Verbs (non phrasal) Flashcards
to boast
Se vanter, Se targuer
He likes to boast about his achievements at work.
to crush
He crushed the can with his hands.
The car was crushed in the accident.
She felt crushed by the pressure of her job.
to have a crush
Avoir un coup de cœur ou un béguin (informel)
I have a huge crush on her.
to dim
“atténuer”, “baisser”, ou “rendre moins lumineux”
“He dimmed the lights to create a cozy atmosphere.”
“Her excitement dimmed when she realized the project was delayed.”
“The room was lit by a dim light.”
to brighten
Éclaircir, rendre plus lumineux.
“She brightened the room by opening the curtains.”
to crave
“avoir très envie de”, “désirer ardemment”, ou “avoir un besoin intense de”
“I’m craving chocolate; I haven’t had any all week.”
“He craves attention and approval from his peers.”
“Addicts often crave the substance they are addicted to.”
to pose
“prendre une pose” pour une photo ou “poser une question” ou un problème.
“She posed for the photographer with a big smile.”
“This decision poses a serious challenge for the company.”
to hamper
“entraver”, “gêner”, ou “ralentir” une action ou un processus.
“The heavy rain hampered our progress on the hike.”
“Efforts to improve the economy were hampered by political instability.”
to wow
Impressionner, éblouir (en tant que verbe)
“The magician’s tricks wowed the audience.”
to pivot
- /ˈpɪv.ət/
Se déplacer ou faire tourner quelque chose autour d’un point fixe.
to discard
Jeter, se débarrasser de
“She discarded the broken toys.”
* /dɪsˈkɑːrd/
to mock
Se moquer de
“They mocked him for his strange accent.”
Tourner en dérision
“The critics mocked the new government policy as ineffective.”
to deem
- /diːm/
Considérer, juger, estimer
“The proposal was deemed unacceptable by the committee.”
- /diːm/
to slap
Gifler, donner une claque (littéral)
He slapped him across the face during the argument.
Appliquer ou poser brusquement (figuré)
She slapped the papers on the desk angrily.