Verrall Flashcards
what is one aspect that has been missing from the literature on stochastic reserving?
the idea of adjusting the results based on actuarial judgment or other expert knowledge
what are two examples of situations where results may need to be adjusted?
- change in payment pattern due to a change in company policy
- legislature has enacted benefit limitations that restrict the potential for loss development
what is the problem with adjusting model results based on expert opinion?
it disrupts the assumptions underlying the stochastic model
what are two areas where expert knowledge is applied?
- BF method
- insertion of prior knowledge about individual dev. factors in the CL method
what are two important properties of Bayesian models?
- can incorporate expert knowledge
- can be easily implemented
how do Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods simulate the posterior distribution?
by breaking the process down into a number of simulations that are easy to carry out
what is a common problem with Bayesian methods?
-can be difficult to derive the posterior distribution, which may be multidimensional
how do MCMC methods make the simulation easier to work with?
they use the conditional distribution of each parameter, given all the others
what is the difference between the BF method and the CL method?
- BF method uses an external estimate for the ‘level’ of each row
- CL uses the data in each row
what is an advantage of Mack’s model?
parameter estimates and prediction errors can be obtained using a spreadsheet (simple!)
what are two disadvantages of the Mack model?
- no predictive distribution
- additional parameters must be estimated in order to calculate the variance
what is the general form of the ODP model?
- model for incremental losses
- uses a GLM approach with a log link function
what does the term “over-dispersed” (in ODP) mean?
-variance is PROPORTIONAL to the mean, NOT EQUAL to the mean
what are two disadvantages of the ODP model?
- requires column and row sums of incremental values to be positive
- hard to see the connection to the CL method in the formulation
what type of claims can the over-dispersed negative binomial model be applied to?
both incremental and cumulative claims