Vessel embryology Flashcards
Derivatives of 1st pharyngeal arch a.
(light blue)
- a. maxillaris
- a. carotis ext.
Derivatives of 2nd pharyngeal arch a.
(light orange)
a. stapedia
Derivatives of 3rd pharyngeal arch a.
- proximally: a. carotis comm.
- distally: 1st part of a. carotis int.
Derivatives of 4th pharnygeal arch a.
- left: arcus aorticus
- right: proximal part of a. subclavia dextra
Derivatives of 6th pharyngeal arch a.
- a. pulmonalis sinistra
- ductus arteriosus Botalli
- a. pulmonalis dextra
How do the aa. coronariae develop?
- stem cells from liver migrate into heart tube
- vascular channels form peritruncal ring
- prox. portions survive → a. coronaria dex./sin.
- distally: epicardium forms remaining parts by epithelio-mesenchymal transformation
Where do the different parts of the aorta originate from?
- aorta ascendens: truncus arteriosus, aortic sac
- arcus aorticus: left 4th pharyngeal arch a.
- aorta descendens: left aorta dorsalis
Where do the aa. subclaviae originate from?
- left: left 7th a. intersegmentalis
- proximally: right 4th pharyngeal arch a.
- medially: right aorta dorsalis
- distally: right 7th a. intersegmentalis
Where do the vitelline aa. originate from?
What do they form?
Another name.
= a. omphalomesenterica
originate from aorta dorsalis
form: unpaired aortic branches
- truncus coeliacus: supplies foregut
- a. mesenterica sup.: supplies midgut
- a. mesenterica inf.: supples hindgut
Where do the aa. umbilicales originate from?
What do they form?
originate from aorta dorsalis
- a. iliaca int.
- lig. umbilicale mediale
What do the vitelline vv. form?
- hepatic sinusoids in liver
- vv. revehentes
- right: hepatic portal system = vv. advehentes, IVC hepatocardiac segment
- left: regresses
What do the vv. umbilicales form?
- right: degenerates
- cranial part degenerates
- caudal part → v. umbilica (→ lig. teres hepatis)
What is connected by the ductus venosus?
v. umbilica + IVC hepatocardiac segment
→ lig. venosum
What do the 2 vv. cardinales ant. form?
What does this structure become?
anastomosis → v. brachiocephalica
Which structures contribute to the SVC?
v. cardinalis ant. dextr. + v. cardinalis communis dextra