoral a. gives rise to:
Superficial circumflex Iliac
Lateral circumflex femoral
Proximal caudal femoral
Descending genicular
Middle caudal femoral
Distal caudal femoral
Popliteal a. gives rise to:
Cranial tibial
The Cranial tibial a. is located:
Between cranial tibial and long digital extensor muscles
Venipuncture site of the Pelvic limb
Saphenous vein
Nerves of the pelvic limb
Obturator n.
Femoral n.
Saphenous n.
Pudendal n
Caudal rectal n.
Perineal n.
Dorsal n.
Caudal cutaneous Femoral n.
Caudal gluteal n.
Cranial gluteal n.
Sciatic n.
Common fibular n.
Tibial n.
Superficial fibular n.
Deep fibular n.
Genitofemoral n.
Consists of the ventral branches of the lumbar and sacral spinal n.
Lumbosacral plexus
Nerve rising from the Lumbosacral plexus (4):
Caudal cutaneous femoral
The obturator nerve arsise from:
The femoral nerve arises from _____ and emerges from the ______ muscle.
Iliopsoas m.
The femoral nerve gives rise to the:
Saphenous n.
Superficial branch of the femoral nerve, supplying cutaneous
innervation to the medial side of the limb and motor innervation to Sartorius muscle.
Saphenous n.
The pudendal nerve arises from:
The pudendal nerve gives rise to:
Caudal rectal
Dorsal (of penis or clitoris)
Carries somatic motor fibers from anal & urethral voluntary sphincters and sensory fibers from anus, clitoris/penis.
Pudendal nerve
Arises from sacral plexus; sensory to caudal thigh
Caudal cutaneous femoral n.
Union of ventral branches L6 – L7 – S1- S2
Lumbosacral Trunk
The Lumbosacral Trunk gives rise to:
Caudal gluteal nerve
Cranial gluteal nerve
Sciatic nerve
Caudal gluteal n. arises from
L7 and S1-2
Cranial gluteal n. arises from
L6-7 and S1
Sciatic n. arises from
L6-7 and S1-2
Sciatic nerve gives rise to
Common fibular (L6-L7)
Tibial (L7-S1)
The common fibular n. gives rise to
Superficial fibular
Deep fibular
Genitofemoral nerve
Arises from
Ventral branches of L3-
L4 spinal nerves
Nerve which is found medial to spermatic cord as it passes through the inguinal canal
Genitofemoral n.
What does the Genitofemoral nerve innervate?
Cremaster muscle
Skin covering the Inguinal region
Skin on medial thigh
Which muscles does the Femoral nerve innervate?
Quadriceps Femoris
Which muscles does the Saphenous nerve innervate?
Sartorius (Cranial and Caudal parts)
Which muscles does the Obturator nerve innervate?
External obturator
Adductor longus
Adductor magnus-et-brevis
Which muscles does the Cranial gluteal nerve innervate?
Middle gluteal
Deep gluteal
Tensor fasciae latae
Which muscles does the Caudal gluteal nerve innervate?
Superficial gluteal
Which muscles does the Sciatic nerve innervate?
Interior obturator
Quadratus femoris
Biceps femoris
Which muscles does the Tibial nerve innervate?
Superficial digital flexor
Deep digital flexors
Which muscles does the Superficial fibular nerve innervate?
Lateral digital extensor
Fibularis brevis
Which muscles does the Common fibular nerve innervate?
Fibularis longus
Which muscles does the deep fibular nerve innervate?
Cranial tibial
Long digital extensor
External digiti longus
External digitorum brevis
The braincase in the dorsal and lateral surface of the skullm contains:
Paired frontal and parietal bones
External occipital protuberance
Nuchal crest
Temporal fossa
The external occipital protuberance is the joining of which parts?
Sagittal crest & Temporal lines
The nuchal crest is the transition between:
Dorsal & caudal surface of skull
The temporal fossa is medially caudally and ventrally bounded by which bones?
Medially: by saggital crest
Caudally : by nuchal crest
Ventrally: by zygomatic process/temporal bone
The facial bones consist of:
Orbital margin
Zygomatic arch
Pterygopalatine fossa
Fossa for lacrimal sac
Infraorbital foramen
Arch which forms the cheek bone and origin of masseter m.
Zygomatic arch
Cavity in which the eye is located
What are the 3 caudal openings of the Orbit
Optic canal
Orbital fissure
Rostral alar foramen
The optic canal is an opening for the:
Optic n.
The orbital fissure is an opening for the:
Oculomotor n.
Trochlear n.
Abducent n.
Ophtalmic n.
The rostral alar foramen is an opening for the:
Maxillary a. and n.
The incsive contains how many incisor teeth?
Formed by frontal, lacrimal & zygomatic bones
Orbital margin
Formed by maxilla, zygomatic bone and zygomatic process of temporal bone
Zygomatic arch
Is ventral to the orbit
Pterygoid m. arises from this fossa
Contains caudal palatine foramen, sphenopalatine foramen and maxillary foramen
Pterygopalatine fossa
Nasolacrimal canal for the nasolacrimal duct
Fossa for lacrimal sac
Rostral opening of infraorbital canal and passageway for infraorbital a. v. n
infraorbital foramen
Consists of basioccipital b., tympanic b., petrosal part of temporal bone,
basiphenoid b., presphenoid bone
Braincase of the ventral surface of the skull
Exit of mandibular n.
Oval foramen
Passage for glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory nerves, int. carotid a., int. jugular v., postganglionic axons from cranial cervical ganglion
Tympano-occipital fissure
Temporomandibular joint; zygomatic process of temporal bone articulating
with condyles of mandible
Mandibular fossa
Occipital bones
Occipital condyles
Nuchal crest
External occipital protuberance
Foramen magnum
Mastoid foramen
Area where the dorsal portion of the parietal bone meets with the caudal portion of the occipital bone
Nuchal crest
Passageway of spinal cord which continue as the brainstem
Foramen magnum
Passage for meningeal a. and v.
Mastoid foramen
The mandible is made up of:
Lower and upper jaw
Masseteric fossa
Coronoid process
Mandibular foramen
Condylar process
Mandibular notch
Angular process
Articulates with the mandibular fossa
of the zygomatic process of temporal bone.
Lower Jaw
Lower and upper jaw join at the _________ and are each divided into _______________
Body and Ramus
Insertion of masseter m.
Masseteric fossa
Dorsal half of ramus and medial side has a depression for insertion of temporal m.
Coronoid process
Caudal opening of
mandibular canal (ramus & body), which transmits inferior alveoli a. v. n. and opens up at the 3
mental foramina (supply sensory innervation
to lower lip and chin)
Mandibular foramen
Helps to form the
temporomandibular joint
Condylar process
U-shaped depression
between condylar process & coronoid process
Mandibular notch
Hooked eminence ventral to condylar process, attachment of pterygoid m. medially and masseter laterally
Angular process
What are the four types of teeth?
Upper Incisors are imbeded in:
Incisive bone
Upper Canines/ Premolars/ Molars are imbeded in:
Maxilla bone
Lower teeth are imbeded in:
What is the dog teeth formula?
When do the Deciduous teeth appear?
3-6 weeks
When do permanent teeth appear?
4-6 months
What is the pig teeth formula?
What is the Horse teeth formula?
What is the Ox teeth formula?
Contains the brain and its coverings and blood vessels
Cranial Cavity
Roof of the braincase formed by the parietal and frontal bones.
The Calvaria
Composed of 2 symmetrical halves separated by a median nasal septum
Nasal aperture
Caudal end of nasal septum where the 2 nasal cavities open into the nasopharynx
Project into each half of the nasal cavity and, with their mucosa, act as baffles to warm
and cleanse inspired air. They also contain olfactory neurons coursing to the olfactory bulbs.
The two parts of the conchae
Dorsal concha
Ventral concha
Conchae is divided into 4 primary passages known as meatuses; what are their names?
Dorsal nasal meatus
Middle nasal meatus
Ventral nasal meatus
Common nasal meatus
By which nerve are all muscles of the face innervated (except for the levator palpebrae superioris m.)?
Facial n.
The muscles of the face function to:
Close or move the lips, eyelids, nose and ears.
Muscles of the face
Platysma m.
Orbicularis oris m.
Buccinator m.
Levator nasolabialis m.
Orbicularis oculi m.
Retractor anguli oculi Lateralis m.
Levator palpebrae superioris m.
The levator palpebrae superioris m. is innervated by:
Oculomotor n.
Action of platysma:
Draw the commissure of the lips caudally
Action of orbicularis oris:
Shape and control the size of the mouth
Action of buccinator m.:
Returns food from vestibule to occlusal surface of teeth
Action of levator nasolabialis m.:
Dilates the nostrils and raises the upper lip
Action of orbicularis oculi m.:
Close eyelids
Action of Retractor anguli oculi lateralis m.:
Close palpebral fissure
Action of levator palpebrae superioris m.:
Elevates the upper lid
What is the following all part of :
Both upper and lower border the palpebral fissure, join at the end of fissure to form medial & lateral palpebral commisure.
Each commisure is attached by ligaments: med. & lat. palpebral ligaments
Only upper eyelid bears cilia
Inner eyelid surface covered by a mucous membrane; palpebral conjunctiva
From dorsal median raphe of the neck to the angle of mouth
radiating into orbicularis oris
Near the free borders
of lips, goes around the angle of the mouth
Orbicularis Oris
Thin, wide m. ,
foundation of cheek, adjacent to buccal
mucosa and deep to orbicularis oris.
Buccinator m.
Flat muscle, arises from maxillary bone and attaches to the edge of upper lip on external naris.
Levator nasolabialis m.
Gland ventral to zygomatic process of frontal bone, secretes into conjunctival sac.
Lacrimal Gland
Concave fold of palpebral conjunctiva and cartilage that moves horizontally across the eyeball.
It lubricates the cornea.
Plica semilunaris (3rd eyelid) or nictitating membrane
Attached to medial palpebral ligament
Orbicularis oculi m.
Cavity lying outside the teeth and gums
and inside the lip and cheeks
Opens through the cheek on a small papilla located opposite the caudal end of the upper shearing tooth
Parotid duct
Open into vestibule
lateral to last upper molar tooth
Ducts of zygomatic gland
Bounded dorsally by hard palate & part of soft palate, laterally & rostrally by dental arches and ventrally by tongue
Oral Cavity Proper
Five (5) types of papillae
Function of filiform papillae:
Function of Conical papillae:
Mechanical & tactile
Three types of taste buds and detected tastes:
Tongue attaches to floor of oral cavity by a
ventral median fold of mucosa which goes by what name?
Lingual frenulum
Serves as an elastic limb and/or skeleton of the free portion of the tongue and its J-shaped structures can possibly be straightened by the contraction of intrinsic lingual muscles.
Four salivary ducts
Mandibular duct
Major sublingual duct
Parotid duct
Zygomatic duct
Four salivary glands and their excretion:
Mandibular: Mixture of serous , mucous
Sublingual: Mainly mucous
Parotid: Mainly serous fluid; produces 50% total volume
Zygomatic: Mainly mucous fluid
Parasympathetic innervation to the salivary glands is carried via:
Cranial nerves (facial & glossopharyngeal nerve)
Sympathetic innervation of the salivary glands takes place via:
Preganglionic nerves in the thoracic segments T1-T3 which synapse in the cranial cervical
Crossed by 8 transverse ridges
Incisive papilla; caudal to central incisor tooth, is the opening to incisive duct.
Vomeronasal organ: tubular structure (~ 2cm) found at the
base of nasal septum, dorsal to hard palate and is an olfactory receptor of sexual stimuli (pheromones)
Hard palate
Soft tissue at the back of the roof of the mouth, responsible for closing off the nasal passages during the act of swallowing.
Soft palate
Name part 1
Name part 2
Name part 3
Name part 4
Name part 5
Name part 6
Name part 7
Name part 8
Name part 9
Name part 10
Name part 11
Name part 1
Nuchal crest
Name part 2
Foramen magnum
Name part 3
Occipital condyle
Name part 4
External occipital protuberance
Name part 1
Levator nasolabialis
Name part 2
Orbicularis Oculi
Name part 3
Levator anguli oculi lateralis
Name part 4
Retractor anguli oculi medialis
Name part 5
Name part 6
Orbicularis oris
Name part 1
Name part 2
Name part 3
Temporal fossa
Name part 4
Name part 5
External occipital protuberance
Name part 6
Nuchal crest
Name part 7
External sagittal crest
Name part 8
Temporal line
Name part 9
Zygomatic process of temporal
Name part 1
Name part 2
Condylar process
Name part 3
Mandibular foramen
Name part 4
Name part 5
Coronoid process
Name part 6
Mandibular notch
Name part 7
Condylar process
Name part 8
Masseteric fossa
Name part 9
Angular process
Name part 10
Caudal mental foramen
Name part 11
Middle mental foramen
Name part 12
Rostral mental foramen
Name part 1
Name part 2
Name part 3
Name part 4
Name part 1
Middle meatus
Name part 2
Dorsal meatus
Name part 3
Dorsal masal concha
Name part 4
Ventral nasal concha
Name part 5
Ventral meatus
Name part 1
Fungiform papillae
Name part 2
Filiform papillae
Name part 3
Vallate papillae
Name part 4
Lingual frenulum
Name part 5
Foliate papillae
Name part 6
Conical swelling
Name part 1
Parotid gland
Name part 2
Parotid duct
Name part 3
Zygomatic gland
Name part 4
Zygomatic duct
Name part 5
Parotid duct
Name part 6
Mandibular duct
Name part 7
Sublingual duct
Name part 8
Sublingial gland
Name part 9
Mandibular gland