Brehm ch.3 Flashcards
what does implementing an IRM require beyond data collection and model running?
(Brehm ch.3)
- planning
- organizational change
- leadership
- communication
what are six organizational details of implementing IRMs that need to be addressed early on?
(Brehm ch.3)
- organization chart
- functions represented
- resource commitment
- critical roles and responsibilities
- purpose
- scope
what org chart considerations should be assessed when implementing IRMs?
(Brehm ch.3)
- modeling team reporting line
- solid line vs. dotted line reporting
what considerations about functions represented should be assessed when implementing IRMs?
(Brehm ch.3)
- reserving
- pricing
- finance
- planning
- underwriting
- risk
what resource commitment considerations should be assessed when implementing IRMs?
(Brehm ch.3)
- mix of skill set (UW, actuarial, communication, etc.)
- full time vs. part time
what critical roles and responsibilities should be assessed when implementing IRMs?
(Brehm ch.3)
- control of input parameters
- control of output data
- analyses and uses of output
what purpose consideration should be assessed when implementing IRMs?
(Brehm ch.3)
is the goal of the model to quantify variation around the plan?
what scope considerations should be assessed when implementing IRMs?
(Brehm ch.3)
- prospective UW year only or including reserves, assets, operational risks?
- low detail (whole company) or high detail (on specific segment)?
what do Brehm et. al recommend re: reporting relationship when implementing IRMs?
(Brehm ch.3)
reporting line for IRM team is less important than ensuring they report to a leader who is fair
what do Brehm et. al recommend re: resource commitment when implementing IRMs?
(Brehm ch.3)
best to transfer internal employees or hire external employees for full-time positions
what do Brehm et. al recommend re: inputs and outputs when implementing IRMs?
(Brehm ch.3)
controlled in a manner similar to that used for general ledger or reserving systems
what do Brehm et. al recommend re: initial scope when implementing IRMs?
(Brehm ch.3)
- prospective UW period
- variation around plan
what four parameter development details need to be addressed when implementing IRMs?
(Brehm ch.3)
- modeling software
- developing input parameters
- correlations
- validation and testing
what are modeling software considerations when implementing IRMs?
(Brehm ch.3)
- capabilities
- scalability
- learning curve
- integration with other systems
what are three considerations when developing input parameters to implement IRMs?
(Brehm ch.3)
- process heavily data driven
- requires expert opinion (especially with low data quality)
- many functional areas should be involved
what needs to be addressed about correlations when implementing IRMs?
(Brehm ch.3)
-LOB reps cannot set cross-line parameters -> corporate-level ownership is required
what are validation and testing considerations when implementing an IRM?
(Brehm ch.3)
- no existing IRM with which to compare
- multi-metric testing
what do the authors recommend for modeling software re: parameter development for IRMs?
(Brehm ch.3)
- compare existing vendor software with user-built options
- ensure final software choice aligns with capabilities of the IRM team
what do the authors recommend when developing input parameters for IRMs?
(Brehm ch.3)
- include product expertise from UW, claims, planning, and actuarial
- develop systematic way to capture expert opinion
what do the authors recommend when development correlation parameter details for IRMs?
(Brehm ch.3)
- have IRM team recommend correlation assumptions
- ultimately own those at the corporate level
what do the authors recommend for validating and testing IRMs?
(Brehm ch.3)
- validate and test over extended period
- provide basic education to interested parties on probabilities and statistics
what four IRM implementation details need to be addressed?
Brehm ch.3
- priority setting
- interest and impact
- pilot test
- education process
what priority setting details need to be addressed for IRM implementation?
(Brehm ch.3)
- importance of priority (company may not immediately make necessary improvements to support implementation)
- approach and style (ask vs. mandate)
- priority and timeline must be driven from the top
what interest and impact details need to be addressed for IRM implementation?
(Brehm ch.3)
-implement communication and education plans across the enterprise