Vertebral column, spinal cord, and back Flashcards
total number of vertebrae
four curvatures of the spine
- Cervical curvature- concave posteriorly
- Thoracic curvature- concave anteriorly
- Lumbar curvature- concave posteriorly
- Sacral curvature- concave anteriorly

curvature of spine concave posteriorly
curvature of spine concave anteriorly
“high” curves
C5, L3
“Low” curves
T5, S2

excessive thoracic kyphosis
caused by erosion and collapse of vertebrae osteoporosis

Excessive lumbar lordosis
- weakened trunk musculature
- temporary in late pregnancy

- abnormal lateral curvature with rotation of the vertebrae
- Asymmetric weakness of intrinsic back muscles, failure of half of the vertebra to develop or difference in lower limb length

vertebral body function
strengthen vertebral column
vertebral foramen
provides passage for spinal cord, meninges, fat, spina nerve roots and vessels

articulating facet function
(2 superior and 2 inferior)
join with adjacent vertebrae and form the intervertebral foramina which gives passage to spinal nerve roots and vessels
spinous process function
provides attachment for deep back muscles
transverse process function
provides attachment for deep back muscles and ribs
- Atlas
- ring like, no spinous process or body
- connection with occipital joint allows for up and down movement of the head
- connection with Dens on C2 allows for side to side movement of head.
- Axis
- strongest cervical vertebra
- Dens projects superiorly from body and provides a pivot for atlas to turn left and right
scapular spine correlates to ________

Inferior angle of the scapula correlates to _____
T7 spinous process

Last rib corresponds with _____
T12 spinous process

Illiac crest (Tuffier’s line) correlates with _____
L4 spinous process

Posterior superior iliac spine corresponds with ____
S2 spinous process

6 ligaments of the spine
- Nuchal
- supraspinous
- interspinous
- ligamentum flava/flavum
- posterior longitudinal
- anterior longitudinal
spinal cord beinning and end point
begins in the midbrain, ends at the conus medullaris which correlates to L1 (T12-L3)
the continuation of the Pia matter is called _____
Filum terminale externum (outside of dural sac)
Filum terminale internum (within the dural sac)
number of spinal nerves
- 31 total
- 8 cervical
- C2-C7 emerge superior to corresponding pedicles
- C8 and below emerge inferior to corresponding pedicles
Spinal nerve structure
(medial to lateral)
- spinal cord (grey matter in the center, surrounded by white matter)
- dorsal root/ventral root
- roots merge to form spinal nerve
- spinal nerve splits to form dorsal rami/ventral rami
Dorsal rami supplies ______
the deep muscles of the back and skin
Ventral rami supplies _______
muscles, joints, and skin of the limbs and remainder of the trunk
dura mater
- tough, fibrous outermost covering
- separated from the vertebrae by the epidural space
- highly vascularized
- forms the spinal dural sac, which ends at S2
Arachnoid mater
- delicate, avascular membrane
- lines the dural sac, is not attached to the dura but is pressed against it by the CSF
- encloses the subarachnoid space which contains CSF, spinal nerve roots, and spinal ganglia
Pia mater
- innermost covering membrane
- directly covers the spinal cord, roots of the spinal nerves and the spinal blood vessels
- forms the denticulate ligament which helps anchor spina cord centrally
- continues as filum terminale
venous plexis
(Batson plexus)
becomes engorged during pregnancy, more common to accidentally hit it in a pegnant woman.
serratus posterior superior and inferior
innervation and actions
- innervation:
- S: 2nd and 5th intercostal nerves (anterior rami)
- I: 9th-11 intercostal nerves (anterior rami)
- action:
- proprioception for respiration
(lets us know we are breathing)
splenius capitis and splenius cervicis
innervation and action
- Innervation:
- posterior rami of the spinal nerves
- action:
- laterally flex neck and rotate head to side of active muscles.
- extends head and neck together
Innervation and action
- Innervation:
- posterior rami of spinal nerves
- Action:
- bilaterally: extends vertebral column
- unilaterally: flexes vertebral column
Suboccipital triangle
4 postural muscles of the head
innervation and action
- Rectus capitis posterior major
- Rectus capitis posterior minor
- Obliquus capitis inferior
- Obliquus capitis superior
- All innervated by:
- suboccipital nerve
- Action of all:
- head posture
suboccipital nerve
affiliated ramus and type of innervation
- posterior ramus of C1
- motor innervation
greater occipital nerve
affiliated ramus and type of innervation
- Posterior ramus of C2
- sensory innervation
Third occipital nerve
affiliated ramus and type of innervation
- Posterior ramus of C3
- sensory innervation
Lesser occipital nerve
affiliated ramus and type of innervation
- Anterior ramus of C2-C3
- sensory innervation